Disclaimer- I do not own iCarly. If I did, Seddie would have been a couple by now…

Summary- The entire story is based on notes passed between Sam and Freddie. That means there is no dialogue. This story will follow all the episodes starting a bit before iPilot and ending…. wherever I choose it to end. Anyway, on with the story.

Sam's Notes

Freddie's Notes

Class- Biology

Time- 11:28 AM

Can biology get any stupider?

Stop passing notes to me. I, unlike you, want to learn.

Yea, well I want you to be less of a dork.

Why are you even talking to me? Go pass notes with Carly!

Yea, because talking to you sooo makes my day. And anyway, Carly refuses to.

And that's my problem, why?

Because unless you want me to beat you up out of boredom, I suggest you quick your yapping.

You know, you don't always have to be so rude to me.

And you don't always have to be such a nub.





..Mean person

Great comeback….NOT!

I hate you.

I hate you more.

Class- Biology

Time- 11: 51

Takes Place During: iPilot

Sup Fredweird

What do you want now?

I'm bored again. Entertain me.

I'm not your servant!

No, you're my monkey.


Yea, I've always wanted a monkey. Not only would they do awesome little dances, but they would also feed me!

I had to ask.

Shut up. Like you could ever come up with anything better.

You seemed to like my idea about the web show just fine yesterday.

It was Carly's idea, nerd.

You're just jealous because you couldn't come up with the name.

Jealous of you? HA! Besides, you only like the name because Carly is in it.

So what? I happen to love the name Carly!

Figures. You know how much of a doofus you look like when you pine for her attention?

What are you, jealous?

What are you, a dork? Oh wait, yes you are.

You are such a-a….UGHH!

I'm an ughh? You seriously have got to learn some new putdowns.

I hate you.

I hate you more.

Class: US History

Time: 1:27 PM

Takes Place During: iWant More Viewers

Heeeeeere's Sammy!

I am busy listening to Mr. Jennings. Unless it's an emergency, don't talk to me.

I'm not talking to you, I'm passing notes with you.

Same thing.




YEA- Wait, what am I doing. Stop passing notes to me!

No can do.

You are so annoying. I can't talk to you right now anyway.

And why not? You know I'm the most important thing in you're pathetic little life!

Not true. I have a lot of more important things in my life! Like computers, Carly, my mother, CARLY!

You said Carly twice, nub.

That's because she is amazing and perfect and beautiful and- ahhh! Stop making me talk to you. Spencer said I'm not allowed to associate with the enemy!

What are you going on about now, Freddington?

The 'I'm going to get more viewers than you' bet.

Oh yea. Me and Carly are gonna beat you guys so badly, you'll be crying to Crazy for weeks.

No way! Me and Spence have an awesome idea. Not even your sick mind can top it!

We'll see.

Yea, we- oh no. Mr. Hennings is coming! What do we do?


Sorry. He's getting closer! No, he sees the note!

I can't believe we got detention.

It's your fault. Who narrates that a teachers coming? Why didn't you just put it away?

Because….because. I don't know! Ughh, I hate you.

Don't worry. I hate you more.

A/N- Well, that's the first chapter of iPass Notes! I will update as soon as I can. Since this is my first story, I would really appreciate if you review! Thanks!

SavySoCool OUT!