I'm sad; this is the official last chapter of Hi, Jayden, Jayden, and Jayden, but do not worry my cyber space friends I have a one-shot coming up that I'm positive you will love. I haven't come up with a name yet, but I'll post it soon, and when I say soon I mean soon. So I hope all of you enjoyed Lovewriting12345's brand new chapters of Finding Love: The Sequel I sure did :-)

Disclaimer: Do I even have to write down that I don't own anything cause I'm pretty sure you guys know that.

Chapter 9: Take The Clones Back!

Enjoy :D

"Mmm" Jayden groaned weakly. He felt like someone hit him in the stomach with bricks dozens of times and he had a horrible headache. All he remembered was finding out the Jayden 3 stole his samuraizer and falling down a couple times in pain then it all went black. Jayden looked to his side and saw Jayden 2 awake and just sitting there and Jayden 3 strapped tightly to his bed with a scowl on his face. All he wanted to do at the moment give Jayden 3 a lecture with a lot of swearing. "What are you looking at you low life?" Jayden 3 asked in a murderous tone. Jayden glared at his evil clone. "I'm looking at the guy who can't spare for sh*t." Jayden spat. Jayden 3 tried to struggle out of the straps that had him tied to the bed. "Who did you battle last night?" Jayden asked. "That is none of your concern." Jayden 3 said through gritted teeth. "It is too my concern, you almost got me killed; now answer me. Who did you duel last night?" Jayden said getting impatient. "Someone you should have dueled a long time ago, Decker" Jayden 3 said with a smirk. Jayden was shocked. "You dueled Decker without even knowing how to spare right? No wonder why you lost." Jayden sneered. Jayden 3 tried harder to get out of the bed. "You're never going to get out so why bother?" Jayden 2 said. Jayden 3 growled. "And you, I have something to say to you." Jayden 2 said to Jayden. Jayden looked at Jayden 2. "What did I do?" he asked. "Don't play innocent; when I woke up I saw Emily come to check up on us, I pretended like I was asleep then I saw her give you a kiss in the cheek." Jayden blushed and touched his cheek "She really kissed me?" he asked. Jayden 2 glared at him and Jayden 3 looked like he was enjoying this. "You butt head, you stole my Emily." Jayden 2 said. Jayden glared back at Jayden 2 and got up from the bed, pain shot through his body, but he didn't care. "What did I tell you about calling her your Emily?" Jayden said walking dangerously closer to Jayden 2. Jayden 2 got out of bed and got all up in Jayden's face. "She likes me not you, I make her blush and giggle while you just bore her." He said. "That's it, I don't even care if get hurt also I'm taking you down!" Jayden boomed.

"You know as much as I'd like to see you buffoons pound eachother I must say I don't want to feel any pain of you're fight over a stupid girl so just go back to your beds." Jayden 3 said.

"Wait a minute; what's up with the fake British accent?" Jayden 2 asked. Jayden 3 scowled at him. "It makes me sound more evil so just shut-up." He spat. Jayden and Jayden 2 glared at eachother before climbing back into their bed.

As if on queue, Emily walked inside the healing room with a tray of food. "Good morning, guys" Emily chirped. Jayden and Jayden 2 smiled at her then glared at eachother. Emily past the two Jayden's their breakfast while going over to Jayden 3 to feed him his breakfast. "I don't you to feed me, just let my hands out of here, vile woman" Jayden 2 spat. Emily looked at Jayden. "What's up with the British accent?" she asked. "It makes him sound more 'evil'" Jayden said. Emily shrugged and looked at Jayden 3. "Okay open up for the bacon." Emily said in a baby voice. Actually she was trying to annoy the heck out of Jayden 3. Jayden 3 reluctantly opened his mouth and let Emily feed him the bacon. "That's my good boy." She said ruffling his hair. Jayden couldn't help but laugh at this.

Lucky for Jayden 3, Emily finished feeding him in a snap. "That was so degrading" Jayden 3 growled. Emily smirked. "Hey Emily my head hurts, can you put an ice pack on it?" Jayden 2 said. "Sure" Emily took an ice pack and sat on the edge of Jayden 2's bed. Jayden 2 took the ice pack and placed it on his forehead. "Thanks, Emily" he said as he kissed her cheek. Emily blushed "No problem, I'm gonna go now." She said. Jayden waited for Emily to leave the room before he sent a death glare at Jayden 2. "What the hell was that?" he asked harshly. Jayden 2 just smirked and lied back down in his bed.

"Okay the Jayden's are fine; how long do you think they'll be in there?" Emily asked Ji as she walked into the kitchen.

"They should be fine in about 3 days, but what we need to worry about is how we're going to get rid of those other 2." Ji said in a huff

"I don't know why that nighlock didn't come already." Kevin said.

Suddenly the gap sensor went off.

"That better be Duplexer." Mike said.

Ji told the rangers to hurry to central park quickly.

As the rangers ran into the park they were relived to see Duplexer, not because he was terrorizing the city, just because they wanted things back to normal. "HEY, LEAVE THESE PEOPLE ALONE!" Antonio yelled angrily. "Oh great you guys again, weren't those duplicates enough for you?" Duplexer asked. "Guys make sure he doesn't spray you with the gas," Kevin said. "Especially you Mike, last thing we need is another you running around here." Antonio said. Mike gave him a death glare when a bunch of moogers started attacking them. It was much harder without Jayden there, and when the moogers we're gone the rangers were exhausted. "Come at me ranger's you're nothing with out your leader." Duplexer sneered. The rangers shook off their tiredness and charged at duplexer.

"HYDRO BOW" Kevin yelled

"SKY FAN" Mia yelled

"FOREST SPEAR" Mike yelled

"EARTH SLICER" Emily yelled

"BARRACUDA BLADE" Antonio yelled

The rangers were doing a very good job fighting Duplexer off, and one more hit with Emily's earth slicer caused the nighlock to explode. The rangers didn't cheer because they knew the nighlock would grow. "Guys, how are we going to form into the Mega Mode power without Jayden?" Emily asked. "You don't have to." A deep voice said. The team turned around to see Jayden standing there in his battle suit. Emily smiled happily. "Jayden, hey buddy. Wanna come help us?" Mike said as he saw duplexer grow. Jayden ran over to his team.








Duplexer let out an evil laugh. "Foolish Rangers you can't beat me."

"If it get's you to take your clones back, we sure as hell will." Jayden said.

After a long while of fighting Duplexer finally exploded, and the rangers changed out of the mega zord.

"I sure hope those clones are not at home." Jayden said walking back to the dojo with his team.

"Why, were you jealous that I kept flirting with Jayden 2?" Emily asked.

Jayden scoffed. "I knew that was your plan, Emily"

"It was not" Emily lied.

"Then why did you keep flirting with Jayden 2?"


"Emily it's okay." Jayden said.

"I really like you, Jayden" Emily said blushing.

"Don't be embarrassed, I like you too."

"I don't know if I believe you." Emily stopped walking and smirked. Jayden smiled.

"Then let me show you" Jayden said as he leaned down to kiss her. Emily seamed to have lost herself in the kiss as did Jayden. Minutes later the pulled away for air they desperately needed. The two smiled at eachother and walked back to the dojo hand in hand.

The End

Well? Vwat did you think?