Hi! Long time no fic, eh?
Il try to update my other ones soon, but I dont realy have much inspiration for them anymore

And I dont own, so please dont sue. You wont get much.

George Weasley knelt in front of a grave, tears pouring down his face. For this was not just any grave. This was the grave of Fred Weasley.

His brother.

His twin.

His equal.

His other half.

How long had it been since he had last looked at the face so similar, yet different to his own? Hours? Days? Weeks? Frankly, George didn't care, all he wanted was his brother back. He wanted to cause mischief with him again, the way they used to, before the war. A small part of him wanted to blame Harry for what had happened. If it hadn't been for him then he would still have his brother. They would still be catching spiders and chasing Ron around like when they were young. They would be re-opening Weasley Wizard Wheezes and earning their fortune, instead of running into a battle that would kill one in body and the other in soul.

But now that dream is gone. Forever.
George didn't think that he would ever be able to go back there. There were too many memories of times he so dearly longed to re-live. The same for The Burrow, George couldn't stand the heartache he caused everyone when they saw him, for when they saw George, they saw Fred. He used to love looking so similar, always wanting to swap their jumpers round to confuse as many people as they could, saying that it the best joke ever.

No tears fell down George's face as he was bombarded with memories; the heartache had long dried them into nothingness.
Fred turning Ron's teddy into a spider. Their dramatic escape from Hogwarts. Apparating right behind mum just to annoy her. Putting itching powder into Filch's clothes. Stealing the Marauders map. The pinky promises when they were little to always stay together no matter what. But that promise had been broken.

George looked at the letter he held in his hand, his own name in the familiar scrawl of his brother, barely able to read the words. It contained a letter of goodbye, as if Fred hadn't expected to come home. Like he knew he wouldn't make it through the fight.


I know you are hurting right now, but this isn't farewell. Its just a momentary parting. I will be watching over you my brother, so make sure you carry on the mischief and laughter. I will be waiting for you, in your dreams we will see each other again. I promise. I do not know when or where but I do know we will have forever.

Your most handsome twin, Fred

Gathering all of his Gryffindor courage George stood and turned to leave.

Walking away George felt hope, hope for the future that his brother had died to save. Knowing that Fred was right, they certainly would see each other again. And they would have forever, and boy would they make it last.

Yeah its short, no I dont care.

Not too sure If I like this :/ What do you guys think?