Title: It All Began With Red
Author: Mai_Sensei
Prompt: Spectrum Challenge - Red
Genre: General
AU/CU: Modern Era
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2851
A/N: The first chapter in the series The Red Kimono
Summary: Higurashi Kagome, currently in her early twenties, can't seem to be left alone by her family who wants her to settle down. She adamantly turns away many a suitor, trying to prove to everyone that she's fine alone. But after a child's strange request, Kagome finds herself being pursued by Taisho Sesshoumaru, who is determined to break down her walls and bury himself in her heart.

"What's that you've got there, Rin-chan?"

The little girl looked up at the sound of her name and smiled.

"Rin is drawing a pretty picture of Papa. See?" she held up her artwork proudly and I couldn't help but laugh at her cuteness.

"Well you did a wonderful job," I ruffled her hair a bit, making her giggle. "But why don't you color in his kimono? Maybe a nice red?"

"Oh no," Rin shook her head solemnly. "Papa would never want to wear the same color kimono as Oji-san."
I raised a brow.

"Is that so?" I asked and she nodded viciously. "Well I think if the right person asked he would gladly wear it."

A curious look crossed her face then she smiled again.

"You're right Kagome-sama! And Rin knows the perfect person!"

Assuming she meant herself, I gave Rin a warm smile. It had taken a while for her to open up to me, unlike the other first graders who had taken a liking to me quickly. But that was no natter, I never backed down from a challenge and soon Rin was smiling and talking with me amiably; she was my favorite student and I knew she enjoyed my company just as I did hers.

"Kagome-san! Come see my drawing!" a boy in middle of the class waved his paper around excitedly.

"Keep up the good work," I told Rin, who beamed and turned back to her paper.

I walked to the middle of the class and stared sternly down at the orange haired boy who had wanted my attention so badly.

"Now Shippou," I started. "What did we talk about yesterday?"

He looked down guiltily then said," Sorry Kagome-san. Can you please look at my drawing?"

My stern air dropped and I smiled.

"That wasn't too hard, was it?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"My picture is of Kagome-san and her husband!" Shippou exclaimed proudly.

I visibly winced as he turned his paper around to reveal a crude drawing of two people in kimonos.

"Shippou! You know I don't have a husband," I scolded then narrowed my eyes as a faint blush crossed his cheeks. "Wait a minute, Kikyo say something to you?"

Shippou frowned at the mention of his mother and my sister. She had gotten remarried a few months ago and it seemed to be she couldn't stop trying to fix me up on blind dates. With first my mother and now my sister down my throat about getting married, I had been avoiding the taboo topic as much as possible. Now it seemed that they had recruited poor Shippou too.

"But mama says she found a good one this time," Shippou said defensively, seeing my sour expression. "Something about white collars and-"

"Shippou," I said through clenched teeth, "flip over your drawing, please."

With a guilty face, he turned the picture of me and my "husband" over. My lips lightened as I recognized

Kikyo's neat scrawl on the back.

You have a date tonight at five. Dress appropriately.

I closed my eyes as a rush of relief swept through me. Unused to this type of reaction, I felt Shippou tug on the sleeve of my blouse.

"What's wrong Oba-san?" he asked concernedly, accidentally forgetting to call me Kagome-san.

I opened my eyes and gave him a big smile that had him easing his fingers from my sleeve.

"Absolutely nothing."

"Okay," he said hesitantly.

"It's a very nice drawing Shippou," I changed the topic abruptly by turning his page back over to examine the two stick people. One was obviously me, with the black and blue hair, lime green cat eyeglasses, and a wide grin. But the stick figure whose hand mine reached out to hold was neither black haired nor smiling. The kimono had not been colored in and neither had the hair. I frowned.

"Why didn't you finish coloring him in?" I asked.

"I couldn't think of what to do," he responded shrugging.

I thought about what Rin had said about her dad and decided someone should get to have a red kimono. "I have an idea, why don't you color in his kimono red."

Shippou smiled along with me and picked up his crayon.

"What color should his hair-"


I gave Shippou an apologetic look as the lunch bell rang.

"Sorry kiddo, we'll have to finish another time," i stood and walked to the front of the class where i could see all twenty of my students beginning to pack up. "Okay kids, its time for lunch! Line up at the door!"

"And why can't you go?" my sister demanded.

I sighed and shifted my phone to the other ear so I could grab another Jupiter and a clip. We had just learned about the solar system and I, wanting to make the topic more appealing, had came up with the idea of each child picking a planet or star and coloring it in. As a surprise to them, I wanted to hang them from the ceiling, but doing that and talking on the phone at the same time was rather difficult.

"I told you, I have a parent teacher conference at five," I explained. "It was the only time his assistant said he was available this week and I'll take any chance I'll get to meet with him."

"But Kagome you have no idea how hard it was for me to secure this date for you," she whined and I rolled my eyes. As my baby twin sister, she was used to getting what she wanted. "He hardly goes out with anyone and I had to use every trick in the book to convince his brother to convince him.

I felt a familiar feeling rise within me: guilt. I knew my sister was giving me the guilt trip and usually it would work. But this time I really did have an appointment I couldn't break.

"I'm sorry Kiki," I said, trying to soften the blow by using am old childhood nickname. "But this is really important and it would be rude of me to-"

"Hold on a second," Kikyo said hurriedly then there was a click.

I sighed, and resumed my work while in hold. I had just attached Jupiter to the ceiling and climbed down from the desk when I heard Kikyo's breathless "Kagome?"

"Still here," I replied, curiously picking up a red Saturn and shrugging before grabbing a clip and more string.

"Well it appears you two are perfect for each other," she said shortly.

"Wfs thad?" I asked, words incoherent as I was holding some of the string in my mouth.

But after years of practice, Kikyo understood my garbled talk and snapped, "He's backing out of the date too. Some meeting that popped up a the last minute."

"Look, you can't try and fix me up with every man that might seem perfect who you've come across. If we haven't yet yet then the kami hasn't meant for us to," I told her, tone softening. "Besides, I'm happy right now, even though I'm not married. Can't you be happy for me too?"

Kikyo sniffed and I knew she would back off, at least for a little while.

"Okay," she consented reluctantly. "I won't fix any more dates up for you."

"Thanks," I said then glanced at the time. It was ten minutes to five! "I've got to go! My meeting is going to start in a bit."

"Bye Gome."

I smiled at the old name. "Bye Kiki."

I hung up with a sigh. Dealing with my sister always gave me a slight headache. I know she means well and I love her to death, but sometimes she can be a lot to handle.

With one last loop, I finished tying the planet just as I heard a knock on my classroom door. Five o clock sharp.

"Come in!" I shouted and quickly climbed down from the desk.

Smoothing my skirt, I turned to the door to see long brown hair, a freckled face with the front two teeth missing, and big brown eyes which were currently searching for me.

"Hello again Rin-chan," I greeted warmly and her eyes snapped to where I was standing.

"Kagome-sama!" she squealed and ran into the room.

I laughed at her enthusiasm and opened my arms just as she launched into them. She giggled as I spun us around for a moment then set her down.

"Guess what, Kagome-sama!" Rin started.

"What?" I asked.

"Papa's here!" she whispered excitedly.

"That's great," I said and turned to lead her to the front of the classroom.

I stopped when I saw a tall handsome man in an expensive looking business suit standing next to my desk.

"I apologize for my rudeness," I smiled. "I'm Higurashi Kagome; you must be Rin's father."

"Taisho Sesshoumaru," he said in a way of response. "I am here for the meeting."

"Of course," I glanced down at Rin. "Why don't you wait in the hallway? Well only be a little while."


And with that she skipped out and closed the door.

"I'm so glad you could finally come out to meet with me," I began. "Rin really is a wonderful child and I enjoy having her in my class."

I sat down behind my desk and gestured to the chair next to my desk. He sat down with a peculiar expression on his fade, but I ignored it. As a matter of fact, I was trying to ignore everything about him. From his pale skin and perfectly sculpted cheekbones, to the molten gold eyes and the pure silver of his hair, his was a presence that was hard to ignore, but I stayed strong.

"As you already know," I said to Mr. Taisho, "Rin is very bright. She has a wonderful imagination and that aspect really shines through in her work. She excels in reading and writing, but she's having some trouble in math and science. It's hard for her to pay attention in class, and though this can be understandable, it's not beneficial to her. Perhaps a bit of going over the homework with her and explaining questions she might not have asked me could really help her."

"She has always been this way," Mr. Taisho confirmed. "Your advice will be taken into consideration."

Consideration? Even though my ideas were just that, to use a term so detached when talking about a child's education sounded so...wrong. He made it sound as if he wouldn't give it a second thought after today. The term annoyed me slightly and I frowned.

"I highly urge you to do these things," I pressed. "it could really help her in the long run."

"I've already said it will be taken into consideration," he said stiffly. "There is no reason for further discussion."

I sat back. No need for further discussion? Was he joking?

"This is a teacher parent conference, Mr. Taisho," I frowned. "It is my job to recommend these courses of action in our 'discussion'."

"And it is my decision whether or not they will be taken," he returned coldly.

"So you won't do it?"

"I will do what's best."

"You didn't answer my question."

"I provided you with an answer deemed unsatisfactory by your standards."

"So what are you going to do?"

"That's none of your concern."

"Why don't you care about her education?" I snapped then immediately closed my mouth.

His golden eyes were so piercing and cold I felt they could see into the darkest parts of myself and beyond that. But moreover, they crackled with energy that was impossible to overlook. I quelled to urge to cast my eyes away and held his gaze.

"Do not assume that which you know nothing about," he said picking up a sleek black briefcase I hadn't noticed before. With a polite nod he said, "Good-day Higurashi-san."

I stood and followed him. Before he could open the door, I spoke.

"I apologize if I offended you," I said tiredly and took of my glasses to rub the bridge of my nose. "I've just had a long day and I shouldn't have taken my frustrations out on you. You're right, I don't know much about you or Rin or her background and I shouldn't have pushed so hard."

Mr. Taisho had paused to hear my apology but only gave me a brief 'Hn' which I took as acceptance and opened the door. I shoved my lime green cat shaped glasses back on my face and quickly followed.

"Papa! Kagome-sama!" Rin jumped down from the wooden bench and ran up to her father. I examined the two of them and noticed how, as she wrapped her arms around his leg, his hard countenance softened the slightest bit and he gave her a pat on the head. The gesture is much like the ones I give her, I thought.

"Is Rin doing okay?" she asked, tilting her head far back to look at him.

"Yes, except for science and mathematics," his tone turned stern. "What have I said?"

"'Strong learning means stronger minds," she recited glumly and I was taken aback. It would appear that they had had this conversation many times.

"And?" Mr. Taisho urged with a raise of his right eyebrow for her to continue.

Rin turned to me and bowed deep.

"Rin is sorry for not paying attention in class, but from now on she will so that she can grow up to be like Papa!" she said determinedly.

A smiled turned up the corners of my lips and I was suddenly very aware of a piercing set of eyes on me. I ignored him and bent down at Rin's level. Putting a finger a finger under her chin, I lifted her head and met her chocolate brown gaze at equal level with my cerulean ones.

"I'm happy that you've made that decision. Do you promise to pay attention and ask questions if you don't understand?"

"I promise Kagome-sama," she answered softly.

I held out my pinkie finger. "Pinkie promise?"

Her serious expression melted away into the bright sunny one I loved so much. She lifted her hand to entwine her small pinkie around mine.

"Pinkie promise."

We both giggled and I looked up at Mr. Taisho from the floor.

"I'm sorry if I held you up," I said, still smiling.

"Not at all," he muttered, eyes searching my face.

I felt the sudden urge to blush and looked back at Rin, who was glancing between the two of us.

"Come, Rin," Mr. Taisho pivoted on his heel after a moment and started down the hall. I stood up as Rin raced after him and started back to the classroom.


I turned around, wondering if there was something wrong. Rin was racing back towards me, a determined expression on her face. I immediately crouched to her height again and caught her as she wrapped her arms tightly around my neck.

"What is it?" I asked, alarmed. "What's wrong Rin?"

There was a pause then warm breath tickling my ear: "You can convince Papa to wear his red kimono, right?"

I blinked several times, startled. Is she implying...?

Rin pulled back, gave me a beautiful smile, and ran off again. I stared after them for a few moments, then flopped down on my butt in the middle of the hallway. Eyes still wide with surprise, I couldn't help but hear Rin's voice echoing in my mind. The perfect one to convince Taisho Sesshoumaru to wear a red kimono? In who's imagination?

That would clearly be Rin's, a small voice chuckled in the back of my mind.

I ran a hand down my face and groaned. Just what I needed, another little version of Kikyo trying to fix me up with a guy!

Standing up from the floor before anyone could come out and see me, I shuffled back into my classroom and slid the door shut. It was near six by now, and the sun was beginning to set. I walked over to the window and glanced down to see Sesshoumaru (since he can't read minds, it's safe to call him this to myself...right?) closing the backseat door of an expensive foreign car. He looked incredibly handsome standing there, the sun gleaming off his long hair, making it appear different colors as he tilted his head upward to look at-


I blinked as his eyes met mine, then blushed and backed away from the window, heart thumping. As I held my hand to my chest, I took a deep breath. No need to get so worked up. I probably won't even see him again.

You can convince Papa to wear his red kimono, right?

Or maybe not.