I was thinking of doing of this awhile ago but never got to it. I thought about what would happen if the characters from Hetalia sang The Beatles. This was also inspired by a YouTube video called Hetalia Beatles Medley. Check it out its amazing. I will also be continuing my Ouran fic.

Chapter 1: Russia sings Good Day Sunshine

Warning this includes pairings that involve Russia. For some reason I made it that he's dating Canada. Technically it was supposed to be China but it didn't work out as planned. If you don't like it don't read.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia or Good Day Sunshine.

Russia AKA Ivan Braginski sat in his office and looked out the window, into the cold snowy land. He closed his eyes thinking of a field full of sunflowers and sunshine. A place where General Winter can't hurt him and his creepy sister Belarus can't beg them to get married. Russia then thought of those songs from that band The Beatles England once played at a world meeting. 'What was it? Oh yea Good Day Sunshine.' The Russian then started to hum the tune while dreaming.


Russia stood in front of a sky blue door with snow on the ground and the sky was dark no sun or moon, no stars visible. He looked behind him to see General Winter rushing towards him. Without thinking Russia placed his shaking hand on the doorknob and opened. Ivan didn't bother to look back. He ran through the door. The next second he was in a field full of the sunflowers, the sun bright, and the sky partly cloudy which he longed for to see. He then began to sing that one song he heard awhile ago.

"Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine"

Ivan started to walk through the field with a smile that not even China has seen in awhile.

"I need to laugh, and when the sun is out
I've got something I can laugh about
I feel good, in a special way
I'm in love and it's a sunny day"

Not realizing what the lyrics really meant he blushed as he thought about his past loves Lithuania and China. Ivan then laughed thinking of his current love Canada and how cute he is.

"Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine

We take a walk, the sun is shining down
Burns my feet as they touch the ground"

He stopped walking and looked up at the sunshine sky then back at the ground thinking his feet may actually burn.

"Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine

Then we lie beneath a shady tree
I love her and she's loving me
She feels good, she know she's looking fine
I'm so proud to know that she is mine"

Russia then saw a tree in the distance with some shade underneath. 'How convenient,' he thought. Canada then came to his mind and the trip they took to the park. It was almost perfect if America didn't call Canada's cell phone every few minutes. But in the end they sat under a tree much like the tree right in front of him.

"Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine"

Ivan finished the song and began to walk further into the field. Looking at the numerous sunflowers that were alive, yellow petals with the big brown center. He then got to a point of the fiend where the sunflowers were dying their stems turning brown and black. His smile then turned into a sad frown as he turned around to find the rest of the flowers were dying. His mind the wondered to the door at which he came through. Russia ran to the door finding it open and that General Winter's steps in this world. His face then ran cold. General Winter manages to find the Russian and knocks him out.


Russia jerked up from his wonderful dream turned bad. His back and neck hurt from leaning back in the chair for so long. He stood up but then felt a stem of some sort in his hand. His gaze drifted down to his left hand. It revealed a sunflower, the yellow and brown shades showed that it was fresh and grown to the fullest. Ivan smiled at the flower and continued his way out of the office.

Soooo ya. If you any requests please either PM me or put them in the reviews.

Thanks for reading and RxR.