Disclaimer: See Chapter One.

A/N: This is the end! Thanks to everyone who has kept up with the story and reviewed. Send me your final thoughts with a review at the end!

Chapter Fifteen

We were made
We were made for each other
Is it possible
For the world to look this way forever?

- MFEO by Jack's Mannequin

Now that prom was over their time was now mostly devoted to the play. It was only two weeks away and needless to say Draco was in a frenzy, worrying over the unfinished costumes and spending extra hours practicing.

"Alright everyone!" called Mr. Lupin. "Remember that this Friday after class we are having a full run through so be prepared!"

The bell rang and people immediately began to disperse, most of them thankful to escape from the play for the rest of the day.

Unfortunately Harry's boyfriend was not most people.

"Mr. Lupin!" Draco called out. "Can I use the auditorium a little longer?"

"Of course, Draco, but you've been working very hard. Don't you want to take a break so you don't overwork yourself?"

"That sounds like a fantastic idea," Harry interrupted. Draco pouted, but Harry didn't care, instead wrapping his arm around his boyfriend.

"You don't want to overwork yourself, right? And what if something terrible happened like you lost your voice right before the play?"

Draco's face paled at the thought, obviously not thinking of it before.

"Maybe you're right and I need a break. We could go get some tea at the coffee shop. With honey in it because it soothes the throat."

Harry resisted rolling his eyes, but agreed, thankful that they could escape from this play business for a short while.

It was three days later when Harry realized he needed a break from the play that Hermione gave him the idea.

"Take him out on a date. When was the last time you've done that?"

Harry couldn't even remember – probably before he left and took Draco out to dinner where he tried to break up with him. He pushed that awful memory to the back of his mind and began to plan.

There was a lake about a mile away from the center of town and as he and Draco strolled towards it he thought that this was the perfect day to get away. The sun was shining and it was warm enough that they could wear t-shirts while a breeze would pass through every once in a while to keep them cool.

When they arrived at the lake Harry unfolded the blanket and set the picnic basket down. He was reminded of Christmas Eve when he and Draco had a picnic in Harry's living room, of the first time they made love.

"This is lovely," Draco commented as he lay on the blanket, his eyes closed while he let the sun beat down on him. "You know I've never been here before and I've lived here my whole life. But neither mother nor father are the outdoorsy types so I guess that's not surprising."

Harry lay down next to his boyfriend, closing his eyes too, but feeling around until he found Draco's hand, grasping it and linking their fingers together. They lay next to one another, basking in the silence and the heat emitting from the sun on their bodies.

"I'm glad you came back," Draco said, breaking the silence.

Harry cracked his eyes open and rolled onto his side so he was facing the blonde. Draco's head was turned and gray eyes were staring at him.

He felt a surge of love inside of him as Draco looked at him like he was the only one in the world for him. Draco turned towards him, his two hands resting underneath his pink cheek. Harry reached out and set his palm there, the flesh warm beneath his hand.

"Me too. I never wanted to hurt you and I'm glad you forgave me."

"There was nothing to forgive, Harry. We were both hurt and neither was to blame; the situation was out of our hands. I realize that now, but back then I let my emotions get the best of me."

"You don't have to apologize for that," Harry told him, inching closer before covering Draco's pink lips with his own.

Their mouths moved at a slow pace, feeling and touching each other, mapping every nook and cranny before they parted, breathing heavily.

"I want you," Harry whispered into Draco's mouth. The blonde pulled back, his lips red and full from their kissing.

"But anyone could see us!"

"We'll be careful. And nobody's been by yet, have they?"

Draco didn't move for a second, still looking cautious and wary, but he gave a slow nod and lay back on the blanket. Harry leaned up and gave him another fiery kiss before kneeling before Draco, unbuckling his belt and shedding his pants and then his own. They moved slowly, taking their time until Draco pled with him to speed up in which he quickly complied, both of them finishing only shortly after.

Harry had collapsed on top of Draco, running his fingers through the fine baby soft hair.

"That was good," Harry murmured.

"Mhmm," Draco agreed, "but don't you think we should put our pants back on now?"

Harry laughed and reluctantly sat up, helping Draco first and then doing his own.

"After that I've worked up an appetite. Are you hungry?"

"Yes. What did you bring me?" Draco smirked at Harry as he reached for the basket, peering into it and pulling out the various foods that consisted of sandwiches, fruit, a pasta salad, and a lemon tart for dessert.

"This looks delicious."

Harry was handed a sandwich by his boyfriend and he immediately began to dig in, not realizing how hungry he had been until after their tryst.

After taking a few bites, he said to Draco, "I thought we could go out on the lake afterwards. There are some canoes a little further down if you're interested."

"I've never been canoeing. Have you?"

"Well," said Harry, stabbing his pasta and not looking at Draco, "no. But I promise we won't fall! I mean, I know the mechanics behind it and it doesn't seem too difficult. We're on a lake too, so we don't have a current."

"Alright, I trust you."

A smile appeared on Harry's face as he heard those words and he paused, watching Draco as he packed up their lunch and the blanket. He knew that Draco trusted him, but he had never heard the other teen actually say the words. He remembered those many months ago in September when he asked Draco to trust him and he kept his promise.


Draco was frowning at him slightly, the basket held in one hand and the blanket folded up in his arms. Moving forward, Harry smiled at his boyfriend in reassurance and grabbed the basket from Draco's hand, his other arm wrapping around a lean body.

They dropped the items off at Draco's car before heading back to the lake where they found four canoes lying upside down. Together they flipped one over and pushed it down to the edge and then stood there, both staring at the canoe as if it would magically jump in the lake with both of them in it.

"I'm not getting wet," Draco declared. "So how does one do this?"

Harry hadn't really thought this part through. He knew the mechanics of steering a canoe, but he never thought of getting it in and out of the water.

"You get in first. I'll push you in the lake and then jump in real quick."

A blonde eyebrow arched while Draco eyed him doubtfully.

"I do hope you don't plan to literally jump in the canoe because that would most definitely tip it over."

"If I have to step in the water and get my feet wet then I don't mind. I doubt it will start floating off so I'll be able to get in easily. Don't worry."

Draco still looked doubtful, but he got in and Harry pushed the canoe to the very edge, Draco gripping the wooden sides as the boat slowly entered the water.

It didn't start floating off, which Harry didn't think it would since lakes didn't have currents, so he carefully stepped in, making sure to hold the sides as he did so as not to lose his balance. The canoe wobbled slightly and once he was fully settled in Draco was still gripping on to the sides, knuckles white.

"It's fine now. Do you want to help paddle?"

Draco agreed and Harry instructed him that he paddled on one side of the canoe and Draco on the other. Several minutes later they were slowly moving towards the center of the small lake, more like a pond really, until Harry pulled his paddle into the boat and set it down. Draco did the same and slowly turned around so that he was facing his boyfriend.

"Thanks for this," Draco said, peering up at Harry through long dark blonde lashes.

"I hope you weren't disappointed by this canoeing." The taller teen leaned forward, his arms resting on his knees. "I know it's not really your thing."

Draco smiled; he too bent forward on his own knees.

"But it's something new and I get to do it with you. You've been my firsts for a lot of things, you know?"

And Harry did. He could think of numerous things that he and Draco had experienced together that was Draco's first. Harry was his first friend. The first person besides his parents that he trusted. His first kiss. His first boyfriend. His first time going to a party. His first time decorating a Christmas tree and sledding. His first time making love. His first love, period.

Harry could say the same for many of those things for Draco. He was Harry's first boyfriend, the first person besides Sirius who he had said 'I love you' too. And Harry wouldn't change any of it.

"You've been a lot of my firsts too and I'm glad. We'll always have that."

He moved forward and kissed Draco, his hands caressing the soft skin before slipping into Draco's hair.

Yes, Draco was Harry's first love and he hoped to have many more firsts with him in the future.

It began with pointed stares and whispers, the words not quite reaching his ears. It wasn't until before English class where Hermione caught him at his locker and shoved the newspaper at him did he find out.

"What on earth does it say now?" Harry said with a sigh, taking the paper from her hands as she looked at him with worry.

"I heard it during my French class from Lavender and demanded that she give it to me. Tell me both you and Draco knew."

But Hermione knew as soon as Harry began to read the article and his facial features began to change from irritation to worry and then panic that neither of the boys had any idea.

"I have to find Draco."

The bell rang and people began to disperse as Harry dropped the paper to the ground, the pages falling apart and spreading across the floor, the headline on the front page reading LUCIUS AND NARCISSA MALFOY TO SEPARATE.

He almost missed him since it was pitch black inside the auditorium, but just as Harry pulled back to shut the door he heard the echoing sob.

"Draco?" he called out. He continued to stand there for a moment, trying to search for the blonde head from the little amount of light that the hall gave him until the auditorium lights switched on and he saw Draco standing on the side of the stage.

The door shut behind him as he raced down the aisle to meet Draco who had stepped off the stage. Arms immediately wrapped around the leaner frame and held Draco fiercely.

Only after several minutes did Harry pull away, glancing at Draco's tear stained face before leading him to a seat in the front row.

"I don't understand," said Draco, his voice a little shaky. "How could mother not have told me?"

"Are you sure this is true? That what the paper says isn't false?"

"I called my mother, Harry. I heard about it in first period and right after class got out I called her. She said she wanted to tell me before, but that they aren't getting divorced, just living separately so she didn't want to worry me."

Harry grasped Draco's hand, his thumb rubbing circles into the smooth pale skin.

"Do you know why?"

Draco snorted and closed his eyes as if in pain.

"Isn't it obvious Harry? My father was gone for months at a time after I came out to him only to come back for Thanksgiving. Then when he meets my boyfriend he only comes back when said boyfriend leaves. And when you come back he leaves again. It's because of me and the fact that I'm gay."

"Draco," Harry began, gripping Draco's hand even tighter.

Gray eyes opened and bore into Harry's own green ones. "Don't say it's not Harry. I asked mother if I had anything to do with it and she hesitated before saying no. So don't try and say that it's not my fault."

"Come here," said Harry and Draco leaned forward, his head on Harry's chest. The darker haired teen wrapped his arms around Draco and held him tightly. "It is not your fault your dad is a total arsehole and can't accept you. It's his fault that he can't see how brilliant and amazing you are."

"I know you're trying to make me feel better," Draco mumbled into Harry's chest. Harry felt a spot of dampness where Draco was laying his head, probably from the tears. "But I'm just too hurt right now. My father hates me."

"Don't say that."

Draco didn't reply and Harry wasn't sure what else to say. Sirius never dated that much as Harry was growing up; he was too preoccupied with his job and trying to be the parent to Harry so Harry never had to deal with adult relationship problems like this.

He finally found words that were more like putting a band aid on a gaping wound, much too small to heal, but enough to keep some of the sting away.

"Everything will be okay, I promise. I love you."

Draco just gripped him tighter.

Draco's mother came by the school later and pulled the blonde out of classes for the rest of the day. Harry hoped that Draco would receive more explanations from Narcissa, but that was no guarantee.

During his Spanish class he found another newspaper and saw the jarring article once again. The photos showed two separate pictures of Lucius and Narcissa, both walking about alone. They seemed fairly recent, within the past few weeks since Narcissa was wearing a shorter knee length dress due to the warming weather.

Harry looked at the article, reading it over once more.

Sources reveal that the Malfoy family has been going through troubles for some time.

One would never suspect the Malfoy family who appears to have it all to have problems, but it has been revealed that Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy have been having marital problems for many months now, dating back to as early as September of last year. Lucius Malfoy left town near the end of the month and did not return until Thanksgiving where the seemingly happy family appeared out and about together. He disappeared shortly after the holidays, not returning to town until early March where he once again departed abruptly only weeks after his arrival.

What about the Malfoy's son, sixteen year old Draco? He came out to his parents at the end of September coinciding with the first departure date of the elder Malfoy and shortly after he began dating Harry Potter. And what of Lucius' early spring return after being gone for nearly four months? Harry Potter left school and returned to his native England at the end of February only to come back again at the beginning of April, days before Mr. Malfoy was last seen in town. Could tensions between father, son, and the boyfriend have caused the rupture between husband and wife?

For more information please turn to A3.

Somehow somebody had finally put together all the pieces of the puzzle and had figured out that Harry had a significant part to play in all this. Draco didn't want him to think that this was his fault, but he knew he was guilty in at least part of the ordeal, but in all honesty Harry wouldn't change it. He had Draco out of it all, didn't he, and that was most important. He only hoped that Draco felt that way too.

Throughout the day his thoughts were never far from Draco and now it was Musical Theatre, the one place where Draco was most animated and himself, but he would be missing today.

Mr. Lupin found Harry in one of the auditorium seats in the back while everyone else was either backstage or on stage preparing for the scene they were going over.

"Mr. Potter?"

Harry looked up at the teacher, kind yet worried brown eyes looking down on him.

"Are you alright? Do I need to call Sirius?"

He gripped the paper that he hadn't even realized was still in his hand, causing it to make a crinkling noise. Mr. Lupin glanced down at it and then sat down next to Harry.

"Mr. Malfoy's a strong young man, Harry. I think that with your support he'll be able to get through this difficult time with his family."

Harry didn't say anything at first, not daring to glance up at Mr. Lupin in case his emotions would flood over.

"I know he's strong, but he and I both know that his father hasn't been around because of me. That's been no secret between all of us even if it did go unsaid."

"Perhaps you shouldn't be looking at yourself, Harry. Why does Lucius Malfoy dislike you so much? Is it because you are a boy or the fact that Sirius is your godfather?"

At this Harry did look up, his eyes widened in shock.

"How did you know the Malfoys didn't like me because of that?"

Mr. Lupin smiled. "Sirius and I do talk about things as you know and I've known for many years that the Malfoys were happy when he left. It meant that Narcissa had access to the family business and it would be in her control. But neither you nor Draco can blame yourselves if Lucius doesn't accept Draco or yourself."

"That's what I told Draco, but I don't know if he believes me."

"The best thing you can do right now is let Draco know you're there for him. It's difficult for anyone to find out their parents are separating, but especially for an older child."

Harry looked down at the dark red arm rest and picked at an imaginary string as he voiced an opinion he had never told anyone before.

"I don't think Lucius was ever much of a father to Draco."

"That may be true, but does the pain of said father leaving lessen? I think not, especially for someone like Draco who depended on his parents for so long."

Harry knew that Mr. Lupin was right, that even if Harry thought both Lucius and Narcissa weren't very good parents to Draco in the emotional sense that's all he had ever known growing up.

"Thanks," Harry told his teacher after a moment of thought.

Mr. Lupin smiled kindly at him and adjusted his glasses. "I think today we're just going to brush up on choreography. If you aren't feeling up to it I'll let you sit out for the day."

Harry smiled in response at the gesture. "Thanks, but I should probably practice. I'm not a pro like Draco."

The older man laughed as he stood up and Harry stood too. "No, Draco is quite talented and we can't all be up to par on his level. He'll make it big someday, of that I have no doubt."

For the first time all day Harry smiled genuinely.

"Yeah, I know he will."

'And I'll be right at his side,' he thought.

Harry immediately walked the distance to Draco's house after school to check up on the blonde. When he knocked he wasn't sure who would answer, but he was thankful that it was Draco. He was still dressed in his clothes from school and his face held no trace of tears like it did earlier.

"Hey," Harry said, pulling Draco into a hug which the blonde returned.

"I'm glad you're here," Draco mumbled into Harry's chest.

"Of course I am. How about we go up to your room?"

Draco pulled away and nodded, leading the way until they were both sitting on Draco's bed, legs crossed facing one another.

"How did the talk with your mum go?"

Draco shrugged, gazing down at his comforter as he answered.

"Alright I suppose. She said that she had known for a couple weeks that father had officially moved out and was living in the city. I guess it came as a surprise for her and she wanted to wait to tell me since I was so happy you were back and everything. She never expected it to leak to the papers and if she had known it would be in there she said she would've told me before. I asked her again if I had anything to do with the decision and she finally told me yes. That father was unhappy with my lifestyle." When he said the word he spat it, his eyes narrowed with anger at the thought. "But I realized something." He grabbed Harry's hands and gently began to run his finger tips up and down Harry's own. "I realized that I don't need my father's approval to be happy and if I want to continue staying happy then I'll never have it. I'm not willing to lose you ever over him. I've been happier with you than I've ever been in my entire life and if my father can't see that then it's his loss."

Harry leaned forward, capturing Draco's lips with his own. When Harry pulled away, Draco's lips were upturned.

"What about your mother? How is she handling it all?"

"Alright. She knows I'm happy and I think she's content with that. If they do get divorced they both have their own empires so it's not as if she has to worry about money."

They sat in silence for a moment before Harry pushed Draco against his pillows and they began to kiss in earnest.

After several minutes and the need for air, Harry rolled over where he was laying next to Draco.

"Oh no!" cried Draco, sitting up and peering down at Harry with a look of horror. "I missed Theatre today!"

Harry laughed, knowing that even with Draco's family problems that things would be okay.

The week leading up to the play had Harry worried about Draco. He wasn't sure how the blonde would be in school with everyone knowing his family problems and add along the pressure of the upcoming play Saturday night he was sure Draco would break down at some point.

But like Mr. Lupin said, Draco was strong. He ignored the whispers, sneers, and stares from his fellow classmates about his family and he threw his focus in the play while throughout it all Harry was at his side.

The big night had finally come and most of the class, even those who had at first hadn't been interested in the play, were buzzing with excitement.

Draco peered out from the side of the stage just minutes before the opening act and he turned around to Harry excitedly.

"The auditorium is full!"

"That's great! Sirius should be out there. And your mum."

For a moment Draco's excitement left his face at Harry's words.

"Do you think she'll be proud?"

Harry stepped forward, enveloping his boyfriend in a hug. "Of course she will be. I think she's been just as excited about it as you have been. I think that's all she's talked about this whole week."

To Harry's surprise Narcissa Malfoy showed just how strong she could be in the aftermath of her and her husband's separation. She was even more interested and involved with Draco's life, which included Harry's, and after the play she, Harry, Draco, Sirius, and Mr. Lupin were all going to dinner together.

"You're right," Draco told him and he pressed his lips against Harry's.

"Eh em."

They pulled away from their kiss to find Pansy with her arms crossed and tapping her foot, although her smirk gave her away.

"Come on lover boys. The show's going to start!"

The lights went down and the entire class went on the stage for the opening act.

As Harry watched the scenes from the side of the stage he finally understood how Draco must feel when he was out there, the thrill of performing and to see all of their hard work turn into something so concrete. He couldn't take his eyes off of Draco as he performed 'I Want to Make Magic', his boyfriend's natural grace and talent shining through.

When Draco came off the stage after his performance he gave Harry a hard kiss, wishing him luck since his solo was up next.

"You'll do great," he reassured Harry and that was all that he needed to hear before stepping on stage.

The lights were bright, almost too bright really and for a fleeting moment he panicked and looked to the side of the stage where Draco was watching him, a grin on his face. Then the words and moves flowed out with ease and the scene was over.

Soon after Blaises' performances the first act was over and there was a fifteen minute intermission. Everyone moved around quickly changing costumes and preparing the new scenery and Harry was amazed at how the class had put aside their dislikes for one another, even if it was for only this one night, and was working together. When Draco complimented Lavender on her performance of 'There She Goes!/Fame' the girl thanked him and said he did a good job too. Harry figured that even if Draco thought he was a better performer, which he was, he respected the other girl enough for her dedication and vice versa.

The rest of the play went off without a hitch and it before Harry knew it the curtain was closing and they were ushered off stage by Mr. Lupin for the curtain call. Several students who were part of the ensemble walked up first to a thunderous round of applause and shouts. He, Pansy, and three other students walked up next followed by Blaise and Lavender. Last, and Harry's favorite, was Draco and the sophomore girl named Rachel. They all moved to form one single file line and although Blaise and Lavender were between him and Draco, the blonde caught his eye and grinned.

The curtains fell for a final time and the stage exploded in quiet chatter and congratulations. Harry saw Draco moving towards him, a light sheen of sweat shining on his forehead and a wide smile on his face.

"Hi," greeted Harry. "You were amazing out there, but I bet you already knew that, didn't you?"

Draco smirked, his arms wrapping around Harry's neck.

"Maybe, but it's always nice to hear. You were great out there too. I think New York better watch out for us."

Harry smiled and leaned down closer to Draco, his lips covering the blonde's, neither of them caring that their entire class was on stage with them.

"I love you," Harry whispered to Draco.

Gray eyes softened and the arms around his neck tightened even more. "I love you too," was murmured softly before Draco kissed him once more.

He wasn't sure he was destined for Broadway like Draco, but he could see himself in New York, perhaps pursuing photography. One thing he was sure about was that wherever Draco went he would stand by his side because that's what love was all about, wasn't it? No matter what they did in the future Harry would be there for Draco and he knew that Draco would be there for him, because in the end all that mattered was each other.