Okay okay I know this chapter is really late, and it also comes with a really APOLOGETIC authors note. I am doing something I never thought I would do on fan fiction.

This is for the time being the last chapter of this story, and I have written the chapter I think I most wanted to end on from the start. In the future there may be some more chapters, but as yet I am not sure when that will be.

This chapter is extra long to go with my apology!

Please let me know in a review if you desperately want me to continue. ! THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR REVIWES THEY MEAN THE WORLD! xx

Edward POV

My phone started ringing as I drove down the drive towards my house. I picked it up just as I stopped the car without looking at the caller ID.

"hello?" I asked.

"Edward where are you?" Bella whimpered down the phone.

I slammed the car door and rushed up the porch steps, fumbling with my keys, "Just about to come in why?" I demanded and I tried to shove the key in the lock.

"The babies coming." She cried.

I shoved open the front door and threw my phone on the table with my keys. "Bella?" I shouted.

"Upstairs." She groaned and I took the stairs two at a time. I flew into our bedroom to see her on all fours on the floor by our bed, Emma sat beside her, rubbing her back.

My wife's face was already red and her hair was stuck to her head by sweat. Emma looked up at me anxiously.

"Daddy what's happening to mummy?" She asked as I knelt down beside them both, pulling off my Jacket and throwing it on the bed.

"Mummy's having the baby sweetie." I told her and she smiled.

"Really?" She cried.

I nodded just as Bella groaned loudly and threw one arm around my neck, pulling herself to me so she was kneeling up facing me. I rubbed her back as she moaned into my neck, quivering slightly.

"Emma." I said and she looked at me, "I need you to go downstairs and ring Grandma Esme on daddy's phone okay?"

My daughter nodded so I continued my instruction, "I need you to tell her that mummy is having the baby, and that daddy wants her to come quickly okay?"

Emma nodded again and raced off downstairs just as Bella loosened her grip on my slightly.

She whimpered and I set her gently back on the floor so she was kneeling.

I rubbed her shoulder gently, "How long since your water broke love?"

She swallowed, "Ten minutes."

I nodded just as Emma came back in and put my phone on the bed, "Grandma Esme says she's leaving now." I nodded and Bella moaned, bending forwards to fold her arms on the floor, resting her head against them, her bottom in the air.

I stubbed her spine gently, "Can you do something for daddy Emma?"

She nodded and I smiled, "I need you to go in the bathroom, and get every towel you can okay?"

Again she did as I asked and I kissed the top of Bella's head, "Love?"

"What?" Bella whimpered.

"Have you got a contraction?" I demanded.

Bella shook her head, "No."

"I'm going downstairs to get clean water okay I'll be one minute." I told her.

"What for?" She moaned, and I couldn't believe she was asking me this.

"We don't have time to get you to the hospital okay, your having the baby here..." I started but she cut me off hysterically, moving the kneel up again.
"What are you crazy?" She shouted, "No... no I'm having my baby in a hospital... where it's safe..." She made to crawl past me and I caught her gently in one arm, pulling her back to wrap her arms around my neck.

"Listen to me okay." I said firmly as she slowed down her tears. "It's all going to be okay you hear me?"

She nodded, "I trust you."

I kissed her temple, "Right then... I'll be one minute."

She nodded and I pulled away to run downstairs, flying into the kitchen and catching the fridge handle to stop myself from ploughing into the wall.

The water from the tap wouldn't fill the bowl fast enough for me and as I grabbed two hand towels on my way up, I was beginning to get impatient with the fact that I couldn't run to my wife while I was holding a bowl of full sterile water.

Eventually I made it back to the room and found Emma sat beside a massive mound of towels. I smiled and set the water down beside Bella's bottom half, with three of the small towels and one large on beside it.

I rubbed Bella's back and looked to Emma once again, "Em can you go and wait downstairs and look out for Grandma Esme."

She nodded and left, Bella sighed slightly, "Thank you."

I frowned as I infolded one of the towels and crouched down by her side, "For what?"

She let me help her move to get on all fours on top of the towel, "I didn't want her to have to watch this."

I chuckled and pulled the bean bag from our closet and put it in front of her. Bella gratefully folded her arms and rested her torso on it, with her legs still in the kneeling position.

I smiled and reached under the night dress she was wearing to remove her underwear.

She glanced at me in the mirror as I washed my hands and knelt up behind her, resting one hand on top of the base of her spine.

She smiled tiredly, "Don't get any ideas Cullen."

I chuckled, "I just need to check your progress, and the position of the baby.

Bella tried to giggle, but she was in too much pain and too tired to, "Sure."

I gently slid my hand between Bella's legs and she whimpered, griping the bean bag tighter and pressing her face in it.

My fingers brushed something hard and I smiled as i pulled them out, "Your nine centimetres, and the babies head well into the birth canal, everything's okay."

She nodded and I reached into my doctor's bag to produce a heart monitor.

Bella frowned, "What have you got that for?"

I smiled, "I was given it in my first residency because they knew you were pregnant with Emma. They said that it would be good to practice on you at home, but I never got around to it."

She nodded and when I went to roll up her shirt knelt up, causing me to frown.

She sighed and took it from me, putting it on the floor, "It will be easier if I just have my bra on."

I smiled and she raised her arms weakly as I pulled her dress over the top of her head.

She then resumed her position on the bean bag, and I ran the small wand along the bottom of her stomach.

At first there was crackling, but then our babies strong heart beat could be heard, and I heard both Bella and myself breathe a long sigh of relief.

Bella moaned and I watched as she dipped backwards slightly toads her bottom, and I knew that she was pushing. I moved to kneel behind her and rubbed on hand along the base of her spine and the other propped my up slightly on the towel.

"Keep going sweetheart." I whispered and she groaned, before gasping and relaxing.

I smiled to myself, "Well done my love."

Bella continued to push a few more times before I started to see the top of the baby's head, the hair was dark, but that really didn't tell me anything. Emma's hair had been dark at birth, but then it had lightened to look like mine.
"That's it Bella keep going the baby's crowning." I told her and couldn't help but smile.

Bella swallowed and gasped, "Really?"

I nodded, "yes."

Her contractions came so quickly that both Bella and myself were having a hard time timing them. She pushed when she wanted to, and she pushed well, so well that it was only one minute and a bit before the top of our baby's head was out nearly all the way.

"I can't push anymore." Bella gasped.

I knew that she was finding it hard pushing in the position, so I gently moved around to face her.

She let me lift her arms to hook loosely around my neck as i then, with her helping me, moved her so she was sitting against the bean bag, which I had moved to rest against the side of the bed.

With the towel still under her opening I knelt down in front of her and she placed her feet against my knees, her own knees bent up near her chest.

"Thank god." She whispered and I smiled.

Even though she had been in the position a few seconds, it had opened Bella's pelvis further, and so, as I hoped, she started pushing harder and longer.

my wife's cries and moans were like blows to my ears every time she made a noise.

I hated the sound of her in pain and I hated it more when I knew that there was nothing I could do.

I was doing all I could by helping her deliver the baby, that was all I could do.

A shriek of pain left Bella's lips and she let he head fall back as she pushed.

I cupped my hands around the top of the baby's head as she pushed it out up to his ears. I also held it gently, as I knew Bella wouldn't have the strength to start pushing all over again.

I ran my thumb over the top of its mattered head and Bella looked down, her eyes welling up as she gently put her fingers on the top of its head.

I kissed her knee, "Your doing beautifully love."

She sunk back slightly gasping and rested her hand back on the floor by her hip.

There was a heave under my hands and Bella moaned, scrunching her face up and pushing, I'd never seen her push like that before.

I watched in fascination as our babies head slowly started to immerge, "Come on Bella I see his eyebrows, his ears, his eyes... come on Bella..."

"It might be a girl." She grunted and pushed herself to sit up more, but tears were streaming down her face, "It's not... moving Edward..."

I could tell she was pushing, but Bells birth canal was very narrow, and as such, the bay was having a hard time getting out.

I took a deep breath and remembered what we had always been taught to do when this happened.

I gently released one had from holding the top of the baby's head, and slid the other gently under it, the top of my feigners entering her birth canal.

Bella screamed in pain and I apologies over and over again as she whimpered.

"Push." I instructed and she did, I gently slid on finger either side of the baby's heard and helped ease it upwards, so it was more in line with her opening.

Bella moaned and cried as there was a whoosh ad my hand and the baby's head left her.

"Well done sweetheart that's the worst part over." I laughed and cried at the same time as i watched Bella smile, running the tips of her fingers slightly over our baby's features.

She abruptly set her hand back on the floor, "Okay..." She said and her voice got slightly higher, "Okay..."

Bella screamed and groaned and made every noise under the sun as she pushed the shoulders out. She fought hard and I had to slide my hand in to help them out again, as Bella's pelvis was simply too small for her to do it by herself.

But when Bella collapsed back onto the bean bag and the bay fell into my hands and I felt the weight fit, it was easy to see why.

I gently wrapped my screaming child up in a towel and handed him to a sobbing Bella, who hushed them and stroked their foreheads gently as I wrapped towels around her to keep her warm, and laced several along with the bowl of water near her legs for the birth of the placenta, whenever she was ready for that.

That was how my mother and Emma saw us. Esme stopped short in the doorway, but then smiled at us. Bella was holding our baby in her arms where she was leaning against the bean bag and the side of the bed, looking tired and sweaty, but never more beautiful, and wrapped in towels.

I crawled between her legs and kissed her gently, "It's a boy."

She smiled and Emma walked over almost nervously.

I smiled and held my arms out for her, which she accepted gratefully.

She stood by my side as i moved t sit beside her mother, before she moved to sit in my lap. I stroked her hair, "Emma, meet your baby brother."

Emma looked at the red faced baby in her mother's arms and smiled after a moment, "What's he called?"

I looked at Bella who smiled, "Steven." She said, "Steven Edward Cullen."

"I love you." I whispered and leant towards her.

She smiled, "I love you to."

We kissed gently and pulled apart as Steven fussed quietly. Bella laughed and positioned him more comfortably in her arms, "He's hungry aren't you little man."

That was when Esme first spoke from the doorway, "I'll make us some tea, Emma will you help me?"

Emma nodded and ran to help her grandmother, who I mouthed a thank you to which she waved off.

Bella gently handed me my son while she sorted herself out, she removed her bra and put on one of my vests I slept in which was folded on the end of the bed.

She then slid on of the straps down, and I handed Steven back to her. He fed hungrily, and my wife gently stroked his face while he did so.

I sued this time to tidy up most of the bloody towels and put them in a bin liner, before sipping a cloth in the clean water and pressing it gently over Bella's opening.

My wife hissed through her teeth and I apologised, explaining that it would be better to clean her now, than later on. She nodded and told me she felt she wanted to push.

I let her, and soon enough the placenta was out, which after a quick examination, joined the rest of the rubbish in the bin.

"That feels so much better now." Bella whispered as I slipped a pair of pants over her hips.

I chuckled, "Are you sure you dint want to eat or bury it?"

She gagged quietly, "That truly is the grossest thing ever." Her eyes left our sons to look up at me," Thank you."

I rose on eyebrow and leant my face back towards hers, "For what?

She smiled, "For being there for me."

I kissed her gently, "I'll always be here for that."

When my mother retuned with a cup of tea for both of us I gently helped Bella onto the bed. She sat up against all of the pillows on the headboard and I set Steven in her arms. Emma crawled up beside us and there was a knock at the door.

Esme went to answer it and retuned a moment alter with Charlie, who she explained she had called whilst making the tea.

"Congratulations Bells."He said as he kissed the top of my wife's head.

He walked back around to where I was standing watching them with my hands on my hips and clapped me on the shoulders, "Well done son."

I smiled and said thank you just as Emma pointed out, "He looks like daddy."

Bella laughed and stroked her hair, "It seems all our children will."

My eyes went wide, "They'll be more."

She smiled at me, "Of course, I thought you wanted the Cullen Soccer team."

Charlie laughed at my expression and patted in between my shoulder blades, "you look like you could use a drink."

I was barely conscious of what I was saying, the joy was being a dad and the relief of my son being safe was all getting to be a little too much, "Okay."

"Dad?" Bella's eyes went from me to her father anxiously, "He looks a little green, take him outside for some fresh air please?"

Charlie nodded and steered me as I stumbled out of the back door onto the porch. I all but feel down the steps and held onto the railing and was violently sick.

I gasped and wiped the back of my hand over my mouth and took deep breaths.

Charlie grunted behind me, "Better out than in."

"sorry." I said and stood up. I felt so foolish, my wife was the one who had just had the freaking baby, and I was the one feeling ill, fantastic.

My father in law put his hand on my shoulder and led me to sit on the steps, he sat beside me, and handed me a beer. We looked out over the setting sun and i smiled to myself.

Steven Edward Cullen, my Son...
"In a few years you'll be able to sit out here with your son." Charlie said.

My eyes flashed to his and then away, "You'd have been a great father to a boy."

He smiled to himself, "I got enough practice being a teenager's father with you."

I laughed and he did to as he nudged my shoulder.

He sighed and shook his head, "Renee on the other hand..."

I sighed, "She needs to know about Steven."

He nodded, "I know you wish their relationship was different, believe me I do to, we all do, but Bella has done what she thinks was right, and if that means she is civil to her mother and nothing else. So be it."

I nodded to, "I know."

We went back inside after I started to feel less ill. Esme left and said that we would probably be seeing the re of the family in the morning, she more warned me than anything. Charlie left soon after and said a quiet goodbye to Bella before doing so.

I walked into my bedroom to see a very tired looking Bella holding Steven and an asleep Emma curled up beside her.

I gently scooped Emma up; thankful she was already in her pyjamas and tucked her in bed before kissing her forehead.

I then returned to my wife, and took Steven gently from her after she kissed his forehead.

Thankfully i had previously had the sense to set up is crib in our room sometime before Bella's due date. I lay him in it and wrapped him in a blanket, beaming when he fell asleep.

"I love you my son." I whispered and kissed his forehead.

I then undressed and brushed my teeth and hair, before collapsing into bed besides my wife.

She rested her head on my chest and wrapped one arm over my waist. My hand rubbed her back and the other rubbed her arm which was on my torso.

"We haven't had a day like that in a while." She sighed quietly.

I smiled, "We could be doing it all again in nine months."

She kicked me in the knee, "not bloody likely."

I chuckled and she moved slightly in my arms, "How much did he weigh?"

"Nine pounds five, you did amazing my love." I smiled and she tilted her head back to look up at me.

"Thank you."

I pressed my lips to hers before she snuggled back into my arms.

"I love you so much." I whispered.

Even in the darkness I knew she was smiling as she kissed my chest and relaxed back into my embrace.

"I love you too Edward. More than you will ever know."

I smiled, "You have the remainder of my life time to convince me."

She giggled tiredly, "Knowing you it could take that long."

I chuckled and she tilted her head back to look up at me.

"We'll be okay won't we?"

Even in the darkness my lips managed to find hers.

"You know we will."