

Huntik Foundation's basis

They had come back yesterday evening. Three months had stood between them and their home and they had finally reached it. Well, at least it was Dante's and the others' home. Zhalia still had to build her new home up or better, to get used to her new home.

Zhalia sat in the garden. They had taken off in winter and now it was early summer. The landscape had changed from grey to green while they had been away. It was a warm summer night and it looked as if it was going to rain soon. She let her fingers float over the grass. Yes, here it was. This was the place where she had buried her daggers months ago. She took out the small shovel and started digging.

After some minutes she hit upon a small wooden casket. A smile slit across her face as she opened it. There they were. Two daggers shrouded in a scarf. They looked antique but the blades were still sharp as razors. A sign of good quality.

She suddenly heard steps from behind her. She was able to tell it was Dante. The steps were silent, but self-confident. She didn't need to turn around to know that he was standing behind her but he didn't say a word.

`You know, I feel like I'm finally complete. I lost a part of me when my parents died and no one cared for me, and I lost my past and also myself when I became Kayla. But this journey gave me a new family that will access the empty whole my parents left. I buried my past with those daggers half year ago, when I became Kayla, and now I unearth it again because I can now combine Kayla and Zhalia. And now I have my past, myself and a family back´, she said calm, ` And that is an indescribable feeling´.

As he sat down beside her, she felt tiny raindrops dripping down on her pale skin. She looked up and saw how some of the blinking and sparkling stars were covered by grey clouds. They sat silent for a few moments and watched how the rain started to take over the heaven and listened to the raindrops dripping down on the water surface of the pond.

`You know, before I met you, my life was already settled. I would be leader of the Foundation living here at the Basis. But I don't know if I still want this. Those past months showed me which fortunes a team brings. And I want to enjoy them farther. I want to be a team-leader, not knowing what mission awaits us tomorrow or where we'll go. I want to be free… And I want you to be part of this future´, Dante whispered and kissed the back of her hand.

Zhalia looked at him, the rain was dripping from his auburn hair and his gaze was focused on her fingers with which he was playing.

`What makes you think I would want that? ´, she said with a slight smile. He chuckled at her answer.

`Well, I think future sitting in this Foundation Basis day by day, living here and growing old here wouldn't fit your way of living and thinking´, he smiled and put a strand of her hair behind her ear.

`Ok, that's true you got me. But it is also much simpler than that´, she laughed.

`Is it? ´, Dante asked.

`Yes, it is. Such a future wouldn't be an alternative because I'd want to be near you and sitting at this Basis day by day while you're away with your team would just mess me up!´, she admitted.

`Ah, that's of cause understandable. No one woman would want to sit here alone, while I'm gone…´, Dante said jokingly but was cut off by her. She poked his ribs with her elbow at this comment.

`Oh shut up´, she managed to say before he caught her in a passionate and tensioned, long kiss while the rain was still falling down…

Hey guys,

It's finally done…

For the last time I want to ask you for reviewing this story. It would be great for me to know what you finally think of my first story.

I want to apologise once again for long waiting periods between chapters.

And finally I want to thank everyone who has read and reviewed my story. I had so much fun writing it and I hope that you had twice as much fun reading it. As I said, this is/was my first FanFictionStory and I want to thank everyone for considering that.

Please review a last time to make me happy…(=

Yours deeply grateful
