The Moon necklaces

WARNING: If you have not read my 'The Young Marauders and the Golden Trio' This Fanfic won't make any sense

Chapter 1: Escape


The crescent moon hung in dark sky that night and the wind gently rustled my hair as I slammed the front door shut behind me. I could hear the shouts and curses of my mother as she threw furniture wildly at the walls as my father and brother tried to calm her down 'they're wasting their time' I thought 'she is a mad dog who needs to be put down...and they call werewolf's uncontrolled.'

I ran into the main road down the dark alleyways were smokers and drug dealers mess around but they just ignored me as a sprinted past. I cursed why did I have to leave my motorbike at the Potters, I should of just told Mrs Potter I didn't need her to drive me home but after that crazy adventure in Scotland the Potters locked the bike up and that if I wanted it back I would have to wait till the end of the summer and that was two weeks away.

The only things with me where my suitcases packed with Muggle clothes, toiletries, some prank stuff and my Hogwarts trunk with the usual books, uniform, crap like that and in my pocket was my wand I have been carrying it around with me since the Dementor attack a few weeks ago (even though I could get into trouble for using magic) also in a plastic bag was the lamp.

I carried on down a row of shut down shops and some tacky night clubs until I came to a stop under a subway. I could hear cars rolling furiously along the gravel roads I pulled my black leather jacket tightly around this must be what it's like to be homeless. But I wasn't completely homeless I still had James I could live with him but I only know the road way and that would be too dangerous on foot I'll have to take the paths, that's going to take me ages.

Suddenly a shiver ran down my spine one a recognised in an instant. I hastily pulled my wand out and was ready to attack I knew they were here. I came out of the subway and looked up at the pitch black sky, it was faint but I just saw three Dementors circling the sky, probably the same ones from last time. Suddenly one zoomed down, but I had my wand ready and I shot my dog patronus at it and it few away, same with the other one, this was too easy but my victory didn't last long as Dementor number three pinned me down to the ground, my wand fell out of my hands, I tried to fight but it were too strong. I felt the Dementor's coldness on my face. I was getting ready for a slow painful death when a shot of bright blue light sent the Dementor flying away like the others. I thought it was the raven at first but the patronas turned out to be a huge wolf which could only belong to one person.

"Moony!" I cried as me and Remus flung our arms around each other I have never been so happy to see someone in my life "Moony how did you know where I was?" I asked.

"I didn't," he answered, "I was just around and I saw your patronas and thought you might want some help."

"Cool but you don't live round here" I said confused "you can't just be hanging around."

"I'll tell you about it later," he said nervously and he noticed my bags "finally ran away from home then?" I nod "then you need the knight bus come on"

I took my bags as we ran along the street to god knows where and I noticed Remus had his Hogwarts trunk too including a small suitcase I was about to ask why when we stopped and Remus sat on the bench facing the road, "now all we have to do is wait." I didn't know how the knight bus worked so I was happy one of us did and I just sat down beside Remus "so how was your summer?" he asked.

"Oh nothing much, just nearly got killed by a group of vampires, stopped Voldemort from taking over time and that" I said sarcastically.

"No," Remus laughed "after our adventure when you went home I mean."

"Oh uneventful," I sighed, "Mother was still angry that we sneaked into her house and she locked me in my bedroom and only fed me bread and water."

"Well I suppose I shouldn't be surprised," said Remus playing with his hair, "you did bring a werewolf and a muggle born into her precious pure blood house."

"Yeah," I laughed, "you should have seen her face Moony it was as red as a tomato."

"Did she notice the lamp was missing?"

"Na it's right here," I said tapping the bag "got the book?"

"Yeah actually I found out some very interesting things but I want to discuss it when we see James. Gosh how long is this bus going to take?"

And at that every moment the blue Double Decker bus drew in at the side of the road and a tall figure stepped out and said in a London accent "Need a ride fellers."

Short I know but I wanted to get the first chapter done and dusted.