A/N: Ok so this is my first SP fanfic. Oh and It might not make any sense so don't try and put into context with the current plot of show. (I am of course talking about the "You're Getting Old" Episode)

Disclaimer: I do not own South Park!

Chapter 1

The day started unlike any other in the small mountain town of South Park, Colorado. Kyle Broflovski stood at the bus stop beside his best friends, Stan Marsh and Kenny McCormick.

"Hey where's the fatass?" Stan asked.

"Dude. Who cares?" Kyle responded nonchalantly.

"Yeah! Screw him!" Came Kenny's muffled voice from his orange hoodie. "What has that dick face ever done for us?"

"True that, dude," said Stan.

"You guys! You guys!"

The three boys looked down the street to see the fattest kid in South Park running towards them, yelling at the top of his lungs.

"What do you want this time asshole?" Kyle asked crossing his arms.

"You guys! I just heard the most awesome thing ever!" said Eric Cartman.

"What?" mumbled Kenny.

"Kyle's family is moving to Maine!" yelled Cartman ecstatically.

"….What?" yelled Kyle.

"What the hell are you talking about Cartman?" asked Stan on the verge of annoyance. Stan was used to Cartman's bogus claims, but this was taking it a little too far.

"Yeah! I just heard it from Craig who heard it from Token who heard it from Wendy who heard it from Bebe."

"Nuh uh," Kyle said, his eyes widening.

"Yeah huh!" Cartman said.

"No way fat ass! You're making that up!"

"Shut up you stupid Jew! I told you! Craig told me that Token told him that Wendy told him that Bebe told her that Kyle's family is moving to Maine in two weeks!"

"No way! I have to go ask to my dad!" Kyle said. His friends could tell he was starting to lose it.

"Dude you can't! We have to go to school," Stan said.

"Yeah man. The bus is almost here," Kenny said putting his hand on Kyle's shoulder.

At that moment Ms. Crabtree pulled up in the bus almost running the four boys over.


"Hold on a second you stupid bitch," Stan mumbled.


"I said Lou Gehrig never could pitch."

"Oh… Right. I think so too," the oblivious bus driver said.

When the boys arrived at school Kyle immediately went and found Bebe, the supposed source of this rumor.

When Stan and Kyle approached Bebe, she was talking with her best friend and Stan's girlfriend, Wendy Testaberger.

"So then I said 'If you wanna keep making out in my basement you're gonna have to stop flipping me off Craig' but he flipped me off again so I just said 'Fuck you, Craig! Get out of my house!" Bebe said to Wendy as the boys approached them.

"Oh hey Stan!" Wendy said looking up at her boyfriend for the first time.

"Oh hey Wendy…" Stan said starting to blush.

"Oh my god get a room you two," Kyle mumbled. He then addressed Bebe. "Hey Bebe, can I talk to you about something real quick?"

"Sure Kyle. Let's leave these two pussys alone."Bebe answered leading Kyle down the hall a little.

"Bebe, the fat ass told me that Craig said that Token said that Wendy said that you said that my family was moving to Maine! Why the hell would start that kind of a rumor?" Kyle said narrowing his eyes at the curly head girl.

"I'm sorry Kyle but I didn't start that rumor," Bebe said.

"What? Who did?"

"I overheard my mom talking to your mom on the phone last night. She's the one who said you were moving."

"But… but then it's true," The young Jewish boy stammered. "Cartman wasn't just spewing bullshit."

"Sorry Kyle," The blonde said placing a comforting hand on Kyle's shoulder.

Kyle was surprised by her touch. Bebe rarely even talked to him since the incident where they played truth or dare in Stan's club house. Come to think of it, this was probably the longest conversation he had had with Bebe in over a year.

"Thanks Bebe," Kyle said walking back over to his best friend who was currently making out with Wendy against her locker. "Dude…. Dude, come on or we're gonna be late to class….. Ah screw it. I'll see you at recess Stan."

Thanks for Reading! More Chapters coming real soon!