Good day everyone! I am back with a new story~ my first multi-chapter one at that. ;) Anyways, I've been thinking of doing a multi-chapter story for a while now and I finally came up with this. It's not the first multi-chapter story that I've ever done but it will be the first that has been posted by me and that hopefully will be completed. I hope you all enjoy and will help me out with this story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia, or any of its characters.

Warnings: Foul language, perverse minds, mild violence, malexmale love, and sexual references and situations. DON'T LIKE DON'T READ!



Enjoi! (^_^)/


"Mmm…that was good," I say with a smile while walking out of the restaurant into the snow.

"Yeah…" I hear Francis say softly as he walks beside me, heading to his car parked on the street.

"Aah, what's wrong love?" I asked him, my brows knitting together. He doesn't answer though, just keeps walking to the car that's about ten feet away now.

Taking his hand, I force him to stop and look back at me. We stare at each other quietly for a moment, my eyes telling him I want an answer.

"Seriously, Francis, what's the matter?" I question staring up at his impassive face.

"Nothing, let's just get you home, Cher," he tries to convince me with a smile, but I can see through it.

"No it's not nothing! You've been acting strange all day…" I retort with concern in my voice. I watch regret flash in his deep blue eyes as the snow falls around us in silence. He runs his hand through his silky blond hair that's only a shade lighter than my own and I see the fog from the sigh he just let out.

"Arthur…I…I've been thinking," He starts, "and…I want to break up," he finished looking to the side.

Shocked beyond words, I stood there as he slowly unlaced his fingers from mine. His voice was soft and caring, but no remorse showed on that beautiful face.

"W-Why…?" I stuttered out, the wind tousling my hair and seeping through my thin green sweater. I just noticed how cold it really is this Christmas Eve.

Francis faced me again before speaking,"Look, Cher, with you being so clingy and all…I just need my space right now. And, I thought I was ready for a commitment, but… I'm not, okay…"

"What? Francis, what the hell are you talking about?" I nearly screamed, hurt and confusion in my voice. 'I'm not clingy.'

"…Are you tired of me, is that it?" I said more than asked, my forest green eyes dulling. He confirmed with his silence. A frown found its way onto my face and I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

I was pissed. I wanted to punch him, to yell at him, to have this all be a joke. I wanted to have him embrace me and say he was kidding, to say I wasn't a fool for loving him, and that I shouldn't feel stupid. But none of that happened.

Through my blurred vision I watched as he reached out to wipe away the tears streaming down my face, but smacked his hand away.

"Mon Cher, don't be like this-"

"Don't call me that." I ground out with a glare.

"Fine then, Arthur, let's just get you home," he said in an irritated voice.

"Don't bother, I can get there on my own, it's not far," I say shrugging off the hand he put on my shoulder. I turned around and began walking away.

"Merci! Arthur just calm down it's not that serious-" he began to yell before I whirled around and cut him off.

"Not that serious? I fucking love you! And you're saying it's not that serious?" He flinched, a slight frown on his face, but said nothing. We stood there in silence for what seemed like forever before he once again spoke.

"I truly am sorry, Arthur," he sighed softly.

"Hmph, no you aren't, because if you were you wouldn't be doing this on got damn Christmas Eve! You wouldn't be telling me any of this shit!...But it doesn't matter, I should have known it was too good to be true...goodbye, Francis," I whispered just loud enough for him to hear. Turning, a tear rolling down my cheek, I took one last glance at the man I love, and headed home, the snow still silently falling around us.

I listened as he walked to his car, started it, and drove off slowly in the opposite direction. When I couldn't hear him anymore, everything really hit me and my tears flowed endlessly down my cheeks. I walked on, rounding the corner of a building two streets away from my house.

'Why did this have to happen? Does love really hate me that much? Was all that love-talk from Francis a lie….?' I thought to myself as I walked with my head down. My head was pounding with all these questions going through my mind. The last thought made me stop dead in my tracks and I leaned against some random building pondering this. The possibility scared me and I slid to the ground pitifully.

The wind began to pick up and I remembered I had left my coat in Francis' car, as I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around myself. 'Why the hell am I sitting here crying like a baby? My house isn't even a mile away…' I thought, but I knew why I didn't get up to continue home. Being at home would just remind me of how alone I really am now.

Pulling my legs closer to my body I lay my head on my knees and let whatever tears I had left glide from my dull orbs. I sat like that for about 10 minutes it felt far longer to me, though, when suddenly I felt something warm draped over me.

Looking up, I gazed, mesmerized, into stunning ruby red eyes. They were beautiful, yet slightly scary in a way. Picking my head up from my knees I noted why this man's eyes looked so abnormal. The silverfish-white hair atop his head and the eyes clued me in that he was albino, but of what race I could not guess.

"Well, can you stand?" the man asked in a sort of gruff voice. He didn't wait for an answer though, and hauled me into his arms bridal style.

"H-Hey! What are you doing?" I yelped trying to get out of his hold. My feeble attempts to free myself were of no use as his hold was firm as he began to carry me down the street. I blushed and hid my head in his chest as we passed a couple of people on the street that were looking at us.

"Wuz it loo' lie idiot, 'm gettin' ya help," he slurred. Peering up to his face from my place against his warm chest, I noticed the pink tint to his cheeks.

'God, I'm being taken away by a drunk man and I can't even defend myself!' I thought, my body too numb from the cold to do much resisting. 'I knew I should have just gone home.'

"You stay 'round here?" my captor questioned, snapping me out of my thoughts. Glancing around, I nodded, we were on my street.

"Uh, yeah, third house on the right," I told him. 'Great, if I can just get in my house I'll be away from this guy.'

"Key." He commanded as he made his way up the steps to the porch. I was amazed he didn't so much as stumble with me trying to get my keys from my pocket.

As soon as they left my pocket, the keys were in my captor's hands unlocking the door. How can he be so precise in his drunken state! Walking in the house and closing the door with his foot, he looked down at me expectantly.

"End of the hall on the left…" I stated quietly and strangely calm. He nodded and headed to my bedroom. Once there he placed me on my bed, then grabbed the hem of my shirt and started to take it off along with the jacket on my shoulders.

"What the hell are you doing?" I screeched trying to remove his hands from my clothes. I was almost successful until he grabbed my wrists and forced me onto my back, my wrists pinned to the sides of my head. I glared at him.

"Sitting outside in that snow almost got you frostbite, now I need to get you out of these wet ass clothes and get you warm so stop struggling," he said in a gentle but stern tone. For some reason it calmed me and I let him continue stripping me as if I were a child.

"Than's, 'cus the aweso' me doesn't figh' sick people, tha's for sissies," the guy said as he stripped me down to my boxers and placed me under the covers. After that, I watched silently as he too stripped to his boxers as well and crawled in bed beside me. He wrapped his arms around my chilled body and promptly fell asleep.

As I lay comfortably in this man's arms, I wondered just what the bloody hell my life was coming to. An unconscious comforting squeeze and the pull of my body closer to his warmth made me decide that worrying could wait 'til tomorrow.

And with that, I too fell asleep…

Okay so yeah, how was it? Should I continue or try out different plot? Let me know! Constructive criticism welcome!

Oh, and I know you're like 'who the heck would tell a stranger where their house is' and all that other stuff but this is my story and that's just how it is so don't complain to me about that please. My friend already talked to me about it and I'm keeping it that way...


Yuffi (^_^)/