Father Nightroad sat at the table his stomach growling. If the Vatican was still rich he didn't see it with the little money he had to live off of. He knew however, that nothing would satisfy his hunger. His promise to never kill left him unsatisfied, and reminded him of his dark regrets. Still, he lived simply enjoying the food of those around him. The growling in his stomach grew louder, as the food was set on the table in front of him. Sister Esther looked up startled by the noise, blushing slightly seeing Father Nightroad's own embarrassment. She sat down at the table looking down slightly, there was so much so wanted to ask. Knowing she still had nightmares of Abel upset her, and she wished not to have them. In every way she owed her life to him now, and yet she had barely said thank you.

Esther gently pushed the plate toward Abel even more, wanting him to eat. "I'm sorry it took so long. There simply wasn't much food stored here." Abel smiled slightly, taking the first bite that always seemed to disappoint his taste. "I'm afraid I stopped by rather uninvited. Please don't apologize." Sister Esther smiled wider, and seemed to sit a little straighter. "You can never stop by uninvited. I owe you so much." Her words trailed off slightly, as the painful reminder hit her. Abel seemed to sense this in her, gently grabbing her hand in his. "You will never lose me Esther; I'm on your side remember?" She blushed feeling his touch, but nodded quickly. "How could I forget? You were there for me even when I ran screaming from you.."

Abel sensed the shame in her voice, and felt regret. Even with his vow, he still seemed to hurt those closest to him. "What scares you the most?" Esther looked up into his eyes in shock. "I…I can't! I don't want to hurt you!" His smile was apparent even to those simply walking by them. Her loud outburst had probably been heard, but he ignored what strange looks there may have been. "Esther, you cannot hurt me." She looked down in defeat, knowing any arguing with him would just be pointless. Once his mind was made it up, that's what happened. "Your eyes…they terrified me most." Abel couldn't contain his laughter. All this embarrassment was simply over his eyes, and yet he couldn't help but understand. Many times he had wonder why his eyes changed color as well.

Father Nightroad looked at Esther, and set down half of his food back onto the plate. "Why do you think you noticed my eyes more so?" She seemed to think about it for a minute, and then shrugged. "Your eyes are the purest shade now. To see the blood red eyes, it just terrified me." There was an awkward pause in their conversation, and Abel stopped caring about the rest of his meal. He picked up his plate, and started walking back inside the building. Sister Esther was close behind him, almost hesitant to follow. "Do you…hate me for being afraid once?" Abel looked back at her as they walked down the halls of the Vatican. "No I don't, I was once terrified as well. There's a beast inside me called up at my own command. A beast that longs for the blood of vampires is hardly the work of fairytales."

Sister Esther stopped just outside her bedroom door. "If it helps at all Abel, I believe in you. We're still on the same side. That's what a friend is, someone to support you even when you can't support yourself." Father Nightroad smiled, and hesitated before hugging Esther. The gesture caught her as off-guard as it did him. His words could never express his feelings of gratitude, and so he tried by actions. Her smile seemed to light up her face, and he watched her enter her room before walking to receive his next mission. There was a slight feeling of dread to receive yet another mission. The rise in vampire attacks around the Vatican itself had increased. He was pulling extra missions just to cover for those dying in even routine missions now.

Sister Esther noticed the odd smell of gunpowder in her room. Over the time spent with Abel, she'd been able to identify such a smell. It caught her by surprise, and she searched for the candle she kept for a light. Though she understood the Vatican's encouragement of a humble lifestyle, she hardly found it the most convenient. Her hands felt along the table, only to discover that there was no candle there. Suddenly, she felt the sensation of a hot breath against her neck. The sensation made her shiver, and her pulse quickened in fear. A gloved hand suddenly grabbed her wrist, and she tried to pull back instantly. The grip however was much too strong, and it simply hurt her shoulder. Her body was quickly turned around, and she found herself staring into the coldest eyes she'd even seem. Unlike Abel, these eyes seemed to look at her as prey.