AN: Last chapter! Some epic Gibby in this. Also, there's a not so good situation which makes me stress, this story is rated T for a reason. Okay, enjoy!

Disgusting, Heavily Tattooed, and On Parole

Sam's POV

"Sam, this will be your third date with a different guy this week, are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" Carly asks me, as we both curl up on her bed before a dreaded Monday morning.

"No, I'm fine," I say.

She reaches over and gently brushes a hair back from my face, "Sam, this guy isn't safe,"

"How do you know he isn't safe?" I ask.

"You met him in an alleyway, while he was running from the cops!" she exclaims, and I shush her, not wanting Spencer to wake and overhear us. "He's on parole!" she continues, but quieter when I remove my hand from over her mouth.

"Carls," I start, "I'm on parole,"

Carly opens her mouth, doing an excellent impression of a fish, and then finally says, "Yes, but you've stopped running from the cops, you're going to be okay,"

"I know, Carly, I know," I smile, without Carly I don't know what I would do, "But Marco's not a bad guy, just like you know I'm not a bad girl."

Carly continues to stare at me skeptically for a few moments, then finally she's sigh, "Okay, Sam, goodnight,"

"Goodnight Carls," I roll over and close my eyes.

I was happy to leave the Groovy Smoothie, this date had been horrible. It's not that Marco isn't into me, it is the fact that he's too into me. He's "accidentally" touched my butt twice, and I am really not that kind of girl, despite what some of the rumors around school are.

I am just headed to his car so he can drop me back off at my house, not Bushwell tonight. I haven't been home in a couple of days, and I need to make sure Frothy's still surviving, plus I didn't want another Spencer incident, so he had picked me up there too. When suddenly his hands are on my hips and his lips are attacking my face, his body pressing me against the car. I push him away, "Listen to me, if you think that I'm going to…get you laid… then think again mister,"

Marco glares down at me and says, "So what Puckett, you ask me out and now you're not going to give it up?" His body is still pressing into mine and I'm starting to get scared, this is not a good situation to be in. I lift my hands to push him away harder this time, but Marco surprises me with his swiftness. He holds my hands above my head, both of my wrists trapped in one of his hands.

I narrow my gaze and gnash my teeth together, kicking and when he presses his lips to mine again, I bit his lip hard. He pulls away and yanks harder on my wrists which is when I shout. I kick and bite and scream again, my heart beating faster as he pushes his full weight against me, crushing me into his car. For the first time in my life, I am not sure if I will be strong enough to escape this situation.

Just as I am about to give in and just deal with the consequences later, Marco is knocked aside by a strong force. He lets me go and I rub my wrists before waiting for him and the other person to stand. The other person is the last person on earth I expected it to be. I wait for them both to stand, and turn so my back is facing my unlikely hero. We work almost effortlessly together as my anger blossoms, and when the kid has one arm trapped behind Marco's back I punch his lights out. Then, in an unspoken agreement we're both running, running, running and it's been one, two, three blocks, when we both stop, breathless from our impromptu ass-kicking.

The last thing I expect is for him to yell at me, "You're an idiot!" Gibby begins, and I assume the defensive position, arms crossed, feet apart, don't break eye contact.

He looks scared for only a moment before he throws his shoulders back and continues shouting, "What would Carly think?"

Really? Does he think I don't tell my best friend where I am going? That's not going to fly, "She knew where I was and with who,"

"I can't believe you were out with a guy like that… probably drunk or high…did he just get out of jail? I can't even imagine what Freddie-"

I drop my arms and take a step back, who knew just hearing his name would make me feel so ashamed of myself? I can imagine what he would say, word for word, his chance to insult me, to get the revenge he's always wanted. To tell me that I'll never be like Carly and that he's surprised I'm not still being arrested. Why did Gibby have to say his name? I was just happy kicking Marco's ass and now he's been dragged into this mess, all I wanted to do was forget about him.

Gibby suddenly has a look of understanding on his face and before I can stop him he's wrapped me into a huge bear-hug, and I don't know why but I am hugging him back. Glad to finally have someone to confide in (it's not like I can tell Carly), and Gibby is surprisingly comforting. I conceal my face in his shirt and let one or two tears escape, but Gibby's never seen me cry and I'm not going to start letting him now. I pull away with a clear face.

"Thanks Gibby," for everything, I add silently.

"Anytime, Sam," he replies sounding sincere. We stand there looking at each other for a few moments then Gibby says, "Sam, do you wanna grab a coffee with me?"

I shrug, better than heading back to the Groovy Smoothie or going home.

We head to the nearest Skybucks and Gibby purchases me a drink with lots of extra whip cream. Then he sits down across from me and says the smartest thing I've ever heard him say, "You should tell him how you feel,"

I shake my head sadly, "He loves Carly,"

Gibby frowns at me, "I don't think he does Sam,"

"He's always loved Carly," I insist.

"He used to love Carly," Gibby tries to correct me.

"He doesn't love me," I bite my lip.

"You don't know that," Gibby retorts. I sip my coffee in silence. "You know, you're so busy hiding how you feel, Freddie doesn't even realize how awesome you are, if I didn't already have a girlfriend, and you wouldn't break my thumbs and you weren't head over heels for iCarly's tech producer, I'd ask you out,"

I tentatively smile at Gibby and he asks me a question I never thought I would accept from him, "Want me to walk you home?"

No. Not home. Frothy can wait one more day, Marco had picked me up from home. Mom's not home tonight, "Back to Bushwell instead?" I suggest instead.

"Sure," Gibby agrees.

Gibby left me at the lobby and I let myself into Carly's apartment with my trusty hair pin. Spencer is sitting on the couch with Carly, they're watching a late night movie, even though Carly should be in bed, it's a school night.

She takes one look at me and says, "What happened?"

I flop myself down on the couch, squeezing between Carly and Spencer. "I'm not okay," I say into my hands.

"What's wrong?" Carly's hand is already reaching out to rub my back.

"I'm trying to hide from my feelings," I mumble.

"What feelings Sam?" she asks me, and I can practically feel Spencer's concern radiating into me.

"I can't tell you, yet." I feel Carly tug lightly on my hair, as I continue, "I need to sort things out first," and it's true, there's no way I can inform her of what it going on, if I don't even know what I'm going to do yet.

I tip myself over so I can lean my head on Carly's lap. She smiles down at me, "Sam, you just need to tell us when you're ready,"

I don't know when that day is, and I don't know if it will ever happen but I still find myself saying, before I drift off into some much needed sleep, "I will, promise."

AN: Gibby totally kicks ass. If you want to/haven't already seen it, you can see the fight from his POV in my story 101 Days of Seddie, chapter titled Random. I know this doesn't really resolve anything, but I think it gives Carly a little more reason to be so suspicious of Sam's seemingly-random actions during and before the lock-in. It also explains why Sam doesn't want Carly to know just yet. R&R!