Giggles is BACK in action…. I hope =]

So this isn't my first story but I would like to believe it is. The stories I wrote before there were no real problems, situations, themes and etc. So hopefully I can fulfill my expectations and yours as the reader.

But first couple things I want to let you guys know

1. There will be certain scenes where it is a flashback, but not necessarily it's just a scene where I'm filling you in on the background. And other knowledgeable information that you the reader should know. So when you see *Scene* those or the information scenes (yeaaaa that's what I'm going to call it….IM A GENIUS!( when that particular scene is finished you will see, *End Scene*)

2. Now when you see -*FLASHBACK*- that means that it is a flashback. Flashbacks are only during a scene like maybe a dream sequence or when the character sort of dazes out. So _*FLASHBACK*_ and *Scene* are kind of the same thing but not entirely. ( when the flashback is finished you will see _*END FLASHBACK*)

3. If you have any questions or statements or CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISISM I'll gladly take in what you have to say or tell me. I'm also looking for someone to help me through with this story if you guys don't mind. Everyone needs some help once in a while.

4. When you see italics that means it's the person's thoughts.

5. When you see anything bold lettered that is to put emphasis on something

6. When you see _+_ time has elapsed.

7. If you see half of a line instead of a long line, I changed the POV.

My terms are simple and easy to understand correct? Well I hope so, and sorry if there a little long I just don't want anyone to get confused, more specifically I don't wanna confused! =P

Okay so I hope you guys enjoy my story. And don't be afraid to send me friendly messages and such k?

Through it All is Where We Stand

The Beginning


"AHHHHH" the screams get louder and louder. "Come on sweetheart PUSH, PUSH, PUSH you can do this!" She yells to her daughter. "UGGGHH I'm never having sex again… AHHHHH..." her breaths come out frazzled as she tries to push. "The baby's crowning Ms. Higurashi, you're doing great keep pushing" the doctor tells her. "Ugh…I can't, I can't push anymore" her breathing becomes hoarse, she begins fading in and out of consciousness. Her mother grabs both sides of her face and looks her straight in the eyes "No, you will push this baby out of you, RIGHT NOW. Don't give ME that bull crap." letting go of her face, she gently grabs her hands and squeezes, gently speaking "Now push Kagome, you can't give up now."

Without any other exchange of words, eyes and face tight and mouth shut. On the final push where her screams are the loudest, she pushes with all her might. Finally as the baby comes out she falls back onto the bed with her eyes closed and her mouth slightly ajar. The baby was brought to the infirmary to get cleaned off, while the doctor rushes over to the bedside to check her pulse, "Take her to the OR, RIGHT now! LET'S GO". "Wait what's happening to my baby, Doctor! Doctor! Tell me what's going on!" Her mother frantically asks the doctor. "Miss, I'm going to need you to stay right here, we will be back with her and the baby, but she has gone into cardiac arrest, and she needs medical attention right now, so if you please just wait here mam" the Doctor says as he rushes out of the room.

Three long hours later

"Ms. Higurashi, Kagome's doing fine she is stable right now. Her heart rate is being monitored as of now, and her blood pressure, we are going to keep her under close watch for a couple days. You may see her now though, I'll show you the way" Ms. Higurashi starts to tear but she wipes it away and follows the doctor to her daughter. "Has Kagome been through any serious trauma or have someone die that was close to her in the past year?" The doctor asks her. "Umm yes, well her father and I separated 2 months before her pregnancy" she hesitates before she starts to speak again "And shortly after he passed away with lung cancer… he was a heavy smoker back then" They turn the corner, "Hmm, I see Ms. Higurashi, I am sorry for your loss, but that might be the cause of this, we believe that she's going through post dramatic stress disorder, and hopefully it doesn't past through to the baby, if she does have it."

Her mother slowly puts her head down and rests her hands on her head. "This can be easily treated, but there is no guarantee that she does have it, were just telling you what she might have and to take precautions" the doctor stated to her as calmly and firmly as he could to the mother. "So, for now, were going to put her on a light medication, consisting of anti-depressants and or Prozac, if your daughter is still emotional and distressed bring her back to the hospital, you may take her home in two days, you can pick up the medication after she is monitored for those two days". Ms Higurashi takes a big breath and speaks gently with finality in her voice "Thank you Doctor Michael." Doctor Michael gives a brief nod and goes on with the rest of his work.

Kagome stirs and looks over to where her mother was standing by the door, having just walked in the room. In a short raspy breath she speaks "Hey mom"

*End Scene*


Is it time to get up already, I felt like I just went to sleep… well beginning of a new week start of a new day. Throwing the covers off of my body I get up and do my daily ritual. Firstly I need to pick out my clothes for work. Opening my closet skimming through the outfits I decided on a black form fitting dress that goes just past the knees, a zebra print suit jacket to go on the top of it, and a pair of light black stockings. Hmm should I where heels or boots… toughie lemmie check the weather... "GOODMORNING Japan, for those who are just tuning in, my name is Tamahanna Kiro here with your daily news report." "Yes indeed and my name is Shiro Takamaka, please, tell us what the weather is looking like Tamahanna". "Well Shiro, it is a high of 30 and low of 25 degrees, and as of now it feels like 23 degrees out there, not too cold out there today as it was yesterday Tamahanna" "Ok and to other news Budget cuts…" Enough of that, so boots it is, I think I'll choose these, black velvet 4 inch pumps lace up bootie.

Time check, taking a quick glance at the watch. 6:20 good, enough time to take a shower.

Running down to the bus stop as fast as I could, I already missed the first bus and can't afford to miss the second one. That shower took longer than expected, YES I made it. Getting off the bus I start my speedily tread toward the building, man it looks really empty in here, why does it feel as though nobody came in to work today. Looking at my watch, hmm it's not like I have the wrong time or anything it is 7:56. Pushing the elevator button to go up to the 21st floor ready to work, I realize something very important "Damn it!" I forgot to clock in, all that work to not be late and I'm still going to be late, damn I can't afford to get money taken off my check. Rushing down the stairs in hopes that I make it, the elevator would have definitely took too long and besides I was only on the 5th floor when I realized that I forgot to clock in. I ran into the clock in office, not paying attention to where I was going of course. CRASH, I ran into something? I think? Or was it a person oh well I should apologize anyway just in case. "OH I'm so terribly sorry, I was just trying to clock in before I was too late" I look up from my spot on the floor to look into the persons eyes… come to find out that I hit a wall… great so I'm apologizing to walls now, good way to show you're a lunatic.

"Mrs. Higurashi, when I hired you I didn't expect you to be neurotic, get off of the floor to save yourself further embarrassment before I fire you. And Mrs. Higurashi it is 7:00, I distinctly remember telling you that your work hours are from 8 am to 6 pm." Riiiight daylight savings, I knew I forgot to do something last night, change my clocks an hour back. Scrabbling off the floor and dusting myself off. "My deepest apologies Mr. Tashio, that won't happen again, I forgot last night was daylight savings" Looking into his eyes for acceptance, "Hn, see to it that, that won't happen again Mrs. Higurashi or it will come out of your pay check" With a nod of my head I turn on my heel and walk calmly into the clock-in room, and clock myself in and head upstairs… where lord almighty awaits.

Walking into his office, without giving a slightest thought of knocking, make my way to his desk, neatly placing the files of the college students, who want an internship; so he can accept which students he wants to fall victim in his hands. "Higurashi, usually normal people with manners knock on the door." Placing my hands on my hips, "Hm, I must've left my manners at home today" I stated through clenched teeth.

Leaning back in my leather chair, one hand on the arm rest the other carelessly across my leg "I don't believe you ever had manners to begin with, and I gave you way too much credit Higurashi by categorizing you as normal… your far past normal your borderline insane" Smirking with triumph as I watch her face go through several expressions, mostly different faces of being angry, it's quite the entertainment actually. She starts to open and close her mouth with a dazed look in her eyes.

"I know it's hard for you to keep your mouth closed Higurashi… I am a sight to see." Hmm still no response… getting up from my cozy chair I walk over to her and bring my hand to her face and gently close mouth. Such soft skin… where did that come from, what am I thinking it must be the coffee speaking. "Huh, why are you touching my face, you pervert!" practically screaming at me, oh my sensitive ears. "WOMAN, you will refrain from yelling at me, NOW that your back, get back to work, and I'm going to need you to stay a little later tonight, I need to stay in the office later" Do I really need her to stay later with me?... not really, well she'll be here for my own personal entertainment, I mean she is my assistant she leaves when I leave, and also this is what she gets for screaming at this Sesshomaru. "Umm… well… Mr. Tashio, I can't stay after today… any other day would've been great but not today." Hmm why can't she stay after, and why can't she look me in the eyes…? "Pray tell, why you cannot stay after Mrs. Higurashi?" I asked her calmly. "I have other business to attend to"

"Mrs. Higurashi, what are you not telling me?" I sit myself on the edge of my desk looking up at her. I see she still hasn't taken off her coat. "It's nothing I'll change my previous arrangements, they probably won't go according to my plan anyway, I'm going to put down my things and come back for your daily plan and with your schedule of the day" lost in my own thoughts I could only give her a court nod as she turns her back on me and walks through the door. There is something she's hiding, hmm very strange, I'll find out what it is eventually, the truth always comes out.

"Ok Tashio let's get started…" she looks really lovely today… hm this is strange, that is the second time I have stated a claim such as that. "…Kouga Enterprise and Naraku Electronics, also your dad left a message in your voicemail earlier this morning. Um there was also a Kagura Shinto who called and left a message for you, I'll forward all those messages to you when I get back in to my office."

"Ok Mrs. Higurashi, before you go back into your office I need you to type up the end of the year budget for me. I will send you the email with the yearly budgets and the budget cuts I just need you to make everything come together, and when you're done with that send it to me via email. After you're finished, I have some papers I need you to go over and make sure I didn't miss any signatures and such. Mrs. Higurashi, one more thing, if you mess up anything or miss the slightest signature and or grammar mistake it's coming out of you paycheck."

With that said and done, Kagome goes into her office which is right next to his. Actually, Sesshomaru being the control freak that he is, insisted that there was a door connecting both of their offices, just so he can better check up on whoever his assistant is. He has had some very untrustworthy assistants in the past.

Four and half hours later onto LUNCH TIME!

"HEY bastard, want any lunch today?" Kagome calmly asks Sesshomaru. If my ears are correct I believe she just called me a bastard, I'll pretend I didn't hear her. I continue on with my work, steadily typing on the computer, THUMP, THUMP, THUMP, "Bastard! I said want any lunch today?" Innocently batting her long eyelashes "Do you have any lady etiquette at all, and you will watch your tone when talking to me you incompetent piece of matter," Hm that'll make her be quiet for a few. "Mhhm I see, I'll take that as a yes. I brought some leftover food I cooked, and brought some into work today. I packed extra, and from what I've noticed, you don't seem to eat at all, I'll make you a plate" what makes her think I will eat her ningen food. Turning back to his computer he starts to type again and got a couple sentences in, maybe she's not coming back… "I'm back! Here you go, and don't just shove it aside, eat it… please, it'll make me feel better knowing that you ate something today."

"Go away" Where is she going?… she walks around the office desk to where he is sitting, and forcibly pulls him out of the chair, the nerve of that woman, and plops him on the couch across the room. Then, she shoves the chicken teriyaki and rice into his hands. "What are you doing?" Ignoring his question, Kagome takes Sesshomaru's previous seat and starts to type up pervious documents left on the desk onto the computer… "I am letting some stress off of my boss, eat"

Sesshomaru brings the food close to his nose and takes a deep sniff, sniffing out any poisons or drugs she might have added to the food. Smelling out nothing he cautiously takes a tentative bite and chews very slowly, letting the flavor sink into his awaiting mouth. …this taste good… that's horrible. Finishing up his horribly delicious food he puts the food container down and watches as Kagome types steadily on the computer. Slightly tilting his head to the side studying her face and body gestures … she really is the sight to catch it amazes me how the clumsy, excessively loud but soft spoken woman can be so intriguing… I shouldn't be thinking these thoughts… there was a slight pause in his thoughts, than it him like an epiphany … I believe that I Sesshomaru Tashio has developed feelings for the thing that is Kagome … and it's sickening.

"Well it seems that I'm done here" she takes a glance at her watch. "Tashio you have a meeting with Naraku Electronics and then Kouga Enterprises shortly after. The first meeting is in ten minutes, I'll get the material you'll need ready for you." Kagome calmly collects the important papers needed for his first meeting and second meeting, while Sesshomaru goes to the bathroom to wash up a little bit before the meetings start.

When the meetings were over I headed back to the office only to stop in front of Kagome's door. Seems she's on the phone… taking a personal call… I'll have to speak to her about that… About to walk away "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM ME, can't you just watch her for me until I come by to pick her up" slight pause "I don't know when I will be done, Mr. Tashio just asked me to stay late tonight" another pause "DON'T you even dare finish that sentence, that was completely inappropriate." … I've never heard her talk like this before… "Bankotsu now is not the time to talk about infidelities… can you just watch Kailen, 2 hours top, and I'll come to get her" … I wonder who she's talking about… maybe I can help her… but that would ruin my cold exterior… She's making me soft. Another thing to add onto my list that clearly suggests why I shouldn't feel attracted to her.

Setting down the briefcase on the floor he casually walks over to his desk dials Kagome extension "come to my office." I hear shuffling from the other room then a sniffle? Is she crying… she opens the door and walks over to the desk "Yes?" speaking with a light smile on her face. Amazing how she can do that but I can still see the pain and heartache in her eyes… "During the two meetings that were held today there was documentation being signed, we are going to merging Tashio Corps with both companies, both documentations need to be copied onto the computer and sent out to legalize it, and this needs to be done tonight"

"Ok so what do you want me to do? Type up the events of the meeting and the documentation and send fax it out?"Smart girl "Yes you are correct, here are the points of the discussion" handing her the papers from inside his briefcase "and the documentation, now get to work."

An hour and a half later

"Finished, is that all Tashio" I softly speak out as I walk through the door to hand him the papers. "Yes, but first I have to check them over to make sure they are acceptable and then you're going fax them over and put these original papers in the file cabinet."

5 minutes later "Ok Higurashi fax them over and put those papers away and then you're free to go home." Walking out of the room I head to the fax machine and send the papers out, then file and label the documents and put them in the file cabinet.

Heading back to my office I grab my purse and trench coat from the coat rack. Sticking my head out of the door that connects me and Sesshomaru's office "Goodnight Mr. Tashio, see you tomorrow bright and early, oh wait! Are you going home now?" locking eyes for a moment "Yes, I do believe so, is there something you need Higurashi?" straying her eyes off to the side. "Um no reason in particular, I was just thinking that maybe we could leave together... "she calmly asks him.

"Ok I'll be ready shortly" as I wait for him to finish I sit on one of his cozy couches and sit patiently. Sesshomaru shuts down his computer, grabbing his briefcase, and heads for the coat rack. After grabbing his coat off the rack he easily puts on his darkish grey trench coat and heads for the door. Kagome eases herself off of the coach and follows Sesshomaru out the door and to the elevator. Walking out of the elevator doors, well Kagome sort of hopped while Sesshomaru walked. "Well goodnight Tashio see you tomorrow." Giving off a soldier salute "Goodnight Higurashi" instead of turning into the parking lot like he expected she would, she starts heading down the street.

Did I hear my name being called… nah I'm just hearing things "Higurashi" the voice spoke a little louder than before, oh so I did hear my name being called… woops, turning my head slightly over my shoulder "yes?"

"Would you like a ride?" oh no I can't do that. "Um no thank you I don't want to be an inconvenience for you." There was a pause "I don't mind, and this is your punishment for making me eat lunch." I smiled softly at him "But I have to make an extra stop… if you don't mind?"

"Hn, get in the car before I change my mind Higurashi" always threatening someone, how rude "Yea, Yea" Once I got in the car I started giving him directions towards the hotel…

"Thank you Tashio I will be… quick… I hope you don't mind kids…" quickly closing the door and rushing inside the hotel before he says anything. Walking in the hotel I look around in hopes that I find them. "Damn it women what took you so long to get here, you said 2 hours tops I've been waiting down here for 25 minutes already." Kagome takes a deep breath before continuing her claim "Don't curse in front of my daughter you inconsiderate imbecile."

"MOMMMMMMY" Kailen runs towards me arms wide open "Sweet heart!" I take the last few steps and fall to my knees in front of her and embrace her. "How have you been sweetie? Have you been a good girl for Daddy?" I softly ask her "Yes mama, I'm always good!" smiling all the way through "Kailen miss mommy she hasn't seen you in…" sticking up her little fingers to show her "in this many days"

"Look sorry to ruin this whole love fest shit, but I have to go I have some… business arrangements to deal with." There was a slight gleam in his eyes… I know that look all too well and I wish I didn't. "Give me her things please…" telling him more than asking him. "Here" he reaches down to the floor to pick up Kailen's bag and hand it to her. Grabbing the bag and picking up little 4 year old Kailen I start to walk out of the hotel and down the steps.

"Kagome." He says following closely behind her, and grabs her arm a little roughly to turn her around to face him "What?" she replied nastily. "You can kick me out of the house all you want, and pretend you have nothing to do with me, but you have everything to do with me" nodding his head towards Kailen. "The moment we kissed you were mine, so don't think you can just pick up and run." Leaning down into her ear "You will always be my little bitch, you understand… wife…" Snatching my arm away from him I walk to Sesshomaru's car set Kailen in the back seat "Mommy will be right back ok sweetie I just need to speak with you Father ok" grabbing the yellow folder out of my bag and walk back over to where Bankotsu is standing and knee him in between his legs. doubling over in pain "ugh, dirty little..."

"Shut up! You wanna call me your little bitch and treat me like shit! But who was there when you got beat senseless every night. ME. Who was there when your Mother went to rehab for an overdose on drugs. ME. WHO WAS THE ONE that cried like a little BITCH when all this happened YOU!" taking calm breath "Who was in your bed, holding you…" her throat was getting tight and her anger turned into sobs. "…when your mother passed away." Taking in a shaking breath "So don't give that bullshit, and I'm not running anywhere… now you're going to take this damn folder and sign the divorce papers." Shoving the folder into his chest she turns and walks down the steps and in the car but before she got completely in the car. With struggled words "Ha I bet you thought you did a damn good job with that little speech of yours, huh?" the pain starts subside, slowly standing up straight. "I see you can't wait for me to be gone, unfortantly I will not sign these papers" Giving her a sly smirk "I'll see you around…My little princess… "

-*Giggles corner*_

Okay so here is my first chapter, give me feedback on it, liked it hated it, and if I should keep going with this story, but either way good or bad results I shall continue to write this story. Whether people like it or not.

Questions that might be asked…

_Does my little princess have any real significance?

_Why did her mom and dad spilt?

_Was Bankotsu always this way, if not when or why did it happen?

_How did Kagome get pregnant?

_What about Kagome's health is she still on medication?

Random Notes about the story

In this story we can obviously tell that Sesshomaru's attracted to Kagome! But the feelings are unfortunately not returned as of yet… Well get to the lovebirds one way or another. But as of right now it's still about Bankotsu and Kagome, just for a bit. Even though this is a story about Sesshomaru and Kagome but the feelings and other natures of the story, has to grow. People have to grow, feeling have to grow, and ties have to be broken! And I realized that it may not be as obvious to you as other things were in the story, but unfortunately Kagome is still in love with Bankotsu, even though he's a complete asshole, and in the next couple chapters you'll see her start to lose those feelings. I believe that I have covered all the necessarily random notes.

So I haven't decided what I want Kailen to look like as of yet. And I haven't decided on a color for Kagome's eyes… I'm thinking blue…. Or green so many decisions maybe even honey brown don't know yet I'll figure it out…

If you have any questions I'll be happy to help you! As long as you're not asking me what's going to happen next and such, but hey it's cool to be curious. I hope that I did a good job with writing this, it would make me proud if I got feedback from readers just to tell me what I did wrong and etc.

And I hoped that you enjoyed my first chappie

Sincerely Giggles…=]