Ok this is a new story by Dj Gin, but not only me. Also by hichigolvr who wrote the ichihime fanfiction 'In a Matter of Seconds' so after reading this story check out 'In a Matter of Seconds'

Oh and this story is inspired by a true story. So never get drunk in Vegas. Yea not good. not good. Jk Jk HAHA! :)

What Happens In Vegas Bleach Style

OK we all have heard the phrase "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas." Well I'm here to say that's not true. And this is from experience not from movies like most people. One crazy stupid night changed my whole life. It would change yours too if you woke up with pig wearing a bra running through your hotel room and a naked girl in your bed. Yea I said naked. Like bare ass naked in my bed! I got to admit I was kind of happy. Come on she was naked! Who wouldn't be happy, but when I gazed down at my hand is what worried me the most. It was a wedding ring. Shit I was fucking married! She could of be some slutty hooker with an STDs for all I knew!

Let me tell you how this all began.

It was a pretty normal night. I was with my best buds Renji, Keigo, and Mizuiro. We were hanging out at the bar of a casino and sort'a got wasted. After about 10 shots and 5 beers we went to a stripper club. Renji and Keigo paid for lap dances and went into separate rooms. While Mizuiro on the other hand had his tongue shoved down ones throat. Until he left and took her to our hotel room.

Now it was just me, without my friends or a chick. So I ended up leaving Renji and Keigo. They probably won't care. By the sound of the moans they seemed to be having fun. I was just walking through the lobby when a girl bumped into me and we both fell to the ground. She crawled too me and said "I'm so s-worry sir" the stench of alcohol reaching my nostrils.

"It's o-ok." We both staggered up and she fell into my arms. She looked up at me and I got lost in her gray orbs. She was smoking hot. She had long hair that looked as if it had gone on for miles and curves that down to long lushes legs. And her boobs! Let's just say I'm surprised they make bras that big. Her dress exposing her legs and I had to say it was very low. I was holding back a nose bleed.

"You're cute! I like you want to get some drinks?"

"Yea." We went to a club where I had 15 more shots and she about 5. By now I was so fucked up I couldn't think strait. I became someone I wasn't.

"S-so what's y-your name"

"Orihime I-Inoue."

"Ichigo Kurosaki." She sat up from the bar and rapped her arms around me. Shoving her hands down my V-neck. A weird sensation going through out my whole body as her hands went lower and lower and lower.

"You're so cute!" her hands slowly slipping out of my shirt. I turned around to face her my nose only one centimeter away from hers. She bit her lip and then her lips crashed into mine. Her fingers moving wildly through my hair as mine were placed on her hips. And that's last thing I remember from that night. Also I remembered the smell of her hair, the feeling of her skin, and the taste of her lips.

Yea call me a freak I don't care, but when that girl started to wake up. I was as stiff as a rock.

"Mhmmmmmmm." Her eyes slowly fluttered open and landed on me. Her gray orbs became wide. She quickly looked under the covers to find herself naked. With a loud shriek she jumped out of the bed her back hitting the wall. My face reddened, my nosed bled, and lets just say it got hard. She screamed and grabbed a nearby jacket next to her.

"Who the hell are you?"

"I'm Ichigo Kurosaki. "And then I added "your husband." She looked down at her finger. Her cheeks turning pink.

"Oh my god I'm married to you" she said it quite harshly."Did we ummm you know?" this question shocked me. I had a feeling she already knew the answer, but didn't want to believe it.

"Well with us both naked and the wet condom on the floor. I'm gonna say yes"

"No, no, no! You raped me didn't you?"

"Fuck no! I'm not some pervertitive criminal. Jeez what happen to the girl that thought I was cute."

"What the wasted girl that let you fuck her? Ohh I don't know!"

"Ughh can I at least get your clothes for you"

"Why so you can masturbate with them? How 'bout you get your own clothes"

"Fine. You didn't have to be a bitch"

"Go fuck yourself asshole" she quickly picked up her things and ran to the bathroom. Where I heard cries escape its walls. I didn't know if I should comfort her or just leave her to cry. I know I sound like a real dick wad, but she was being all bitchy and stuff.

"Hey are you ok in their"

"Yea I'm fine. Just piss off"

"Jesus Christ what is your problem!"

"You" she whispered it to the point where I can barely hear it. She's was really pissing me off. "Get out of the away."

"What the hell! Why should I get out of the-" before I could finish there was a huge ass door slammed in my face. She walked out and had begun to laugh.

"Hahaha! I told you to move." She her laugh became

softer and softer as she saw I wasn't moving."Are you ok. Ichigo! Ichigo! What should I do? I killed him! Why did I slam it so hard?" she knelt down beside me and extended her hand to poke me.


"Ahhhhhh! Damn you! I thought you were died! How old are you 5!"

"No I'm 6 actually."

"Smartass!" she was so pissed off it was crazy. It turned me on a little bit.

"Your pretty hot when you're angry." I said as I stood up from the ground. Her faced turned red."What haven't seen a naked man before"

"It's none of your business!" she yelled as she swiftly turned around.

"I'm your first aren't I?" she said nothing as she walked to the door. "Your mine too" before she left she turned around and had a faint smile on her lips. It was the first time I've seen her really smile. Not some wasted smirk on her face.

"I'm gonna go find my friends. Meet me in the buffet to talk about a divorce." And then she was gone, but that moment I had a feeling I was forgetting something. It was something very important to and then it hit me like a drunkin bum.

"Shit where are the guys?" I begun to search the room when I heard groans from the closet. I opened the door to find Renji with a girl on top of him. She was only dressed in her bra and a in his briefs. "Renji! Renji!" his eyes opened and he jumped at the site of the girl. He gently pushed her off. Man that was one big closet! It was the size of my bedroom.

"What the fuck happened last night!"

"To tell you the truth I don't know man and I really wish I did." I showed him the ring on my finger.

"No way. You got married! Did you do it with her?"

"I think so."

"Was she hot?"

"Yea she was. She had the biggest boobs I've ever seen."

"Nice! Hey where's Keigo and Mizuiro?" he said as he got up.

"Well that's the problem." So then we had started to search the room. Then after searching every last square inch of the room we searched the bath room. And their he was in the tub with a girl laying beside him. Suriously what did we do last night? Did we go on a hooker shopping spree or something. She was missing her bra. I had guessed that the one the pig was wearing was hers. I approached Keigo and shook him a little bit. Till sound of his awakening.


"Hey Keigo." I shook him some more then his eyes had fluttered open.

"I'm awake. Stop shaking me!" he yelled as he got up. Not even noticing the half naked girl next to him.

"Keigo you do know there's a girl right?"

"Yea that's Tatsuki. Hey Renji where's Rukia? You guys where having a good old time in that closet last night!" he put his hand in the air expecting high-fives, but we just stood there in awe. "What's wrong with you guys?"

"You remember what happened last night?" me and Renji said in unison.

"Yea why?"

"You where more fucked up then I was!" Renji yelled.

"Ohhh well when I get wasted I don't react at all. Isn't that weird?" Renji and I just stood there. Both stressed out of our minds."Hey Ichigo where's the bride?"

"You were at my wedding?" this is the first time I've actually relied on Keigo for something.

"We all were. Except Mizuiro he was in his room with the stripper."

"But we shared a room and he's not here!" I was so worried. I had thought my friend was dead or dying.

"That's a problem. Maybe we should all get together. Us and the girls to see if we can find anything"

"Sounds like a plan" Keigo got Tatsuki out of the tub and Renji got Rukia out of the closet. And for me I chased the pig to get the bra back and picked up their clothes. We laid them and their clothes on the bed. Waiting for them to get up. Then we heard a knock at the door. When I opened it Orihime barged into the room. Tears running down her face.

"Ichigo h-help I-I-I can't f-find my friends."

"What are their names?"

"T-Tasuki and R-R-Rukia" she started to gasp for air.

"Don't worry and I think I've found them." I pointed to the bed.

"You raped them two?" she yelled as she pushed me out of the way and ran to her friends aids.

"What don't you get of 'FUCK NO'!"

"Then why are they half naked?"she said gesturing to her friends.

"That's cause my friends raped them."

"Ummm I'd like to point out she liked it so it's technically not rape." Orihime gave Keigo an annoyed glance. "Just putting it out there."

"Keigo just shut up."

"Will do my friend. Will do." Orihime had given out a loud sigh and kicked us out of the room to get her friend up and ready. So we were standing outside waiting for them.

"So one fucked up night?"Renji sighed.

"You could say that again" then the door burst open and the girls stepped out.

"So that's the one you married?" Orihime nodded. "Stop fussing I say take advantage of this! He's hot!" I chocked on my spit when I had heard that."Hi I'm Rukia Kuchki nice too meet you." She said. She was so short she didn't look old

"Ichigo Kurosaki" we shook hands then she look at Renji. She gave him a glare then took his hand.

"Renji Abari" she keeped her glare. "Why are you staring at me like that."

"Cause I don't like you."

"It didn't seem like that last night." He whispered, but loud enough for us to hear. She keeped her glare as she flipped him off.

"Hey I'm Tatsuki and I wish I didn't meet any of you."

"That hurt. I thought we had something last night" she gave Keigo a pissed off glare then punched him right in the face.

"OK I get we all hate each other, but we're all at fault here. It's not just our fault it's your guy's fault to. We all decided to get drunk last night and we all agreed to have sex. So we are not going to get anywhere arguing with each other. I'm not saying we have to become best friends, but at least want us to stop arguing." All eyes were on me and then everyone sighed.

"Ok I agree. Jeez Orihime he's one hell of a guy." Orihime looked at me and gave a slight smile and I gave one in return. "You guys are pathetic you're so gonna fall for each other." Orihime broke our gaze.

"I'd never fall for a guy like him." And back to insulting.

"Yea well I'll never fall for someone like you."

"Oh I'm so 'hurt'."

"You guys so love each other."

"No we don't!" me and Orihime said in unison. Are eyes met and she bit her lip. I just stared back.

"You two are hopeless!" I was starting to believe Rukia. I was falling for this girl, but I was never going admit to it. And neither was she.