Pairing: Finny/ Ciel – I find this a cute pairing. Don't like it, don't read it. Simple as that, dumb asses.

A Sweet Secret

Ciel sighed, rubbing his forehead. It was going to be a long, long day. Sebastian, despite all odds, had requested the day off, for some reason or another, leaving Bard, Mey Rin, Finny, Tanaka and Pluto to look after him. He sighed, leaning back into his chair as he read the news paper. He fell to sleep while reading an article about the recent string of murders that had the Yard baffled.

"Ne...The master looks so sweet when he's sleeping, he does." Ciel's mind began to wake, hearing the gentle whisper of Mey Rin.

"No doubt 'bout it." Chuckled the gruffer voice of Bard. There was a whimpering bark from Pluto, and it seemed as if he were agreeing with the clumsy maid and gun power happy cook.

"Ho, ho, ho." Ciel frowned gently. Even Tanaka was watching him sleep. That was slightly disturbing in itself. Ciel was confused. Where was that silly gardener, Finny?

"You're gonna wake him if you don't be quiet." There he was. Wait, what did he just say?

"Eh, whatever you say, Fin." Bard said. There were footsteps, the slight click of the door, and a sigh that followed.

"Heh." Came a little laugh. Ciel peered through his eyelashes, and saw a slice of cake on a plate being placed down on the desk. "How do you do that? How can you make people love you so easily, young master?" Finny whispered. A warm hand cupped Ciel's face. A slight weight pressed against his forehead.

Opening his eyes, Ciel saw that Finny's were closed, as he kept their foreheads together. "If only you knew what you were doing to me. I wonder what you'd say?" He asked himself, crystal tears falling from his closed, onto the newspaper in the slightly smaller boy's lap. Ciel smiled, ever so lightly. Finny's eyes opened, and looked into Ciel's. He pushed himself back. Ciel tried to catch his wrist, resulting in the two falling. Finny lay, blushing madly, with Ciel laying atop of him, who soon clambered off, and to his feet. Ciel cleared his throat, brushing himself down, blushing slightly.

"You...heard me, didn't you?" Finny asked, playing with his fingers, and looking at the floor.

"Rather hard not to when you're practically whispering in my ear." Ciel said, folding his arms. He glanced over at the cake on his desk. A simple slice of Victoria sponge, with a silver fork and an orange rose by the side of it. Ciel looked back at Finny.

"I'll...I'll excuse myself now. Please forgive me, young master." He said, with a slight bow. He turned to leave, when a cold hand caught the crook of his arm. He looked back at Ciel, who looked a little confused.

"Why must I forgive you, Finny?" He asked. Finny gulped.

"I caused you embarrassment, didn't I?" He asked. Ciel now appeared mildly surprised.

"Not at all." He said simply. He moved his hand, so that he held the side of Finny's face. He turned it slightly, and stood on his tiptoes slightly, so that he kissed the shocked boy tenderly on the lips. Finny let his eyes drift closed. He didn't dare put his arms around Ciel, in fear that he would hurt the smaller boy. Ciel was the one to part them, his eyes half closed.

"C-Ciel... Thank you, master." Finny breathed softly.

"No, thank you." Ciel whispered back, as the taller boy quickly placed another brief kiss on his lips, before exiting swiftly through the door. Ciel went back to his seat, and put two finger to his smiling mouth. He had expected Finny's lips to be different from what they actually were. He had thought that they would be clumsy and strong, like the rest of him. Instead, they were smooth and gentle, and moulded perfectly with his.

Ciel began to eat the surprisingly edible cake, wondering if there was anything in England that would taste as sweet as Finny's lips, or the secret they now shared.