Title: Revelations

Author: Angela Rae

Category: Max/Liz, Michael/Maria, Isabel/Alex, Kyle/Tess (M) (AR)

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these fabulous characters, more's the pity. They are the exclusive property of 20th Century Fox Television, Regency Television, Jason Katims, Melinda Metz and Laura J. Burns. To quote some of my favorite fan fiction authors, I'm just borrowing – I'll return them as I found them. Cross my heart!

A/N: I first started this story back in 2000 at the end of Season One. For some pretty heavy personal reasons, I had to stop writing before I finished the fic. Flash-forward to over a decade later and I was going through bins in my closet this afternoon and came across this old, faded message board hardcopy. I started to read and it was a total blast from the past.

Now, I just want to see if I can finish what I started back when I was 20. Mostly this is for me, but like any fanfic author, I'm a total review junkie (so R&R plz)! Plus I hated the direction the show took after the first season and want to see if I can write what I think should have happened!

So, I guess that makes this fic A/R, since it's like throwing a stone in the pond - it's just a little decision that's different, but as the story progresses, the ripple effect gets wider and wider until it changes the way all the events occur. Anyway, this might get hot and heavy, so I'm rating Mature for safety reasons, plus some of the original content was steamy anyway, so… Well, anyway, this fic is set at the end of "Destiny", ep 1:22. Hope you Enjoy!


His throat felt raw, though he had barely whispered her name. Max Evans had never known hurt like this before. Agony coursed through his veins as he watched her run down the hill. Away from him.

He vaguely felt someone restrain him as he heard Michael's voice from a distance. "You gotta let her go."

She had said she couldn't stand in the way of destiny. He couldn't understand how she failed to realize she was all to him. The best half of his whole.

As the pain numbed his system, he heard Tess ask, "What happens now, Max?"

For a few precious moments he just stood, concentrating on each breath, as his chest rose and fell. Then without conscious decision he turned and walked back up the incline.

Exchanging anxious glances, Michael and Isabel followed him, leaving Tess to trail behind.

Max ducked his head as he entered the opening, more from habit than anything else. His heart hurt so much he felt he was slowly shattering into a million pieces.

Looking around the small chamber, he found his incubation pod in the dim blue light. With slow, halting steps he made his way over to it and curled up inside. Half-forgotten memories of warmth and safety enveloped him. But they barely made an impression next to the emptiness where Liz should have been.

Sluggishly, the pod enclosed him. It seemed to sense his need for a place alone to sort out each of the thousands of impulses and feelings screaming for his attention.

Max curled into a ball, wrapping around himself, as he opened himself to all of them.


Isabel reached the cavern first.

"Max!" she yelled. She rushed over to the pod that held her brother. Michael and Tess weren't far behind.

"What's happening to him!" Isabel cried, turning to Michael.

"I don't know." Michael's voice was concerned.

"Leave him alone," said Tess, stepping forward.

"He's my brother," Isabel snarled, turning on her. "He's in pain and I… We," she corrected, looking at Michael, "aren't going to let him go through this alone!"

Standing firm against the anger she felt coming off the other two in waves, Tess said quietly, "The pod will help him."

"How do you know?" Michael snapped.

"I just do," Tess said angrily. Then more calmly, "Look, I know you guys don't like me very much right now, but you have to believe I wouldn't hurt Max."

"You already have, Tess," Isabel said quietly, referring to Liz.

Michael sighed. He put his arm around Isabel's shoulders and pulled her into a comforting embrace. She turned into his arms and began to sob. The events of the last few days came crashing down on her. Tess walking into their lives. Max being kidnapped and tortured. The reality of Nesedo. Losing Alex, maybe for good this time. Hearing her birth mother's voice for the first time and wondering if she and Michael would be able to do what was required of them. This and more came out with the tears.

All the while, Michael rocked her as she struggled with the emotional backlash.

"We are linked," he said when Isabel stopped crying. "We know what we are now, which is more than any of us had hoped for. We can't fall apart. We need each other if we want to find a way to save our people and that means cooperation. From all of us."

He looked from Isabel to Tess and back. "Got it?"

"Yeah," Isabel sighed.

"Yes," Tess said.

"Okay," Michael said firmly, relieved.

Isabel turned to the pod that sheltered Max and sat down next to it. Tess sat opposite her and Michael took up vigil at her side.

"We're here, Max." Isabel ran her hand over the orb that pulsed with blue light, cradling her brother.

Michael watched. He felt scared, not that he would ever admit it, as he looked through the semi-transparent skin that enveloped his friend, his brother. He tried to block out the image of going on without Max as their leader. How could he face the challenges ahead without the friend he had always been able to turn to?

In the end, Michael simply held onto the knowledge that Max had never let them down before and had faith that he wouldn't start now.


"Babe, neither of us should be alone right now." Maria's smile was determined to see the up side of the situation and her eyes were filled with tears.

She glanced around her best friend's bedroom. Liz had been a zombie ever since she had come running up to the mine that afternoon. Knowing something terrible had happened; Maria and Alex had guided her into the sheriff's car and taken her straight up room after he had dropped them off at the Crashdown.

It had taken them a while, but soon the whole story had come pouring out of Liz as she broke down into tears.

Alex had left then. Maria thought that he might have been in shock but figured he had his own way of dealing with the news. All Maria knew was that she couldn't leave her best friend tonight. Liz needed her and she needed Liz.

"I'm going to call my mom and tell her I'm spending the night. Then, I'm going to bring up comfort food." Suddenly, Maria's lips twitched with the first signs of humor she'd shown all day. "How does some Rocky Road sound?"

Liz cracked a small smile in appreciation of the joke. Anything to take her mind off Max, even for a moment. "That sounds great, Maria," Liz said quietly.

"Okay, hon," Maria said, softly, "I'll be right back."

Liz lay down on her bed and stared at the candles Maria had lit around the room. She could smell the heady, citrus aroma of the neroli. Maria had said the scent was good for relieving grief but Liz didn't think anything could relieve the feeling of loss that was breaking over her heart in waves.

Accepting that Max had a destiny and it was with Tess was crushing her. Walking away from him was the hardest thing she had ever done, but she couldn't stand in the way of something when her stubbornness could cost the lives of an entire race. In the end, Max would hate her and she didn't think she could survive that.

So, she had left him on the hill. She had run because the temptation to turn and hurl herself into his arms and tell him it was all a big mistake was overwhelming. With each step, she had felt a part of herself die. The part that was bound to Max Evans.

Now, lying in her bed, Liz knew what real suffering was. Real suffering was the absence of hope, the knowing that there was nothing there to save her. No way to struggle, no way to fight, just the acceptance… the awful acceptance. The void inside her soul was like a gaping wound that would never heal.

She looked up as Maria entered the room. When their eyes met, Liz saw the same emptiness echoed there, the kind that consumed until there was nothing left. She sat up and wordlessly held out her arms.

A sob was torn from Maria's throat at seeing the understanding and mirrored grief in her best friend's eyes. The tub of ice cream dropped to floor as she fell into Liz's arms.

Tears slid down her face and they tightened their embrace. They held onto each other for a long moment. When they let go, Maria sighed and wiped at her tear-stained cheeks. "I'd better go rescue the ice cream before it ends up decorating your carpet, chica."

Liz gave a half-hearted chuckle and got up to retrieve the fallen spoons.

Together, they ate the entire half-gallon of chocolaty goodness.

Maria looked down at the empty container, but her eyes had a far-away look. "There's no more, Liz," she whispered and began to cry.

"Oh, Maria… it's okay, it's okay." Liz hugged her and rocked her back and forth, tear beginning to well up in her own eyes.

When Maria pulled back she hiccupped a little, trying to control the heart-rending ache Michael had left behind when he had gone.

Together, she and Liz curled up on the bed, facing each other. Maria stretched out her hand and smiled sadly as Liz took it.

"I love you, Maria." Liz's voice was a soft whisper, reminding her that she wasn't alone. She still had Liz and Alex. The Three Musketeers, forever.

"I love you too, babe."

When they closed their eyes, they fell into the deep sleep born of exhaustion. But as they began to dream, tears escaped their eyes. Unconsciously, they clasped their hands tighter as they sought reassurance that they were not alone.


A/N: R&R is always appreciated, so press the little blue button… :)