Title: Russia's a Demon?

Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel and mentions of Britain, America and Russia so far, but there will be more in the future.

Warnings: So far, nothing. There might be some mild language in the future though, thus the rating.

Summery: Sam shows Castiel his favorite anime series and Castiel decides one of the characters is possessed by a demon. But how can an entire country be a demon and how?

A/N: Hello again, I was browsing the Supernatural crossovers section and realized there is a shortage of Supernatural/ Hetalia Axis Powers crossovers. I decided to help, if this can be called help. I came up with this in the shower :P Anyway, I hope you enjoy and I would appreciate feedback on it, if anyone reads it. I really enjoy feed back. You've no clue how happy that makes me. I kind of sound creepy now. Enjoy! (Or not, its your choice, I guess)

Dean woke up to an obnoxious song coming from the sitting room in their tiny motel room. Instead of investigating it, he opted to roll over and cover his head with the pillow, groaning.

Marukaite chikyuu~

He squeezed his eyes shut and pushed the pillow on his head harder.

Marukaite chikyuu~

Marukaite chikyuu~

He rolled over again, stealing the other pillow and trying to smash it into his ear.

Boku Hetalia!~

"Sam! Shut that off!" He sat up and leveled a glare at his brother and Castiel, who were sitting at the table. Castiel let off an uncharacteristic giggle which made Dean forget his anger and get up, curiously floating over to see what they were watching.

Sam had the laptop on and was lounging; long legs outstretched, smiling at what they were watching on the laptop. Castiel was sitting slightly relaxed in a chair next to him. He was grinning widely at whatever was on the laptop screen. He looked up to Dean, muttering a "good morning" to him before he once again erupted into a giggling fit.

"What are you watching that's so funny?" Dean asked, looked over Sam's shoulder at the screen. He was surprised to see it was some sort of cartoon. the little characters were quarreling on the screen over something or other, bright yellow subtitles scrolled on the bottom as the characters yammered on in some odd language.

"Axis Powers Hetalia. Sorry about waking you up, I only have one pair of headphones and Castiel wanted to watch." He motioned at the angel in question. He was now leaning forward slightly, immersed in his cartoon. Dean raised an eyebrow at this.

"Cas wanted to watch cartoons?" He asked, trying and failing to read the fast moving subtitles.

"Yeah, I was surprised too! He caught me watching it earlier this morning, and has been watching it since." Sam laughed, as Dean situated himself so he could see the screen better. From what he could make out, the little blonde dude with the eyebrows was drunk and the other blonde dude with the glasses and a flight jacket was finding it funny.

"What's this about anyway?"

Castiel answered this question for Dean, never removing his eyes from the screen. "The countries have become personified. At the moment Britain is trying to get information from America by intoxicating him. It is not working. It only served to get Britain drunk and confuse him about his religious standing." After his explanation, he became quiet again, immersed in his show.

"Oh…" Dean was still slightly confused, and looked to Sam for answers, who shrugged.

"It's about history. Something you don't care much about." He smirked at Dean, as Castiel erupted into more giggling fits.

"Yeah, you're right, I don't care. You girls enjoy your show. I'm gonna take a shower." He closed the bathroom door just in time to hear Cas stop giggling and bug Sam to put another show on. After he was squeaky clean, he left the shower to towel off. His ears immediately caught sound of Castiel yelling something. He pressed his ear to the wood of the door, listening, and then flinching back when Cas' loud voice sounded again.

"RUSSIA IS A DEMON!" He screamed as loud as he could. Dean could vaguely hear Sam trying to calm Cas down, saying things like "It's not real." And "Calm down, Russia's not a real character!" Cas completely ignored him. He screamed some more things about Russia being a demon and another thing about Russia owning the portal to Hell. Dean didn't entirely believe Cas about the Hell portal thing, but he checked Russia off his mental list of places to visit, just to be safe.

Dean hung back in the bathroom, deciding whether he should help Sam, or hide and pretend to be otherwise occupied. His thoughts were interrupted by Sam's desperate "Dean!" and a crash signifying something had either been smashed, thrown or knocked over. Overwhelmed with the sudden worry that Sam might have been that something, he threw the bathroom door open, wrapped in nothing but a towel and greeted by Sam looking very upset, cradling his laptop that was now sporting a cracked screen and Cas standing amongst the remains of a shattered table, now apparently having recovered from his panic attack.

Dean slowly walked towards Cas, who now was looking guiltily at the remains of the table. "You done freaking out?" He asked, giving Sam the "shut up until I say so", who was about to say something about his broken laptop.

"Yes. I am sorry." Cas answered, looking around at the broken pieces of table, then to Sam. "I'm sorry I broke your laptop." He said, he didn't see the point in apologizing for the table, it wasn't theirs anyway.

Sam frowned, he wasn't going to forgive Castiel for breaking his laptop just yet. "Don't do that ever again! And I'm never letting you watch Axis Powers again either." He almost felt guilty at the hurt look Castiel gave him, but it was his fault. He broke his precious laptop.

"Why'd you get so worked up over a freaking cartoon, anyway?" Dean asked, kicking pieces of table out of the way, to sit down at one of the chairs that had made it out of the ordeal surprisingly scar free.

"I believe Russia is a demon." Castiel deadpanned, and Sam rolled his eyes. Muttering something about it not being real. "I want to go investigate the matter."

"How can all of Russia be a demon, Cas?" Dean asked, attempting to reason with the upset angel and not laugh at the same time.

"Not all of Russia. Russia." Cas corrected, earning confused looks from both the Winchesters.

"What do you mean…?" Sam asked, looking to Dean and realizing his brother was wearing nothing but a towel. "Go get some clothes on, Dean! Geez!"

"I don't have time to discuss the matter." Castiel informed them, making his way through the table bits. "I will investigate and let you know my findings." Castiel was gone then, the only evidence he was even there was the shattered table and Sam's poor, poor laptop, which he was now trying to get to turn


Next chap won't be up until after next week because I have summer camp to go to! YAY! I'll see if I can't fit another chapter in before then though, if not, good bye for now!