Sorry... I fixed the first chapter though, so you get read it now

Chpter 1- iCant Believe I Tid That (wow, how befiting)

Sam couldn't believe it. She had done it, the unthinkable. She had actually kissed Freddy and inevitably ruined what little friendship they managed to develop. It all started yesterday when Carly, her supposed, best friend decided that she had a crush and was hell bent on figuring out who it belonged to. Actually, if you wanted to get technical, it was because of Fred-weird and his stupid ass face machine.

Really, could you seriously even count what she felt for the computer dweeb under the category of a crush? Mostly she just wanted to torture him and make a complete mockery out of his pathetic existence. After each belittling insult though, he'd look at her with that defiant glare, his surprisingly soft lips set and ready to form and insult that would leave her blood boiling and yet all she could think as a comeback was how very adorable he was.

That blasphemous thought would be the start of the un-mistakingly disgusting ache that was sure to form in her chest. Then she'd hear it, the stupid insignificant voice in the furthest, deepest, darkest recesses of her mind that said "God, why won't you notice me?".

Who wast she kidding? She didn't have a crush on Freddie , no, she was in full blown- I can only think of you- slit my wrist and cry over you- love with the guy. And yesterday on the rooftop just outside of that classroom, she had admitted this, just after kissing him.

Boy did he kiss her back... more like made out! There was that cursed voice again, reminding her of the man that a loose like Fred-dork really was. Her face heated as the distinct image of her and Freddie came in to her minds eye. His body- a very nice body might she add- practically molded for her own, was so close, that she could feel his heart thundering against her chest.

Still despite this fact, his hands were so steady. It was almost as if he had been planning that very moment all the way down to each breathless kiss, each tug of her blond hair, or each gentle command he would order, before she completely loss all brain capacity from his touch, leaving her helpless in his arms.

"What the hell, Sam!", ripped out of her memory, the blond peered at her mother. Six feet tall, the older Pucket leered down at her less accomplished daughter, a frown set into the wrinkles on her face. "Shouldn't you be in school?".

"Shouldn't you be passed out some where?".

"Don't get smart with me.". They both stood in silence tossing the other a death glare that said "why don't you just leave me the hell alone", but sadly the moment ended when the younger of the blonds phone sprang to life. Not even bothering to check the I.D Sam answered ignoring her mothers annoyed speech on how rude she was being.

"What do you want", she growled, clearly not listening to the woman and thus proving that she was rude and didn't give a damn.

"Is that how you speak to your crush?".

Sam paled at the sound of his voice. Freddie. If she didn't immediately looked down at the word DOUCHE splayed across her screen she would have just pretended that he had a wrong number, but knowing who was on the other lined caused her to do something even more stupid.

She hung up.

"I don't even know why I bother to even talk to you, just get out of my face". She chose not to tell her mother that she was in 'her' room. At the moment, she really didn't want to hear the crazy woman's constant bitching. So, she actually did as she was told for once and left, after of course, giving her self a once over in her full length mirror.

She wanted to try something new today, so instead of the baggy clothes she normally would wear, she put on a tight black formfitting shirt outlined with Coonel Sanders on the front holding a bucket of, her favorite, chicken. Red suspenders with a small white line going down the middle held up her tan knee knockers that hugged all of her curves.

Unlike Carly, Sam had a more developed body, but because of her friend she never wanted to show it off. She was tough, but she also didn't want to look fat next to her unbelievably thin best friend. Today though, she wanted to try something different. A sly smirk slithered onto her face... maybe Freddy would... she killed the thought before it could pollute her mind even further.

She was Samantha Pucket fore Pete's sake. She didn't give a damn how Freddy felt or what he thought about her outfits. He was a total nube, someone she barely wanted, but was forced to associate herself with and the kissed they just happened to share together, didn't mean squat to her.

With those final words of encouragement Sam stepped out on the front stoup of her shitty apartment with a smile on her face. That was until her gaze fell on none other that Fredward Bensen himself in all his geek glory.