So, I probably shouldn't start another story... but the plot bunnies attacked! but look how long this is! I'm so proud of myself!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything..

Governor Perry had been having a bad day. It had been a bad week actually, with the economy in horrible shape, all the paperwork, not to mention keeping up his image. On top of all this, he had just returned from the police department, after bailing out the young brunette girl who called him 'boss.'

She had been caught at a party that was busted for serving alcohol to minors. Of course, she wasn't exactly a minor, but she still couldn't pass for more than fifteen, sixteen at best. So he watched the girl he had met on his first day in office who had introduced herself as Texas.

She had her head hung in shame as she fidgeted with nervousness. She looked very much the average teenage girl about to be reprimanded by her parents. Of course, he rather doubted she had ever been reprimanded by her dad; he just wasn't that type of person. Or at least he hadn't seemed to be the times he saw him.

"Brianna," he started.

The girl in front of him looked up at his voice, "yes Governor Perry?" She was timid in her reply.

"You know I have to punish you, and I've been thinking…"

"But, why? It's not I did anything wrong! You know I'm way older than twenty-one! So what if I can barely pass as sixteen?" she interrupted, rather pleadingly.

"You know that won't work on me. Now, as I was saying, I've been thinking. And I have come to the conclusion that you need to get to know people your own age, or your seeming age anyway. The point is, I'm sending you to school."

To this, Brianna M Jones had no response.

"Now, as I'm sure you know, since there is only one month until school lets out, You will probably have to study hard to pass your finals. If you don't, you will be attending summer school. You will be starting as a junior, and then next fall you will be going back as a senior. Am I understood?"

"But, you can't-" seeing the look on his face, she cut off. "Yes sir."

"Very good, my assistant will take you to your new school. Don't worry, I already have a story, your transferring because you wanted to go to a boarding school closer to your parents. I also took the liberty to have your stuff packed; everything you need is already in the car waiting. Oh, and I ordered your new uniform, it should be waiting in your dorm."

Looking completely devastated, Brianna followed Mrs. Johnston out the door. After getting over the initial shock, she started cussing in Spanish. All she could think was 'Great, I have to go to a school full of rich kids. I doubt they'll let me keep my guns.'

When she exited the building, she followed the assistant to the limo waiting out front. She sat in the back as the woman climbed into the front with the driver. She watched as the limo took the roads she new went to Houston.

Deciding that there was nothing better to do, she fell asleep.




Brianna woke up suddenly as the long black automobile came to a stop. Rubbing her chocolate brown eyes, she looked out the window. Realizing that they must have arrived at the escuela, she straitened herself up, pulling her fingers through her hair. Getting out, she straightened out her "I love ninja's" tee.

Grabbing the brown suitcases that she assumed must be hers, she followed Mrs. Johnston to the steps of the school. Reading the words "The Village School" she lost all hope of this being a joke.

After meeting the vice principle, Ms. Philips, she was led on a short tour through the school, stopping in the school office for at least an hour to get her schedule and room assignment. As she was led around and then finally to her new room, the lady never stopped babbling about the achievements of the school.

Finally ending the tour in front of her new room with a warning to never go into the boys' dorm, she walked in to meet her new roommate.

As she entered the room she looked around. It had one window, a bathroom, two beds and two closets, as well as a writing desk in the corner. Laying on the bed closest the window was a blonde girl, with blue eyes, wearing a plaid skirt with a white blouse reading a novel. A matching plaid tie was discarded next to her.

'That must be the uniform,' was the first thought in Brianna's head. When the door closed behind her signifying that Ms. Philips had finally left, the girl looked up.

"H-hi, so I guess you're my new roommate? I'm Chloe," the girl looked rather shy. You can have that bed, and that closet." She pointed as she spoke.

"I'm Brianna, nice to meet you!" Dropping her suitcase on her new bed, she started unpacking. Chloe went back to her book, which was titled 'City of Glass.'

By the time she had finished, Chloe explained that it was almost time for dinner, and that she should get dressed in her uniform, which she found in her closet.

As she struggled to figure out the tie, Chloe came over to help. "Here, I'll show you"

Together, the two roommates walked down to the dining hall, Chloe leading the way. On the way there, a short girl, well, short compared to Chloe who was at least 5'7", ran up yelling "Chloeeee~" before tackling her. Okay, it could be called a hug. Maybe.

After introducing Brianna to Lilith, who had apparently known Chloe since kindergarten, the group of three continued walking. Lilith's fiery hair seemed to make her seem intimidating, despite her size.

"So where's Josephine?" Chloe asked.

"Oh, her, I left her in the room. She was taking too long getting ready, so I left."




Two weeks flew by, and Brianna became good friends with Chloe, although she wasn't so sure about Lilith, Chloe assured her she was always like that. She also met Josephine, who spent a lot of time on her looks, especially when she was about to be with guys. Chloe seemed shy and distant around most people, but never mean. In fact, she didn't think it was possible for her to not like someone.

So it was rather odd when Lilith introduced her to Laura, and Chloe seemed to stand there and glower at the girl. Brianna even thought she heard something along the lines of "Backstabbing two-faced b****." Which was odd because Laura seemed perfectly nice.

Brianna also met a few guys, including Trevor, Josh, Kyle and Grover. She had actually become good friends with Grover, who was the president of the environmental club. He was the one who talked her into joining, even though there was only a month left of school.

Although, she was still depressed about the school confiscating all her guns on her second day of class. Laura had been walking past their dorm as she was cleaning it, and the door had been left wide open. After she saw it, Laura ran screaming all the way to the principal's office. Brianna decided she really didn't like Laura.

'Oh, well,' she thought, 'at least they didn't find my trusty 22 LR' she thought of her little pink handgun that had been a gift from Alaska.

The week before finals, Chloe helped Brianna and Lilith study for the finals, making sure that they both would pass the test.

On the last day of school, Brianna was talking to Grover, who insisted on giving her his information, telling her that he was going to be at a summer camp in New York all summer, and if she needed help, she should contact him.

While this kind of freaked her out, she didn't get to think about this because just then, Ms. Philips walked up. However, something was off about her. As the assistant principle got closer, she noticed her legs seemed to be… horse legs?

"Hello, dear," as she began to talk, she burst into flames. Literally, even her eyes were on fire, yet she defiantly wasn't in pain.

Pulling out her handgun that she had in a thigh holster under her skirt, she started firing until it stayed down. Although, it startled her when instead of seeing a corpse, all she saw was dust.

"Soo… You saw that too right?" she asked, turning to Grover.

"Yeah, actually I see those things a lot. I guess I need to explain now…"

After a long winded explanation of Greek gods and half bloods, Brianna couldn't decide how to feel. On one side, it explained those creatures that had been attacking her since forever. But on the other hand, how could she have a parent? She didn't even know nations were born that way.

'Well, I guess Mexico could have been my real parent,' Was one of the many thoughts that went through her head.

"Well, I guess I could go to that summer camp thing, it sounds fun! But I'd have to tell my boss…"

"Your boss?" questioned Grover, who had just revealed himself as a satyr.

"Yeah, but he'll probably let me go, as long as he can still contact me."

At this point, Grover was completely confused, "What about your parent?"

"Who? Oh! Dad, yeah," she said as if she wasn't really planning on telling him, "Maybe if he's in New York I could visit him, or possibly even make a stop in DC to visit him."

"Why don't you just call him? Wouldn't he want to know where you are?"

"Why would I call just to tell him I'm going to some summer camp?"

"Won't he get worried if he doesn't know where you are?"

"I doubt it, if he had to keep track of all of us, he would probably go insane," she stated, quite frankly.

"Us? How many siblings do you have?"

"Fifty, but some of us are adopted." To this, Grover had no response.

After telling Grover that she would arrange for her to go to New York tomorrow, she headed upstairs to finish packing.




The next morning, Brianna met Grover in front of the school like she promised. She was quite pleased at having all her guns back. When Grover talked about getting a taxi, Brianna waved him off and said he could ride in her Limo. Pilling into the back with Grover, she started talking to the driver.

"Charles! Thanks for picking me up! Can you take me to the airport?" She asked the driver.

"May I ask why?" responded the earlier named 'Charles'.

"I'm gonna go visit Liam!"

"Is Mr. Perry aware of this?"

"Of course! Would I go if he wasn't?"

With a look that clearly said 'Yes' he responded "Very well then, after I drop you off I will make sure that he knows. Might I ask who your friend is?"

"Oh, Charles this is my friend that I met at that horrid place, Grover Underwood. Grover, this is my friend and driver, Charles. I'm giving him a ride to the airport." Brianna introduced them.

With that, Charles drove away.


At the airport, Grover turned to her and asked, "Who's Liam?"

"Oh, you caught that? Hehe, he's my brother, he lives in New York," she grinned, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly.

"Why didn't you just tell him you're going to a summer camp?"

At this, she pouted, "Everyone would make fun of me if they knew that I willingly went to some summer camp for kids."

Grover's eyes shot up, "You say that like you're not."

Her only response to this was to shrug, before looking around for her flight. When she found the terminal, she sat down in a chair, with Grover following behind.

"So, is this your first flight?" Grover attempted to start a conversation.

"Haha! Not even close. What about you?" She laughed.

"No, I've been on quite a few flights myself."

After a moment of silence, Grover decided to ask the question that had been bothering him since the inferi attack yesterday. "So, I've never seen bullets that could kill monsters before…?"

"Really? I would have thought they were rather common; I just buy them at Academy. They're just Hornady bullets," She replied.

"Why do you buy Hornady?"

"It's a long story… but in short, ever since I was little I would get a mysterious present for Christmas. They were always Hornady, so now when I buy bullets, I only buy Hornady."

"Oh, well I guess that makes sense." Grover wondered if there happened to be a god involved with Hornady.

Shrugging, Brianna turned up her ipod.




When the plane finally landed, Brianna and Grover piled out with the other passengers. Walking through the airport, they headed to the luggage retrieval area, where Brianna grabbed her suitcase as well as the bag she kept her guns in.

"So, I guess we should get a cab, unless you have a driver waiting here as well?" Grover suggested.

"Ha, no I don't have a driver waiting."

"Okay the-" he was interrupted.

"Bri~! How come you didn't tell me you were visiting? I had to learn it from your boss!" exclaimed a voice behind them. Turning around, they saw a tall teen, who looked about eighteen, with blue eyes and green hair.

"L-liam! I uh, wanted to surprise you!"

"Oh cool! Thanks lil sis!"

"Ha-ha, yeah, but I guess it didn't work."

"Oh well, it's the thought that counts!"

"Sooo… What did you do to your hair?"

"Oh, you like it? I was bored with the same old blonde, so I decided to dye it."

"Oh, it looks good on you."

"Hm? Who's this?" asked Liam, noticing Grover.

"Oh, well you know how my boss sent me to school?"

"Yeah, we were surprised there weren't any school shootings there."

"As if! I would never! Anyway, this is Grover, I met him there."

"That doesn't explain why he's still with you~!" Liam sang.

"Fine! But you have to promise not to tell!"

"Cross my heart and hope to die," Liam had a feigning innocence look on his face.

"Truth is, he invited me to this summer camp, and I decided to go," she told him. To this, Liam burst out laughing.

"It's not that funny!" Brianna exclaimed.

Instead of giving a proper response, Liam began to sing "Bri has a boyfriend, Bri has a boyfriend!"

"I do not! And if you tell anyone, I swear I will succeed from the Union!"

"Fine, fine, do you need a ride to this camp?" Liam asked, holding his hands in front of him in a piece gesture.

"Um, sure. That Okay with you Grover?"

Having been ignored up till now, Grover gave a start. "Uh, yeah, that's fine."

The three people walked out of the airport, not noticing the stares they received. Liam led them to his blue Chevy Cobalt. Brianna slid into the passenger's seat, and Grover, shrugging, slid into the seat behind her.

"So, where is this camp?" Liam asked.

"It's out on long island," Grover explained the directions.

"Really? I thought that was where the Delphi's Strawberry farm was?" Liam started to get suspicious.

"I know that face! Stop being all paranoid!" Brianna butted in.

"Uh, yeah, it's really close to the farm, that's true." Grover said.

"Okay then… You know what? I don't care. I accepted the fact that my family is all insane long ago, so if you want to go to a summer camp that doesn't exist, I'll happily drive you there," Liam grinned.

"Hey! I don't think I'm near as crazy as dad!" Brianna protested.

"I never said you were,"

"You implied it! Where is dad anyway? Has he been to New York lately?"

"Oh, he was here a couple of months ago, but right now he's in England."

"Wait, I thought you transferred to 'The Village School' to be closer to your parents?"

At this, Liam burst out laughing. Brianna looked like she could barely hold in a chuckle as well.

"So that's the lie your boss came up with?" Liam asked Brianna.

"Yeah, pretty ridiculous right? That's kinda one of the reasons I decided to go to this camp, I'm hoping my prolonged absence will make him think about what he's done! And I hope he gets more paper work too!"

"So, you're trying to piss him off?"

"Yep!" Brianna smiled, slightly mischievously.

"Wait, who's your boss?" Grover broke in, not for the first time confused.

"No one," the two in the front chimed simultaneously.

"Okay then," Grover raised an eyebrow.

"Well, we're here. At the imaginary summer camp!" Liam said.

"Thanks for the ride Liam! See you on the fourth!" Brianna got out, with Grover following quickly.

"Kay, bye! Take care of yourself Bri!" Liam called after them before driving off.

Watching her brother's car do an illegal U-turn, she asked Grover, "So where is this camp?"

"It's right over that hill. Come on, let's go," he led her over the hill.

"Wow." Was all she could say about the Greek style camp.

Please leave a review! I need Ideas for what to do next!