Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter but I do own additional characters.

Here is a story that I came up with, I hope you enjoy it. Please Review and tell me what you think.

Growling I continued thrusting into the body beneath me. I didn't know who it was and I didn't care. All this person was to me was a hole for me to use as I tried to find my angel again. Grinding my teeth together as I came deep within the whore beneath me before quickly getting up and pulling my jeans up and leaving. I made my way quickly out of the whore house and down the alley, making sure my glamour was still in place as I made my way out into the crowded street.

I slipped in and out of people as I pulled my coat closer, I kept my eyes down since they were the only thing that I could hide behind my glamour. My emerald green eyes refuse to change color and ever since I killed Voldemort it has gotten worse. Everyone wanted to talk to me, touch me, and be with me just for the fame of being with or around the Boy or man who lived. There was not a single person I wanted to be with except for my angel and he wanted nothing to do me. He went as far as to go into hiding to avoid me.

Getting to a subtle area I quickly apparated home and quickly headed toward the shower. I felt disgusted with myself as I thought about my angel. My perfect innocent angel.

I didn't want to be dirty when I found him again and when I did, I'd never let him go again. I'd never let my angel leave me again. I had been looking for my angel for four years now and have found no trace of you, the pain and anger isn't something I could describe. To have hoped that this time I'd find my angel only to be shot down with nothing at all.

Shutting off the shower, I walked into my room to see a ministry owl sitting on my table with a letter, and not any old letter. A ministry letter.