A/N: At long last, the makeup sex! This is basically a total smutfest. But it's a fluffy smutfest! So... I hope you like it :). And I really hate to be that girl who asks for reviews, but they really do mean so much to me, so if you feel like it, I'd love to know what you think! And a huge thank you to those of you who have already reviewed/favorited/put this story on alert. I love you for it! Alright, sorry, enough talking - on to the sex!

The Break - Part III

And then they were kissing again, and this time, there were no more interruptions.

Everything that had needed to be said had been said, and now it was time to rememorize each other, to share once more that which they had only ever shared with each other. Every touch was a mixture of sweetness and desperation; they wanted to savor every moment and yet they were consumed with a raw need that rendered it impossible to take things slow. The conflict only served to make everything more intense. The air was filled with sharp gasps and contented moans as lips rediscovered favorite spots and hands traced familiar patterns. After over a year of learning exactly how to touch each other, two months had not made them forget.

It soon became clear that kissing, spectacular as it was, was not enough. Although their bodies were pressed tightly together, they needed more contact - the feeling of skin on skin. Kurt slid his hands under Blaine's shirt and pulled it up and over his head, fingertips grazing appreciatively over Blaine's toned chest and stomach. He traced the cut V lines that disappeared temptingly beneath Blaine's jeans - God, he had missed Blaine's body - and felt Blaine shudder slightly beneath his touch. He continued his wandering exploration, sliding two fingers beneath the waistband of Blaine's boxers and tugging playfully. Blaine responded with a whine, kissing Kurt hungrily and pleadingly pressing the hardness in his pants against Kurt's thigh. Kurt smirked - he had always loved how needy Blaine got when he was horny.

Blaine was in no mood to be teased. He felt like a starving man who had happened upon a feast - he wanted to devour Kurt, to touch and taste every inch of his skin and never let him go. It had been far too long since he had been with Kurt like this, and now was not the time for messing around. He was so overwhelmed with love and desire that he could barely think straight - everything was sensation, and it was simultaneously too much and not nearly enough. He felt animalistic, as if his body had begun acting of its own accord.

Impatient with the amount of clothing still in his way, he nearly ripped Kurt's shirt off and cast it aside, then spun them around so that Kurt was the one pressed up against the door. Kurt gave a small "oof" of surprise but responded enthusiastically - he loved it when Blaine got a little aggressive. As he began sucking on the underside of Kurt's jaw, Blaine unashamedly rubbed his groin hard against Kurt's thigh, desperately seeking the pressure that Kurt - he had always been a fucking tease - was refusing to provide.

Gripping Kurt's hips, Blaine began kissing and licking a hot trail down Kurt's body, finally dropping to his knees before him. He kissed Kurt's hip bones, then glanced up at him with lust-darkened eyes. "I love you," he said, voice raw with emotion.

Kurt was slightly taken aback by this sudden, heartfelt declaration, especially when Blaine was on his knees and about to blow him. But it was so very Blaine to announce what he was feeling exactly when he was feeling it, regardless of the situation, and his words filled Kurt with a warmth and sense of rightness that he hadn't felt in a very long time. He blinked away the tears stinging at his eyes and smiled. "I love you too," he said softly, and suddenly, the entire mood shifted. The desperation was still there, but the urgency was gone, replaced by an indescribable tenderness that made Kurt's heart ache in the best way possible.

Blaine beamed up at him. With trembling hands, he unfastened Kurt's pants and tugged them down, pressing a gentle kiss to the inside of Kurt's thigh. He hesitated briefly as he reached for Kurt's boxer briefs, feeling strangely nervous. He had done this so many times before, and yet after their time apart, it almost felt new again. He looked up at Kurt and saw that he was watching Blaine intently, biting his lip in the same way he had the first time Blaine had ever sucked him off. Taking comfort in the fact that Kurt clearly felt the same way he did, Blaine pulled Kurt's underwear down and wrapped his hand around his cock, stroking firmly.

The familiar weight of Kurt in his hand eased his nerves, and, with growing confidence, he took Kurt in his mouth. Kurt gave a breathy little moan of approval, his hips jerking forward slightly. It had been far too long since he had been engulfed in the exquisitely wet heat of Blaine Anderson's mouth. And now Blaine was hollowing out his cheeks and working his tongue in exactly the way Kurt liked, and fuck because if he kept that up this was all going to be over very quickly. Appealing as the thought of coming down Blaine's throat was, Kurt wanted their first time back together to be more than that. He wanted - needed - to be inside of Blaine, to feel Blaine moving beneath him and watch him shatter and come undone.

"Wait, huhh, mmm, Blaine, stop" Kurt managed to say between stuttered breaths. He grabbed a handful of Blaine's curls and tugged gently as Blaine slid his mouth off of Kurt's dick. "Come up here."

Blaine stood, looking perplexed. Kurt kissed him, then murmured, "I want to fuck you. Please, oh God, please say I can -"

The words were barely out of Kurt's mouth before Blaine was nodding and saying, "Okay. Yes, okay, please, yes," he said, punctuating each word with a kiss. Kurt smiled and kissed Blaine deeply, knotting his fingers in Blaine's hair.

And now the urgency was back, though it did not replace the tenderness. Kurt kicked off his pants and boxers and walked Blaine backwards towards the bed, unbuttoning and unzipping Blaine's jeans as they went. Blaine's legs hit the bed and he toppled backwards on to it, gazing up at Kurt with such reverence that it made Kurt's heart hurt. Remembering the broken look on Blaine's face when he had thought Kurt slept with Jeremy, Kurt was suddenly overcome by a desire to take care of Blaine, to love him and make him feel good and show him that it had only ever been him that Kurt wanted to be with like this.

Blaine propped himself up on his elbows and watched as Kurt finished undressing him, slowly peeling off his jeans and boxers. "You're gorgeous," Kurt said, crawling on top of Blaine and straddling him.

"You're beautiful," Blaine replied as Kurt leaned in for a kiss. Kurt blushed and reached into the drawer of his bedside table, pulling out a bottle of lube. He slid a pillow under Blaine's hips and slicked up his fingers, listening as Blaine's breathing sped up in anticipation. "Ready?" he said, his forehead resting against Blaine's. Blaine nodded jerkily.

Kurt reached down and lightly brushed his fingers over Blaine's opening. Blaine gasped at the contact. Going very slowly - he knew this would be painful for Blaine, and he wanted to be as gentle as possible - he pressed one finger inside and stopped, waiting for Blaine to adjust. Blaine hissed and winced - it always stung a bit at first, but he hadn't been touched there in two months, and it hurt more than usual. "I'm sorry," Kurt said, pressing a reassuring kiss to Blaine's lips.

"S'okay," Blaine breathed. "Keep going." He was so desperate to feel Kurt inside of him that he didn't even care all that much about the pain.

Kurt began moving his finger very gingerly, and when Blaine seemed ready, he added a second. Blaine's eyes were squeezed shut, his lips slightly parted, and he was beginning to whimper and move beneath Kurt's touch. "More," he begged, his fingers digging into the soft sheets of Kurt's bed.

Kurt added a third finger, and a sharp cry not long after told him he had found Blaine's prostate. He knew from experience how having his prostate touched turned Blaine into a wanton whore, and Kurt reveled in the familiar way Blaine's body bent up towards his as Kurt stroked the spot again and again.

Blaine seemed to be nearly past the point of coherent speech - a collection of shuddering gasps and shaking breaths was pouring from his mouth, and his entire body was trembling. Kurt couldn't take it anymore - he needed to be inside. "Blaine," he said shakily, surprised to find that he was having trouble speaking as well. "Blaine, I'm going to make love to you now." Blaine groaned at his words, a deep, drawn-out groan that was filled with desire and emotion.

Kurt pulled his fingers out of Blaine, kissing his forehead as Blaine hissed at the sudden feeling of emptiness. Kurt spread lube over his cock and then leaned down over Blaine, kissing the side of his neck. "I love you," he murmured into Blaine's ear.

The lack of prostate stimulation had allowed Blaine to regain a modicum of coherency, and he responded, "I love you too," before pulling Kurt in for a kiss.

"This is all I've ever wanted," Kurt said, and Blaine knew what he meant. This level of intimacy, this ultimate act of love - they were only ever meant to share it with each other.

"Me too," Blaine whispered.

They were both shaking, foreheads pressed together and lips nearly touching. With another kiss, Kurt slid into Blaine, and they gasped into each other's mouths. They had always fit together perfectly, but now that there had been time apart, even the possibility of other partners, it seemed more true than ever before. Kurt began moving, and the feeling was exquisite - Blaine was so hot and tight and being inside of him again made Kurt feel as if he had finally found his way home.

Blaine was clutching at Kurt's shoulders and writhing beneath him, crying out as Kurt hit his prostate with each thrust. All he could think of was how utterly perfect this moment was, how completely full and satisfied he felt with Kurt inside of him. Their bodies were moving in a familiar rhythm, fingers digging into hot flesh and sounds of pleasure mixed with desperation falling from their lips. Blaine came first, seconds after Kurt had reached between them to stroke his cock, and he looked so beautiful that Kurt followed almost immediately, collapsing on top of Blaine with a shout.

They lay like that for a while, still joined as one, until the stickiness between them became uncomfortable and Kurt slid out of Blaine and rolled on to his back. Grabbing some tissues, he cleaned them up before turning on his side to face Blaine.

"Hey," Kurt said, reaching out to stroke Blaine's face.

"Hey," Blaine replied. "I missed you."

Kurt nodded. "I missed you too."

Blaine sighed happily and snuggled up against Kurt's chest, burying his face in Kurt's shoulder. He was already thinking of all the things they could do now that they were together again - all of the adventures they had talked about over the summer, plus so much more. The images filling his head made him so happy he thought his heart would burst. But for now, all he really wanted was to lie here with Kurt, to breathe him in and feel his presence and thank his lucky stars that the break hadn't ruined them.

And now that it was over, now that he was lying here with Kurt and everything was perfect again, he wondered if perhaps, some time in the future, he would be able to look back on their time apart as a good thing. Because truth be told, he had never appreciated Kurt so much, never felt so in love with him as he did in this moment. No, the break hadn't ruined them - if anything, it had made them stronger.

The End

Thanks for reading :)