Worthy of Love
AN: Just something I wrote when I was listening to the song 'Say' by One Republic. Sorry about any spelling, grammar, etc. mistakes. Disclaimer: I don't own!

Zuko. How would you describe Zuko? A firebender? I suppose. Zuko was in fact a firebender, a very temperamental, arrogant, firbender who was just trying to prove himself to his father, to the fire nation, to...Aang, to everyone. Zuko got so tried of disappointing everyone and everything because it seemed that no matter whatever he did it was never right, it was always wrong. He could never please anyone. It was hard to believe that underneath the ex-prince's entire fiery ego was something that was humane, that had a touch of caring normalcy to him. But it was there. Once he un-covered the shadow of anger and hard cold features he really began to warm-up and it was there as clear as the fire he bended that Zuko had a soft side.

Zuko wasn't just a firebender and he wasn't just an ex-prince who people pinned as the Fire Lord's son who inherited his monstrous personality. No, he was an actual person. A person who had tried for so many years to please those people and to prove himself, to prove that he wasn't weak, to prove himself worthy of love.

And when Aang came along all he could think about was how much that all paid off, that after all the things he went through, pleasing people and building up a wall on his heart, it was all worth it because in the end he was worthy of love, he got love, he got Aang.