Amaterasu sat on the soft ground of the Celestial Plain, watching the other twelve gods converse in a nervous chatter, a few arguments breaking out, but nothing major. She knew they were upset, and for good reason.

Finally, a thundering roar interrupted the gods, and Gekigami stood up, casting his eyes around the room. "It is time for Amaterasu to speak," he rumbled before sitting down again. The wolf goddess dipped her head at Gekigami before speaking.

"As you all know, Nippon is… changing. For better or for worse, I do not know, but the people… they are beginning to lose their faith in us." She began "And the Celestial Envoys… they are doing their job but…" she trailed off. The dragon god, Yomigami, sighed.

"Though centuries have passed since the defeat of Orochi, I thought their faith would not grow doubtful."

"That is what we all thought, Yomigami." Amaterasu said. "And without their belief, we will… and probably already have begun to fade." Scared talk broke out again, and Amaterasu waited for them to settle down.

"What are we to do, Amaterasu?" Yomigami asked after a moment. "As gods, we cannot just fade. The world will be plunged into darkness again," Moegami stretched his neck and wings, before suggesting,

"What if we took on a different form, and represented something else?"

Amaterasu regarded Moegami with a nod. "I had something like that in mind." Bakugami scraped his hoof against the ground.

"Take on a different form?" Gekigami tilted his head.

"Amaterasu, how are we to represent something without fading? All things fade." A somber smile placed itself on Amaterasu's lips.

"Things do not fade easily in the memory in people. That is how we are still around even now, after all."

"That is true." Gekigami said with a slight nod. "But, even then… what could we represent that could not fade in such a way?"

Amaterasu flicked her tail. "I have traveled some to the places the people have been going. Other countries. The people believe in their country as much as the people of Nippon believed in us. If we were to represent these countries, we would not fade." Nuregami stopped from attempting to break out of her flask to look at Amaterasu.

"What if the country we represent becomes more than one thing? What are we to do then?" Amaterasu looked down.

"I am not sure."

Moegami narrowed his eyes. "What if we cannot find a place to represent? I am a god of fire, and therefore do not want to represent a country whose people are like ice."

"I'm sure something will arise, Moegami," Nuregami said, attempting to comfort him. Itegami snorted at Moegami.

"You don't have to represent that, Moegami. I would rather take that, as it suits me, and not you." Amaterasu sighed.

"Moegami, I understand. But… do not wait too long, or you will cease to exist," The fire god nodded.

"I shall not allow that to happen. A world without fire is a world without passion or freedom… a future which I cannot allow."

Yomigami looked at Amaterasu. "However, we cannot stick to the strong belief we shall represent the only countries in this world. What shall we do if new nations arise?"

The wolf goddess pondered for a moment. "Perhaps we choose normal people to represent them?"

"What if, when a new nation is created, a human personification is born, and lasts until the country crumbles. That way, a nation will not have to wait for us to pass judgment. A human could be naturally created, perfectly mended to represent the people in every way." Amaterasu nodded.

"That is a wonderful idea, Yomigami."

Moegami nodded slowly, before pausing. "If we are to represent nations... Would that mean we would break apart from a united rule under you, causing us to become a somewhat more... changed individual? And, are we to contact each other? For if we contacted, it could lead to our secret being released…"

"Yes, Moegami, that probably sounds like what the outcome will be. You will change in some ways, most likely becoming more human. And, I think that it would be best not to contact each other for a long time after this, to not arouse any suspicion from the humans or new nations."

Amaterasu sighed. "But, perhaps we could meet up with one another after some time. We can only wait and see what fate has in store for us after this."

Moegami bowed his head. "Becoming more… human?" he repeated. Amaterasu nodded.


Moegami raised his head, "... I will not fail this task... Also, we shall meet again in the near or distant future... when this world needs us most, or one of us slips out of line. After all, if we receive human bodies, we might do some strange things. We are not used to human brains, and their functions."

"That is true," Amaterasu said.

An uncomfortable pause passed, until Tachigami broke it.

"When should we leave to do this, then?"

Amaterasu sighed. "I am not sure. Soon, though." She sat down, and then nodded her head. "This meeting is over."

With that, the gods separated, talking about what they were going to do. Moegami approached Amaterasu, looking down upon the white wolf, and with a sigh, said, "Alas, the world does not have a place where fiery passion lurks. I will remain here." Amaterasu bowed her head.

"That is fine, Moegami." After a moment, Amaterasu sighed. "…I hope the other gods do not mind, but I wish to stay here. Too much as happened to me in this place. I cannot bear to leave it." The phoenix god seemed to smile.

"It is fine, Amaterasu."

The two gods sat there in silence, before Moegami began to speak again. "If we are to become human… and represent their nations, will we have to join in their fighting? I do not wish to go against my fellow gods…" Amaterasu shook her head slowly.

"Neither do I, but... I sense that we will have too. Humans… they fight over suck trivial things."

Moegami smirked. "Ah, but we will become like them soon enough." Amaterasu chuckled.

"That is true."

Moegami sighed. "But on the subject of finding a nation… this world isn't designed to have a perfect host nation for myself. A nation where hearts are set aflame with passion for justice... There isn't much of that in our world, so we must pray one arrives soon..." He glanced at Amaterasu, "However, I will stay here and protect Nippon until something of interest appears. As long as my soul is bonded here, I shall not fade that fast... But if we break apart, the process shall speed."

Amaterasu flicked her tail. "I hope they will be fine, then... and that wherever they go suits them, if that is the case."

"The world revolves around the things they represent, Amaterasu. They, however, do not function on mine. Our fellows will be fine, and find a perfect host." The wolf goddess nodded, but her look grew concerned.

"Moegami, for your sake, I hope you find a nation that you may live in. I do not wish to lose a god." She chuckled bitterly. "I believe I have died myself once. I saw it happen, actually. It didn't seem fun."

"I can easily believe."

A few more moments passed in silence, and Amaterasu began to draw with her tail. The phoenix sighed, "... I hope one day, we'll all be reunited." Amaterasu nodded.

"As do I, Moegami. But even we the gods cannot control fate." Moegami glanced at Amaterasu, "But if that is a law by which we must obey, our chances of meeting once more increase greatly."

The white wolf chuckled. "That is possible. I hope it is true."

Moegami puffed out his wings "We can only dream Amaterasu, Mother to us all forever, and eternally." With that, he set himself soaring into the jaded clouds of Nippon, gazing at the building nation below.

A/N: AUUGH. ALRIGHT. DONE. I feel rather bad as I took half of this from a RP me and a friend (who has been helping me with this story so much, thank you Madfoxs) had. She said I should use the stuff though, so I did. :D

And before you ask: 'What kind of crossover is this?' I will answer you. It is a crossover between Hetalia and Okami. Oh yeah, I went there.

Anyways… you people out there! Yes you! I'd like to see you try to guess who's gonna be who! More gods will appear in… probably the next chapter, and we will find out who they all are. But… still, take a guess. :3 *evil laugh*

Also, reviews are amazing.


A/N of A/N: That shady 'Madfoxs' here. If you've read the original file, you may have noticed some... *cough*.. 'paragraph issues'. I, however, and gone in and made them less apparent. You may all bow down, and worship me~
