Author's note: It's funny when I thought I was done with chapter stories, I surprise myself and got enough creativity to write more. :) Anyways, how I plan to work this fic out is have a chapter from Hermione's POV and then Draco's POV. Or I just may put them in the same chapter. We'll see how it goes. Also I'm used to working in 3rd person, so bare with me.

Disclaimer: I obviously do not own anything. I merely borrow characters and twist them into random plots.

Chapter One:

You Don't Fool Me

Hermione's POV

I opened my eyes slowly. Despite how groggy I felt I took in my surroundings. The walls were a dark grey with a white boarder to accent it. As I opened my eyes more, I discovered just how spacious the room truly was. The furniture was mahogany and expensive. All-in-all, it was a gorgeous room.

But the thing that was really nagging me the most was that I couldn't recall where I was. This room was new to me. Where was I?

Just as I asked myself that question, the large wooden double doors opened. I held my breath as I watched the doors. Had I been kidnapped? But if I had why was I in such an ostentatious bedroom? I quickly looked to my left and saw my wand sitting on the side table. I grabbed it and firmly gripped it in my right hand under the comforter.

I can't be a prisoner if I have my wand. Then what was going on? If I can't remember where I am, I couldn't have come willingly, could I? As I thought about this, the doors had finally opened and revealed Draco Malfoy carrying a tray. I raised an eyebrow at this.

"Good, you're up. You realize you're a bear when I try to wake you up, don't you?" He asked with a smile as he continued to walk towards me.

I didn't say anything. I couldn't say anything. I was in Draco Malfoy's house, in his bedroom no less. Did anyone know I was here with him? This couldn't be happening.

"Well I brought you breakfast," he said setting the tray upon my legs.

I looked down at the tray. The food looked delicious, but should I trust him? Why am I even considering this? Why am I trying not to escape? For all I know he could have drugged me or stupefied me last night and then oblivated me. I gripped my wand quickly for reassurance.

"Hermione? Are you ok, love? Is this just a side effect or something? Or are you mad at me for something?" He asked as his blond eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Side effect? Of what exactly! What drug did you slip me? Or did you stupefy me? Why would you want to kidnap me, Malfoy?" I said in a rush as I quickly moved the tray and stood up.

Draco held up his hands to me in surrender.

"Hermione, love, what's wrong? Are your hormones going nuts again? Why do you think I kidnapped you?" He asked taking a few steps back.

"Do you think I'm daft, Malfoy? You and I both know why you would kidnap me. Stop it with the pet names, they won't help in this situation! And what the bloody hell are you talking about my hormones for? That is none of your business!" I said pointing my wand at him.

"Hermione, call down please. And I believe your hormones are quite my business considering you are carrying my child," he said slowly walking towards me.

I'm carrying his what! This has to be some sick joke. I have to be dreaming. Or, he couldn't have done that.

"You raped me! How long have I been here, Malfoy? Was this part of your sick joke? To rape me, get me pregnant and ruin my life!" I say as I feel tears escaping my eyes.

"Hermione, how could you say something like that? I would never rape you. I love you. You said you were ready for this," he whispered.

"Don't fucking lie to me, Malfoy. You don't love me. Is that how you did it, a love potion? You sick, disgusting ferret! Ready for this, this supposed baby? Why would I be ready to do that with the likes of you? You hate me, I hate you. It's simple," I said as I took a step towards him.

"What are you talking about? We've been married for two years, Hermione. Of course I love you. You love me too. What is wrong with you?" Draco asked as he stood his ground.

"Nothing is wrong with me! Now, I'm leaving. I'm going to figure this all out. I-I can't have this baby, if you are telling the truth," I said walking towards the door still pointing my wand at him.

"Don't say that. You act like you don't know me anymore! You act as if you don't love me!"

"I don't love you. Why would I love you? We've been enemies for years. I love Ron. I'm with him. This," I gestured to my stomach, "is sick. And you will pay for this."

I quickly turn and run as quickly as I could to a fireplace. As soon as I reach one, I grab the powder and say The Burrow. Before I leave, I see Draco finally running into the room, his face pale and broken. Before I could analyze his face any more, I was whisked away by the flames.

A/N: There you have it, the first chapter! Next chapter will be from Draco's POV like I said. I don't think I'm going to make it word for word, so it won't be too repetitive.

Reviews would be fantastic.