BTR Comedy


Hey guys! RunAway RePlay here! Okay 1) I know Running to be Hidden writes these and no way at all am I stealing them because she's my sister. And I help her write the story. In fact I come up with a few of the jokes. And 2) Running to be Hidden hasn't written these in a while because she got bored of writing them. So she asked me if I could continue writing them. I said no at first, but now that I'm thinking about it, I decide 'What the hell'. Also, to clear any confusion I asked her not to give me credit on the original BTR Comedies because I didn't spend much time on them so I didn't really deserve it. But Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Big Time Rush.

Carlos: Hey, do you guys wanna see me break dance?

Logan: Break dancing isn't even a dance. Kick someone in the gut it's a felony.


James: You know, they say the more pets you have the longer you live.

Kendall: But pets have a shorter life span. And who's 'they'?

James: Shut up, I just felt like sharing it.


(A cup of Mercury is sitting on the kitchen table)

Carlos: (Walks in) Cool! A weird looking drink! (Drinks mercury)

A minute later...

James: Uh, guys, where's my mercury? The cup is empty.

Carlos: Oh, I drank it.

Kendall: Carlos, do you have any idea how dangerous mercury is if it enters your body?

Carlos: No; I feel fine. (Passes out)

Kendall: … (Looks at Logan who is reading a book) Uh, Logan?

Logan: I'm not taking him to the hospital because none of you will learn anything if I do.


Carlos: What makes you think I'm a twit?

Logan: Remember when we were on the plane to New York?

Flash Back

Carlos: (Comes running in to the first class, stops at his seat and sits down)

Kendall: What did you do?

Carlos: (Not looking at him) You'll find out in a few seconds.

Snake falls on top of James' head

Jame: Ah!


Kendall: See ya, guys! I'm going down to Georgia to steal some souls!


Carlos: (Is watching 1,000 Ways To Die) Hmm...

4 minute later...

Carlos: (Jumps off of the Palm Woods and lands in front of his friends)

Kendall: … Uh, Logan?

Logan: (Walks pass them) Still not taking him to the hospital.


Mrs. Knight: Logan, can you get the car keys from my purse.

Logan: Sure. (Looks through her purse) Uh, Mrs. Knight?

Mrs. Knight: Yes?

Logan: Why is there a joint in your purse?


James: What does C4 do?

Katie: It goes Ka-Boom, bitch!

Everyone stares

Katie: What?


James: Logan? Why is there blood on your shirt?

Logan: (Looks down at the blood spots) Mm... No reason. (Walks away)


Logan: Hmm, looks like I got a letter from everyone. (Opens the letter) Dear Logan, Get out.


Logan: Is the eyeliner really necessary?

Kendall: (Slaps Logan across the face)

That's all. I thought that one joke where Logan gets the letter was appropriate for him because it was said multiple times by different characters that they want him to leave BTR. Maybe it's foreshadowing! So, should I do more? Yes. No. Maybe?

Review please!

P.S. Any flamers are welcome because they're only jealous...! Also I can just delete their review, ha!