AN/ Sorry for the delay, my computer recently was overworked and decided not to turn on so there was that issue. I've also been to Cape Cod, the Catskills, and am currently in Colorado so sorry for the delayyyy.

Disclaimer: As usual, I own nothing but my (sometimes) brilliant plot and my OCs… However few or numerous they may be.

Thank you to all of my readers, reviewers, alerters, and favoriters. I love you all dearly.


We were all silently listening for another sound like the one we heard before, all we heard were our breathing and the loud footsteps coming steadily towards us. The footsteps were coming closer and I looked towards Jack for instructions.

"Shh! Shh!" he whispered, "Go. Go. Go. Go" he moved us away from the sound of the footsteps, deeper into the strange forest. We moved into a triangle-like, defensive position with all three of them around me; I suddenly felt very weak without strength or fancy devices. I grabbed someone's jacketed back and felt them slightly stiffen briefly before backing against me, tightening the triangle; I saw his blonde hair and then his cold blue eyes as he looked back at me.

"Seth," I breathed as his eyes flickered briefly to mine, "I'm scared." He took my hand and gripped it tightly in an attempt to reassure me of my safety. But his words erased all feelings of comfort and safety.

"You should be. You shouldn't have followed us." He whispered coldly, making me flinch as my heart broke, there was no chance for me to win his affections and I should stop; but somehow, it seemed as if he was worth fighting for. Both my internal debate and our hushed conversation were abruptly ended as the footsteps came closer.

"Run! Run! Run!" Jack whispered as he pushed us towards the middle of the jungle, or what could have been the exit, I had completely lost my sense of direction. Seth led us into the jungle, pulling me along by my hand, and Sara and Jack followed. I felt Seth pull me faster towards his destination, Sara followed closely behind us. I suddenly realized that Jack was no longer with our little group. I turned back and saw him hit by a tall man in a completely black leather suit, his entire body was covered by the suit.

"We have to keep going, Jack Bruno will find us." Sara said quickly, pushing Seth and me away from the fight that had rapidly become Jack flying through the air and the man in black winning. Seth, Sarah, and I crouched behind some greenery with the hope of being able to hide from whoever was following us.

The man raised his right arm and the leather protection moved and a gun protruded, the gun shot a bright blast of light into one of the pods hanging from the ceiling of the cavernous area.

Seth fell back in surprise and let out an involuntary, "Whoa" which alerted the… thing of our placement. I sighed as I pulled Seth up and ran from the thing, Sara ran beside me but she seemed distracted by the search for Jack.

"Jack Bruno!" she cried out, trying to find him.

"Kids!" Jack yelled, apparently trying to find us as well. As he yelled, another explosion came from directly behind us. Seth pulled me down to a ducking position alongside himself and his sister. A blaze started up from the lighted pods from the ceiling and made it dangerous and nearly impossible to see. I saw someone running towards us and with a closer look, saw it was Jack. We attempted to get closer to Jack but another explosion hindered our process.

Seth and Sarah ducked quickly, but my reflexes were slower; I was hit with something flaming and very hot on the upper arm. The pain was immense, still feeling like my arm was burning after the flame had brushed me.

Seth looked frantic, with too many things he felt that he had to take care of at a time. He gently took my hand and started running with Sara right behind us. Jack was running towards us.

"Go Sara!" Seth yelled, Sara took my hand and pulled me along with her. Seth and Jack were behind us; again, an explosion sounded behind us and we all were blown back by the force of the explosion. We landed on the ground and yet again started running.

Seth had taken the lead again and we were running as fast as we could. I heard a blow fall upon someone and looked behind me quickly; Jack had engaged the man in black in a fight again.

Sara had noticed as well, "Jack Bruno!" Unfortunately, her cry had attracted the thing's attention and it went behind her. It knocked the device from her hand and grabbed her, "Seth!" Sara screamed, completely terrified. Seth attacked the thing but the thing hit Seth, making him fly backwards.

"No!" Sara yelled, in fear for her brother's safety and the fact that the thing was now reaching for the device that they had worked so hard to get. Sara somehow made the device float into her hand as if it had a string attached to it and she drew it back to her. Jack tackled the thing while it was distracted in trying to get the device. The thing held Jack by the throat and I threw a flaming branch at it to distract it from choking our driver. The thing threw Jack and he hit a tree, the thing walked to me and picked me up by the throat as well.

My air supply was suddenly nonexistent; if you've ever been choked then you know that it feels like you'll never breathe again. Always being able to breathe is now a luxury and a blessing as your body slowly gets weaker and weaker. All you can feel is the hand around your neck and your body losing energy. The world around you fades as you fight for the life giving oxygen around you, people say your life flashes before your eyes when you're dying but that's a lie. All you see is darkness and glimpses of your surroundings. Your awareness of the world around you slowly fades as you give into the inevitable.

But I saw a flame headed straight toward me and the thing holding me, it dropped me. The thing was flung into a tree and Jack got up to pull me towards Seth and Sara. Someone wrapped an arm around my waist to support me towards a tunnel. All I could hear was someone's voice, cutting through the darkness that threatened to overcome me.

"Come on! We've got to go!" I heard faintly, was it a man's voice? I thought it was… The arm around my waist tightened as I stumbled along the forest floor.

"She's getting weaker, I don't believe that she will be able to run much longer Sara." A voice penetrated the dark surrounding my consciousness. I felt someone pick me up and run much faster than I could have run in my state. All I saw was a flash of light and heard a crash before the person carrying me fell to the ground, I couldn't hold on anymore and I relented to the penetrating darkness.

(AN/ This will be more of an omniscient narrator now because hearing things from a person that has slipped into unconsciousness is somewhat boring…)

Eve was being held up by her throat by the Siphon, whom was slowly squeezing the life out of her. Sara quickly used her telekinesis to hurl a flaming pod at the Siphon with a scream of exertion. The Siphon was thrown into a tree by the force of the pod.

Jack managed to get to his feet, he took Eve's hand to pull her to her feet and drag her behind him while running with the kids.

"Come on! We got to go! We got to go!" he yelled to the kids to try to get them to move quicker. Another explosion sounded behind them and Jack and the kids ran faster.

Seth wrapped an arm around Eve's waist to keep her from falling and to get her to move more rapidly. Eve slowed as her mind became increasingly overcome by the unconsciousness that threatened to knock her out.

"She's getting weaker, I don't believe she will be able to run much longer Sara." Seth said wearily. Sara looked back at Eve, she was indeed falling behind.

"We would be able to move more rapidly if you were to carry her, Seth." Sara suggested. Seth looked at his sister uncomfortably but scooped Eve into his arms. Seth was able to run quicker with Eve in his arms, he shifted her so that she was closer to his chest and he was able to protect her more effectively. All of them ran through the tunnel that led to the house. The Siphon shot a light through the tunnel to injure the group.

The group made it through the passage in the refrigerator and Seth struggled to close the door but was thrown back and knocked unconscious by the blast.

"Seth! Eve!" Sara screamed in fear as she looked at her unconscious brother and friend. Jack picked up Seth and slung him over his broad shoulder and Sara picked up Eve fairly easily.

Jack instructed Sara, "Keep moving! Keep moving!". Sara nodded and they ran towards the cab. There was a loud bang behind them that made Sara screamed but they persevered to the cab. Jack quickly, but gently, put Seth in the cab and Sara slid Eve in next to him and sat next to Eve.

Sara positioned both Seth and Eve so that they were as comfortable as possible, which involved Seth's arm being around Eve and Eve being on his lap with her head on Seth's chest.

The ground was exploding around the cab and Jack maneuvered around the explosions and drove off.

AN/ Hope you enjoyed the chapter guys. Sorry for the long wait. Thank you all for the reviews, favorites, and alerts. It's always so nice to receive reviews… HINT HINT. Please review, flames are alright but are somewhat annoying.


My amazing beta, SlightlyGayPirate whom does that most helpful beta-ing stuff that betas do