A/N: Well, this chapter took a lot longer to write and was MUCH longer than I thought it would be lol. But anyway, here it is the last chapter of Secret Prom Date. Thank you all for sticking with the story and adding it to your favorites, it's much appreciated! Hope you enjoy!

DISCLAIMER!: I do not own Soul Eater or any of its characters.

Chapter 5:The Bedroom.

The group of kids had broken off during their walk. Girls ran ahead, all of them holding their shoes to ease the sores on their feet while they walked and talked.

"I can't believe you guys knew this entire time!" Maka said as loud as she could so the boys wouldn't hear.

"We didn't say anything because it was a SUPRISE, Maka!" Liz had to force out over laughter.

Tsubaki was mostly quiet the entire walk, probably out of shock, but she finally spoke, "But was it all bad? You did enjoy it didn't you?" Maka instantly turned red.

"Especially that kiss!" Patty yelled. Maka felt like she would die of embarrassment.

"I-I thought you weren't interested in Kid? Huh, Liz?" Maka pointed her finger at Liz, "Thought you wanted the boys to drool over you?"

"But I did have every guy drool over me, didn't I? Every guy in that room couldn't help but turn their heads, and that way I could have my fun before trying this whole monogamous thing. Plus, I like this way of grabbing Kid's attention anyway!" she fell into another fit of laughter. "Not to mention I loved help plan both of your guys' surprises!"

The boys followed them enjoying watching them laugh and yell at one another. "Turned out to be one hell of a night, didn't it?" Soul said with his hands casually stuffed in his pockets. He had long ago undone his tie and unbuttoned his jacket.

"Hell yea!" Black Star yelled, containing himself as much as was possible for him.

"I still don't know what happened back there," Kid said, "we were just dancing, then, bam!"

"Man, Kid, just accept it. Liz just came onto you, just go with it. Plus, we all know you couldn't keep your eyes off of her in that dress." Soul nudged him a few times with his elbow.

"I-I," he stuttered out, "I was looking at how asymmetrical that dress was! It needed to be fixed!" he tried to cover his embarrassment at being caught, but the blush told them everything.

"Fix it how? Ripping it up the other side? Or how about just ripping it off period?" Soul joked, but the look on Kid's face told him that he wouldn't mind getting a peak at what was underneath, at least with permission this time, list time was a fluke when he went on a rampage about a mess in the house and barged into her room while she was changing. Let's just say her got hit hard enough to rival a Reaper Chop or a Maka Chop. "Your silence answers that question." Kid couldn't defend himself.

They guys watched as the girls made it to the door and called them over. They all ran towards the house wondering what else would happen that night. None of them had any idea.

Soul made his way to the kitchen and came back with with some beer. "I thought tonight would end up great, and if not I still had beer!" Everyone laughed. Maka was usually a stiff when it came to drinking since they were all underage, but tonight she would be okay with it. Tonight, they would all enjoy themselves.

The girls first ran to Maka's room to change out of their dresses and into something more comfortable before heading into the kitchen to mix up some drinks and even Maka followed them slowly, not really knowing what to expect. The girls took everything fruity they could find and through it in a blender, while Patty searched the cupboards for some other alcohol that could be put in their drinks. She ended up finding some rum stashed up in the cupboards that Soul was hiding from her, of course, but she wouldn't let her anger take charge tonight.

After the drinks were finally done Maka reluctantly took one from Liz. She took a drink, one bigger than she should have. At first she liked it, but she then felt the sting from the alcohol deep in her throat and she started to feel sort of lightheaded. She instantly shoved the drink back at Liz, "I think I understand why I never wanted to drink this stuff. It tastes worse than it smells!"

"That doesn't surprise me, Maka," she laughed. "Here, one for courage, Tsubaki," placing a drink in her hand, "you'll show him how you feel for sure." Tsubaki took a swig and cringed at the taste, but took another anyway. You could see the nerves getting to her.

Maka then walked out into the living room ans saw the guys had huddled around the television. Kid and Black Star were both sitting on the ground, controller in hand, while Soul sat on the couch. Black Star had already pounded back a few beers, trying to show everyone that alcohol didn't affect him, and Kid had had a few himself. Soul was going slow and was only working on his second, he didn't want things to get crazy in his house, not to mention he wasn't a big drinker. Once Soul saw Maka walking into the living room he gently patted the couch next to her, offering her a seat. She slowly made her way to the couch and took her seat. "You having fun, Maka?"

She nodded slowly, "Didn't like that alcohol though, made me all lightheaded and tasted awful!"

This earned her a laugh, "Yea, doesn't seem like your thing, but are you feeling okay?" He slid his hand onto her head, "You do feel a little hot."

"No, I am okay," she tried to avert her eyes, but when she turned around she saw Liz sitting in Kid's lap having a crazy make up session. Tsubaki and Black Star were no where to be found. She started to stand up to go find them, didn't want them to be doing anything in her house! But she found that her head spun a bit when she tried, so she decided she should sit back down. "Okay, I want to know how much alcohol they put in it."

"Maka, come on let's go lay you down," he stood up and crouched down in front of her so she could climb on his back. Maka slid onto his back carefully, taking one last look at the two on the floor before nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck. Man how great her breath felt on his neck! Soul started to carry Maka to her room when he heard voices coming from behind the door and figured it would be better if he didn't disturb them. He decided to take her to his room instead.

Once he opened the doors and laid her on the bed she looked around and realized where she was, "Soul, why are we in your room?"

"Black Star and Tsubaki were talking in your room. I didn't want to disturb them, they do have a lot to talk about." Maka closed her eyes and nodded while Soul decided to sit on the floor.

"Hey Soul?" he hummed his reply, "When did you start to like me?" she covered her face with her forearms to hide her blush.

"Who knows exactly how long. I know something clicked for me the day we became partners, but after fighting side by side with you all these years I've come to realize how much I care for you. Now, I even have a scar to prove how much I care."

Maka opened her eyes and leaned over, "Soul?" he looked up at her, earning a warm kiss on his forehead. "Come here," she patted the bed next to her, and he didn't say no. "I think I've had these feelings for you for a while now too, I just don't think I ever would have admitted them to myself. I read lots of romance books, but I never thought that I would get my own mysterious romance. I also always figured that you just saw me as a stepping stone to get to the position of Death Scythe."

He snuggled in close to her and took her hand and placed it on her chest, "This is proof of my feelings, Maka."

"Soul, I never want to see you hurt like that again, especially if it's because of me. I don't think I can handle that."

"Don't worry about it Maka, I will always protect you." Maka soon became bold. She leaned in and pressed her lips forcefully, but awkwardly, against his. He broke the kiss and leaned in close, "I love you, Maka," he whispered into her ear causing a wave of goosebumps to roll over her delicate skin.

"I-I, I love you too Soul," her voice came out rushed as she still felt his warm breath on her neck. Her head swirled more and more as her body got hot. And though she had no idea what was happening with her body, she felt like it was telling her to get closer to him. She needed to feel him. Small strong hands soon found their way to the edge of Soul's shirt slowly curving under it to feel his warm skin. As her hands moved upwards, her fingers found the scar that crossed his torso, causing his breath to catch. As he looked down into her eyes, he could tell that they were asking for his shirt to be gone and he couldn't help but comply.

His skin was a golden color except the light skin that crossed where his scar was. Her fingers traced it lightly causing goosebumps to run up Soul's body. Gaining courage once again, Maka leaned in and placed a line of kisses across his scar and then up his neck. The male's arms wrapped themselves around her body pulling her in close. He placed his own kisses along her neck, causing the blond in his arms to make small whimpers. He could feel the hormones running wild through his veins and the blood beginning to pulse in his pants. "Maka, I don't think I can hold myself back if I get any further," his hands released her, "Lay down Maka, get some sleep. I'll go sleep on the couch, so you can sleep here."

As he stood up he felt a tug and turned around to see Maka had grabbed onto his pants, "Please don't leave."

Soul could see the hint of lust behind her eyes, "Maka, I don't want to take advantage of you, especially in the state you are in."

"I feel fine, my head is swirling, but now i-it's," she averted her eyes, "it's because of you, my body feels all warm...and I think I want to feel more." That was the last straw, Soul could no longer force himself to walk out that door. He gently sat back on the bed and pulled her face back to his for a passionate kiss. Her hands slowly traced their way up his chest and soon snaked their way around his neck. Taking her lead, Soul took his hand and placed them on her lower back rubbing them in small circles before sneaking them under the hem of her shirt to touch her bare skin. Her skin was so soft to his touch and her could feel her skin tingle under his touch. His hands continued to rub her back but soon came around to the front and began to unbutton her shirt. The kiss broke as they needed air and Maka stared into to his eyes as he slipped her shirt down over her shoulders and tossed it somewhere on the floor.

He relished at the sight. Her body had grown fuller over the years and though her breasts still were not large they were perfect for her figure. "You're so beautiful, Maka," he leaned down and kissed her collarbone, sucking the skin softly. His kisses moved down her neck and chest, sucking occasionally to mark her as his. Her voice called to him softly as she felt his hands drift under her bra squeezing her breasts softly. Wanting to see them he tried to figure out her bra, it took him a minute, but was eventually able to slip it off, it too was tossed somewhere on the floor. He felt the tightness in his pants become very uncomfortable at the sight of Maka, sitting in front of him, half naked.

Maka could feel her body tense up as he sat and stared at her, she was so self conscious in that moment. But all her fears went out the window as his warm hands were placed delicately on each of her breasts. He pressed her nipples between his fingers and her back arched into his hands. His hands worked wonders, and she felt her body get hotter and hotter while her pants became wet. His hands moved wonderfully making her give out little noises, each of which seemed to spur him on. To make things easier on himself, Soul slipped his hands under her and lifted her into his lap. With the new found opportunity, he took on of her nipples into his mouth. This surprising new sensation caused Maka's body to lunge, rubbing her warmth on the bulge in his pants.

Soul's voice was muffled by the nipple in his mouth, but he could still be heard loud and clear. Taking the hint, Maka gently rubbed her hips into his earning more moans from the white haired boy beneath her. Now she understood why he seemed to like her cried so much. Once she heard his calls she could feel the warmth between her legs grow. "Maka, you have to stop," he groaned out, "if you keep going I won't be able to hold myself back, I'll attack you."

"You know you won't hurt me Soul," she said running her hands through his hair, "so you don't have to hold back, s-s" she paused, "s-show me how much you love me, Soul."

That was the last straw, he pressed her down onto the bed, taking his place on top of her. His lust could be seen in his eyes as he slid down her body. His hands found her pants, and he awkwardly fumbled with the buttons. Eventually, he was successful and he slid off her pants taking her underwear along as well. "Damn, did I tell you that your beautiful?" he said looking down at her. She nodded. "Are you sure that you want to go on? We can stop here, we just started dating Maka."

She pressed her finger to his lips to quiet him, "Sure, we have only been dating for a few hours, but we have been side by side for years, Soul. We are one step away from being the closest anyone can ever possibly be. I want to feel you, to get to know the more personal side of you. Let's learn more about each other, together."

Soul now knew this was what Maka wanted and was not going to stop again. He slowly slid down her body to place himself between her legs. He kissed her warmth gently before lightly running his tongue over her soft folds. Her breathing became faster as he back arched to meet his mouth. Smiling, Soul began to explore her core, sliding his tongue in and out. As he roamed her folds, he found a spot that made her cry out, and he assumed it was her pearl. He took it in his mouth and gave a strong suck before lightly bitting down with his sharp teeth. She had to fight down her voice as she almost screamed, she didn't want anyone to hear her.

Soul continued his attack with his tongue, but once he found she was wet enough he slowly pressed one finger into her entrance. She had a somewhat pained face, so he moved it slow at first, but once her hips began to rock he sped up and even added another finger. He loved hearing her voice as he thrust his fingers inside of her, moving them around to stretch her. Once he decided she was stretched enough, he pulled his fingers out making Maka whine in protest. He stood up with a slight chuckle at her protest as he began to take his pants off. The moment his length was exposed from his pants Maka felt some of the nerves hit her. Soul saw her sort of tense up at the sight, "It's okay Maka, I will take it slow, I promise." With that he pressed the head of his shaft against her wet folds and took a moment to find the opening. Once found, he leaned down and took her lips with his as he pushed his head into her slowly.

Maka's nails dug into Soul's back as the pain of him entering her overwhelmed her senses. He stopped as the head was inside her fully so she could relax. Their kiss continued until Soul felt her walls give way and her nails retract from his skin. He pushed forward again until he reached her barrier, "Maka, are you ready?" She nodded and once again took his lips. With one quick thrust Soul broke her barrier causing Maka to cry a muffled yell into the kiss. He felt her walls tighten once again and she bit down onto Soul's lip. Soul once again waited for her to relax before pulling out and entering her slowly.

As the thrusts continued, Maka's face began to relax and she released his lip with a small cry of pleasure. Wanting to hear more of her cries, the white haired boy began to thrust harder and deeper into the blond under him. Maka soon found her hips moving at their own will to meet his, causing Soul's mouth to curve into a smirk. He moved his hips faster and pushed in deeper making Maka scream in pleasure not caring anymore if anyone was going to hear her. The faster thrusts felt amazing, but Soul could no longer hold himself back. With a few final thrusts Soul pulled out and released his seed onto Maka.

She had to admit it was a strange warm feeling having his seed all over her body, but it was a good strange feeling. The two collapsed beside each other kissing again. When their skin touched, Soul cringed at the feeling of the slimy seed on his lovers stomach and immediately leaned over the edge of the bed to grab a piece of dirty clothing and used it to clean her up. "Now come here," she laughed and cuddled up next to him, both soon drifting off to sleep.

The next morning was wonderful. Soul had woken up before Maka, which was virtually impossible, and was able to see her in her unguarded sleeping form. He watched for a while before she woke up, smiling once she saw him. "Why are you up before me?"

He shrugged, "Maybe my body knew I'd see you asleep."

She began to stretch as it hit her, "Is everyone still here?" he shrugged, "Maybe I should get back to my room so not so many questions will be raised." Soul wanted to stop her, but knew that once she was set on something it would take a lot to stop her. She dressed quickly and exited the room quietly. Soul soon decided to dress as well.

As she reached her door and was about to open it, the knob turned and there stood a naked Black Star. A loud scream could be heard as she hit him over the head hard before turning around. "What are you doing in my room, naked?" Soul had shown up then, but soon left to avoid the crossfire.

"Me and Tsubaki were talking and you know..." he tried to explain.

"No! You stop there, go put some clothes on and leave me house! Now!" he did as he was told.

As Soul entered the living room he found Kid and Liz passed out on the couch. Both were missing pieces of clothes and had disheveled hair, it took no genius to know what they had done. He kick Kid hard, "Hey you better get out of here before Maka sees you and kills you," he said, but it was too late, Maka just came around the corner. Once again, she screamed throwing anything she could get a hold of. The two on the couch quickly jumped up, threw on some clothes and ran out the door, followed by Black Star and a very red Tsubaki.

"Soul?" she called.

"Yea, Maka?" he asked coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her tight and pulling the random things out of her hands.

"Will you help me burn my sheets and the couch too?"

He laughed, "Yea, okay, but first...one more round?" she turned and hit him once, before he took her lips again and all the fight left her.

The End.

A/N: And there it is, and hopefully it was better paced and not rushed than my first story.

Also, thank you QuilavaKing for the idea of Black Star, not exactly what you said, but I thought it was a good note to leave this story on!

Please look out for new stories to come!