wow. two updates in one week, you guys are so spoiled :P

here's the lemon I originally had in mind for this crazed idea.


Fifteen minutes later I'm still at the same place I was parked all night long while I angrily prod and depressingly try to kick start my bike's engine. I can't believe this damn thing won't work! I just bought it! As I try cranking the engine again I feel a hum coil in the pit of my stomach.

I glance up to see the beautiful bombshell walking up to me. I stare at her briefly before adverting my gaze. If the bitch knows what's good for her, she'll just turn right around and leave me the hell alone.

"Hey. Do you need a ride?" A dead sexy voice calls over to me.

An electric current surges throughout my entire body as I feel her gently place a hand on my shoulder.

"No." I growl jerking my shoulder out of her grasp while shifting my weight over my Harley and fiddle with the kill switch.

"Oh, okay. Jackass. I was just trying to help..." she seethes and turns her back to me and stalks off. For a brief moment I felt a wave of regret smack my senses from the loss of her touch before I hid the foreign feeling away, but my body had other plans.

I don't know what the hell's gotten into me, but I immediately stand my bike back up and grab her arm not wanting her to leave.

She turns around briskly and sneers, "What the f-"

"I'm sorry." I blurt out releasing her arm before swinging my leg over the bike's narrow frame and straighten my cramped spine. She takes a step back from me and glares as she crosses her arms and shifts her weight to her other leg. She lifts her brows waiting for me to explain more.

I let out a deep sigh as I grip the back of my neck tightly. "Look, I'm sorry about earlier. I don't mean to be so harsh. I've just had one of those nights. You know?" I shake my head. I'm talking to a complete strange, well, a hot stranger who's been watching me strip all night. But nonetheless, I don't know her so it's weird talking to her like she's a friend or someone who knows me. Besides, she's an arrogant bitch and a complete waste of my time. After what Vic did, she doesn't deserve an apology. If anything she should giving me my money back. "Shit. Um... just forget it." I mumble as I turn away from her and walk back to my bike.

Her tall heels clicked against the parking lot's slick asphalt as she scrambled to keep up with me. "I didn't mean to offend you before, at least let me make it up to you somehow. Like I said. I've got a car if you need a lift." I heard her say. I pause and turn my neck back to look at her.

Somehow I believe in the sincerity in her voice as her full, hazel eyes regard me warily. When I don't make a move to lash out at her again, she cautiously takes a step closer to me, "My friends left. I'm not trying to be a creep or anything. I just thought I'd be a good samaritan. That's all."

I smirk at her bitterly. The last thing I want tonight is to be someone's pity."I'm a not charity case babe." I nod to the deserted street corner behind her," Now if you don't mind, I suggest you just fuck-off." I swallowed back a grimace, stunned by how pissed I'm getting again. Shit. The more I'm around this woman the more unstable she makes me.

Instead of leaving, she only narrows her eyes at me and quips, "Well then, it's a good thing I'm not a philanthropist. All I'm doing here is trying to help you out and for what it's worth, I really don't think you're gay. I just..." she adverted her eyes away from me for a brief moment then looked back with resolve looming in her wide golden orbs, "I didn't mean it that way an-"

I raised a hand to cut her off. I didn't need an explanation nor did I really give a fuck to hear it. I flexed my jaw and snapped, "You don't want to help me. I'm a lost cause." I bit my tongue, shocked at the strong emotion I felt from speaking those words. Fuck. I'm a mess...

I began turning away from her but came to an abrupt halt when she jumped in front of me, and blocked my path. My shoulders bunched and my throat let out a low warning growl for her to just give up on whatever she's trying to do here.

Instead of flinching from my icy demeanor, her eyes warmed for the span of a second before she hid it away and matched my hostile stance. "Look, I don't know what the hell your problem is but I'm going to leave now." She jabbed a finger toward my bike, "You can spend the rest of your night stranded in a cold parking lot behind a strip club or you can take up my offer and go home." Then without another word, she turned her back on me and took off. This time I didn't stop her.

Thinking things over, I glanced at my lifeless motorcycle and then at the tempting swaying hips of that fiery brunette. Her long chocolate curls bounced in sync with her round, bodacious backside. God, she has a nice ass... I suppressed a groan as my dick began to swell again.

I chafed my hands against my face and leafed my fingers through my hair as a cold gust of wind stirred the night and made my back involuntarily shudder. I could sense a storm coming so I shrugged my riding jacket closer to my body and let out a deep sigh.

I was completely broke and with the state my Harley was in, I was most likely going to have to walk it down the 40-block stretch to Tasha's. Not to mention, with a quick glance at my cell's low battery, it looked like I wasn't going to be able to call anyone for help anytime soon.

Deciding to cut my losses until the morning, I picked up a quick stride toward the hot brunette in the distance, "Hey. Wait up!"


The walk to her car was quiet, but oddly enough it was a comfortable silence. When I approached her, she simply flashed me a smug grin before asking for my address. Too ashamed to admit I really had no home to go to, I gave her vague directions to drop me off by a 24-hour convenience store two blocks from Natasha's apartment complex.

I now sat hunched over in a 2004 Cobalt-blue Honda Civic. We shared some small talk, but I mainly kept to myself as she drove me away from the club. I started to believe that maybe my luck was turning for the better ...that was until the "check engine" light on the Civic's dashboard went off and the sedan's hood began to smoke...


"You need a jumpstart. The battery's dead and the valve seals need to be replaced." I announced after Miss Fine Ass managed to get the car parked on a deserted side street before the transmission blew out. I wasn't an expert mechanic but I knew enough about cars to know what was wrong with them half the time when they weren't working right. I just wish out of all the nights for a car to break down on me, that tonight wasn't one of them.

"What? But that's a new battery!" Hazel-eyes squeaked while punching a new number in her cell trying to get ahold of one of her friends from her group.

I pinched the bridge of my nose -trying and failing to keep my nerves in check. But it was like I've unknowingly been sent to hell and the devil was masquerading as a gorgeous Vixen. I was better off walking than getting into a car with her. Big mistake dumbass I mumbled to myself.

"Well that's just freaking perfect!" I flinched when the curvy brunette hurled her cellphone past me where it burst into tiny pieces when it made contact with the icy sidewalk to the right of her car.

Oh fuck. What now? I stared at her in complete bewilderment before she hissed, "My cell just died. Can I borrow yours?"

Shit this bitch is crazy, I silently mused.

Still slightly alarmed I muttered in a ginger tone, "I can see that. But it depends. Is mine going to end up like that one?" I tipped my chin in the direction of her cell's scattered remains littered across the cold ground.

The ghost of a smile flickered across her plump lips before she rolled her big eyes and sauntered over to me. I stiffened at the closeness of her body contact as she purred, "I promise to take good care of it."

As she glanced over at her murdered phone, she held out one of her small hands as she softly added, "It will only take a minute. I'll give it right back..." she trailed off when she looked up at me and our eyes met.

Suddenly I felt hypnotized by the warmth radiating from her honey orbs. For reasons I'll never understand, this woman had the power to cut through my carefully guarded mask within the snap of a finger. And that fact alone scared me shitless.

Remembering where I was, I pulled away from her powerful gaze and thrusted my cell in her hand before putting some more distance between us. "I need to charge it soon, so make it quick." I muttered before walking back to the car's popped hood and made myself busy.

"Thanks." she murmured before walking down the sidewalk for some privacy to make her call. I highly doubt my cell is still working, but I hoped she could at least get ahold of someone for her benefit because I'm not going to stay here all night.

I stretched out my arms and leaned against the car frame as I briefly closed my eyes and decided what to do next. My head was beginning to throb and my bruised rib was starting to ache again. "I just need a break..." I whispered pleadingly as I pressed my forehead against greased metal. I took a moment to inhale a deep breath before a sultry feminine voice shrieked, "Hey! Did you just- ow!"

My eyes snapped alert just as my body jerked upwards in response to the sound of her pain-filled cry.

I groaned when the back of my skull rammed straight into a plastic clip causing the hood prop to buckle loose. I jumped out of the way just before the sedan's bonnet snapped shut. I swiveled in place to watch the brunette yelp again as she rubbed her forehead.

I was about to demand what was going on when I felt a sharp ping strike my left shoulder. What the? I watched as a small golf ball-size piece of ice bounced off my body and ricocheted towards the ground.

Tink... tink... tink...

I turned around and spotted three more ice balls come barreling out of thin air and this time, struck the roof of the motionless Civic.

Just as I realized what was happening, I heard a loud boom of thunder crackle above us before the floodgates opened and rain began pouring from of the sky in buckets. A hail storm, I whispered to myself before I shouted, "Come on! Get in the car!"

Quick to respond, Hazel-eyes ran toward me where I grabbed her hand and rushed her toward the driver's seat before I hurried toward the other side.

My back was drenched when I finally I slammed the passenger door shut and turned to check on the dazed woman beside me. She still held her forehead while her other hand firmly gripped my now dead cellphone. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked her, gently placing a hand over her balled fist.

She flinched at first before she let me unlatch the phone from her hand and set it down in an empty cup holder.

"I- I think so." she stuttered as she rubbed her head.

"Here, let me take a look." I softly murmured over the loud 'pings' of hail banging against the car.

She glanced at me warily before I soothed, "It's alright. I'm just checking for bruising."

Hesitantly, she removed her hand and I resisted the urge to frown. A small but very visible red patch is now painted across the center of her forehead. When I lifted a finger and gently prodded the sensitive skin surrounding the mark, her reflexes took over and she swatted my hand away before wincing in discomfort. "Sorry" I whispered when she open her eyes and glared at me. She didn't seem to have a concussion but she was going to have a nasty bruise stamped to her head around this time tomorrow.

"It's okay. Am I concussed?" she asked mildly.

I chuckled at the serious look on her face before answering, "No. It's just a small mark. But you should put ice on it later."

Drifting out of her haze and realizing how close we sat to each other, she backed away from me and looked out her window. I ignored the urge to tip her chin back to face me.

"We really lucked out tonight didn't we?" she sarcastically grumbled before flipping her driver-side sun visor down and tried to make out her bruise in the car's nonexistent lighting.

"You have no idea." I groaned as I tilted my head back and stared at the Civic's upholstered rooftop that nearly touched my nose. I really didn't want to think about the horrifying shape my Harley was most likely in at the moment as it gets pummeled to death by killer hail.

"How long until you think the storm will pass?" Hazel-eyes mused as I closed my eyes and balled my fists in the hopes to hold back some of my boiling rage. Why can't anything in my life go right?

"A few minutes for the hail, give or take. But the storm itself isn't going to let up anytime soon. Did you manage to get ahold of someone?" I questioned in a controlled voice while I blinked my eyes a few times as my head pulsed with pressure.

"Just a text, but I'm not sure it went through or not." she replied as she ran her slender fingers through her wet, tangled curls. Perfect. I mentally growled. I hope she doesn't expect me to stay with her. The more time I wasted here, is precious time that could be spent trying to rescue my poor excuse for a bike.

Deciding I should just go, I looked back at the brunette bombshell one final time and find myself hesitating. For a brief moment, all my mind can concentrate on is how good her hair smells when it's wet. Then before I can even register what I'm doing, my hand reaches out and twines a lock of her smooth, damp hair around my right index finger.

Her head rolled in my direction causing her cheek to mold into my palm as I hear myself murmur, "You have beautiful hair."

To my astonishment, she leaning into my touch and replied with warms eyes, "You're not so bad yourself."

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I know I should just go but instead I tuck the curl behind her ear and run my fingertip across her full, bottom lip as I whisper with bated breath, "I know, I don't know you. But I want you, so bad..."

I lick my lips as my gaze drifts up her curvy body before it settles on her cherry-colored puckered mouth. Crackles of electricity hum between us as I drink her in.

Oblivious to the raging weather outside, I watch intently as she flaunts me a breathtaking smile before I feel her lips crashing to mine.

At first, I sat motionless as she mashed our mouths together while she splayed her fingers across my broad shoulders and pressed her big tits against my chest. But soon my body took control of my senses and I was kissing her right back.

I groaned, sucking her bottom lip into my mouth as my arms slithers around her waist and on their own accord, roughly tugged her closer to me. In return she purred with pleasure and sunk into my arms before she buried her nails in my hair and drew back a little to bite my lip.

My dick twitched as a low grunt rumbled in my chest when I felt her moan into my mouth and brush her beaded nipples against my lean body. My hands drifted down her wide hips and pushed up on the hem of her red dress as I slipped my tongue into her parted mouth.

In unison we both groaned as I took control and dominated her tongue with my own. Fuck, she tastes so good. I mentally noted as my tongue lapped her up hungrily. Her breath had a slight mint flavor to it but her lips were as sweet as candy.

My fingers pulled on her garters before I squeezed her thighs tight and kissed her harder. I don't think I've ever had someone so... delicious. All I wanted in this moment was her, all of her. Right here. Right now.

A flash of lightening illuminated the car before a gust of wind whistled against the windows, and just then, as fast as it had started, reality reared it's ugly head and made things clear again. I suddenly pulled back and broke the kiss as I panted, "I should go." I was in a rundown car, during a hailstorm, making out with a stranger while my motorcycle was left in a sketchy parking lot just begging to be stolen. What the fuck am I thinking?

"No. Stay..." Hazel-eyes mewed as she forced my chair to recline back before she straddled my waist.

I gritted my teeth, and held back a moan when I felt her grind her hips against me. My dick hardened instantly and my hands clutched her hips feverishly as I rubbed up against her. In response I was graced with a soft moan and a gentle scratch down my forearms from the bombshell mounted over me.

Shit, I really want to fuck her. Would it be so bad if I stayed? I mused. She's feisty, beautiful, hotter than hell and I haven't had a proper fuck in awhile. I bite my lip imagining how good she must be. Something tells me as sexy as she is, she's probably capable of jerking out a wild ride. And I'm dying to know how long she can put out. So the why the hell not? Plus the odds of someone stealing my bike is pretty low.

Not too many thieving jackasses hang out around the cock-shop. There's too many homophobes in this city that are unwilling to step foot within a hundred yards anywhere near a male strip club. So my bike should be fine for the time being. My reasoning begins to win out as I feel her tangle our tongues back together and slips one of her small hands under my damp t-shirt where she claws my stiff muscles like they're her own private scratching post.

My eyes droop in pleasure before my hands wandered down her backside until they found her round ass where I smacked her firm cheeks greedily and they jiggle delightfully in response. God, she's mouthwatering... She yelped when I gripped them tight and stabbed my dick against her covered pussy.

Fuck. I like the way she screams... All logic left my mind in that moment. I didn't care that we were essentially strangers stranded in the middle of the night in a bad storm with no access to a phone. Or the fact that less than an hour ago I thought she a self-centered, man-eating bitch. Sex was now the only thing I was concerned with and this alluring hottie was my next squeeze.

I flexed my arms and propped my torso up as she took off my shirt before I slowly pulled off her dress. She mewed sweetly as my hands roamed over her painfully perfect hourglass figure. I leaned back in my car seat and groaned as I watched her flick her hair back and stretched her back for me as I caught full sight of the lingerie she was wearing.

Her big tits strained against a sheer lace teddy that clung to her skin like a glove. The black and red colored fabric bunched together at a clasp in the center of her perky tits before it narrowed into a thin line and dipped down to her navel before fanning out around her hips in a stringy thong.

I cupped her breasts in my hands and clenched hard. The busty brunette whimpered in ragged breaths as her eyes drooped and I moaned as her beaded nipples poked my palms in overstimulation. She leaned in to me and unzipped my jeans while my dick throbbed as her hand nudged my growing bulge.

With a cunning grin creeping up on my lips, I pinched her floral buds and she screamed out in ecstasy. Driven by mad arousal, I wrapped an arm around her waist before I flung her body against the back passenger seat and lunged after her.

Her mouth popped open as I ground my dick against her inner thigh and bit her neck fiercely. And then like setting fire to a bottle rocket, I was all over her all at once. Fueled with nothing but pure desire and raw need, I never wanted anyone as much as I wanted her right now. I brought our swollen lips back together as my hands slid down her flat belly, up her sexy thigh highs where I tore off her other garter suspender and without waiting anymore, my fingers parted her thong to the side and I plunged a long digit into her glistening pussy.

Hazel-eyes moaned into my mouth as I groaned from how hot and wet she was. I pumped her hard, making her squirm beneath me before I ripped the thong and garter belt right off her body.

Can this really be happening? I wondered to myself as I watched her through writhing convulsions, as I fingered her faster and deeper, unclasp the bra section on her teddy and expose her breathtaking, fully breasts to me. Oh fuck. I just grew harder. I shuddered when I felt her hand trail down my bare abs where she gripped the belt loops of my jeans tightly before she grabbed at my covered dick and gave it a rough tug against the constricting fabric.

I groaned from the feel of her hand on me as a bit of pre-cum drips from the tip.

Like an animal, I dipped my head down and ran my tongue up the lacy strap along her navel until I reached one of her stiff nipples. I ground my dick against her massaging hand as I shoved her nipple into my mouth and sucked it hard.

She wailed for more I my fingers fucked her even faster and my teeth plucked on her breast like a swollen teat ready for a milking. She moaned louder as I shifted my other hand up her body and palmed her free breast.

For what felt like seconds but I knew was much longer, I sucked, pinched, kneaded and bit her tits relentlessly until her tight pussy dripped like a tasty sliced watermelon as my fingers poked her into her first, violent orgasm.

When I pulled my drenched digits away and tore off the remaining fabric of her tattered teddy off her body, her wide, dilated honey eyes refocused after her high and she growled at me ferociously as her hands swiftly worked to pull my jeans down.

Once they were down far enough, I kicked them off and she all but tears my boxer briefs away and my pulsating dick springs out manically like a jack in the box, fully ready for pleasure as it curls up for her screaming ' I'm desperate and eager to be pleased. '

I moaned detaching my mouth from one of her now swollen nipples and switched sides as she wraps a hand around my throbbing cock and strokes up my shaft letting her nails bite into the flesh making a bit more cum drip out of me. Her golden eyes widen further when she realizes how big I am. I flashed her a wicked grin as she moans rubbing my cock's sticky, wet head where more cum dribbled free from her touch.

Not being able to control myself anymore. I rip her hands away from me while fishing a condom out of my discarded jean pocket. I hastily slip it on and without waiting for permission, I mount her roughly.

Nothing but pure primal instincts possess my body as I sink my teeth into her tender shoulder and I begin flicking my tongue out to taste her salty, slick skin while my dick rams into her soaked pussy in violent, brutal thrusts. I'm too overcome with animalistic lust to take her slow.

She screams out and chokes in air as I fuck her in wild, deranged bucks. Every hard thrust I plow into her, my pace gets faster. I'm lost in the heat as my mind unhinges and I come at her full force.

I thread my fingers into her silky chocolate hair while one of my arms wraps around the small of her back, trapping her against me as I pivot my hips, pulling us up against the back car window and I begin diving into deeper penetrations inside her unbelievably tight pussy. Her legs snake around me like a lethal Python wrapping up it's prey. I groan as she digs her heels into my back -adding more of an angle for me to work with.

She whimpers as her hips slap against mine and her back arches just before I drag her into a powerful climax. Not satisfied enough, I smother her mouth to mine, sealing her to me with no room to escape or breathe as her walls clench down on my pistoling dick with ravenous suction as I muffed her writhing moans until we both fall off the edge...

Hours later, we continue to exchange body heat in the back passenger seats. Simmering perspiration rolls down my back as I slowly move my way inside of her. The windows of her car are all fogged up as every thrust I give makes her body arch and twist in response. I dig deeper, fully buried in her warmth as I kiss and lick up the sides of her neck. I've lost count of how many times we've orgasmed. Condom wrappers now litter the Civic's floor and I'm shocked to say I've never cummed so much in my entire life. We don't make much conversation, but our body language speaks thousands of words.

"How hot can it get" I ask her as I slowly pushed my dick in and out of her steamy channel.

As she wiped off beats of sweat, slowly she says "I'm not there yet..."

Her eyes shut close as I fill her up to full capacity and a weak moan trembled from her inflamed lips.

I'm mesmerized by her body. Every curve and groove fits perfectly to mine and I can't get enough of hearing her moan. It's like this goddess has trapped me in a heavenly trance and I don't ever want to pull away from her.

But eventually we collapse in fatigue in a heap of tangled, magnetic limps. She nuzzles her forehead against my chest as I stroke my fingers through her damp, messy hair and tenderly kiss her crown.

Faint rays of sunlight seeped into the cloudy sedan as early morning birds chirp in nearby trees. The storm's been over for quite awhile and thick frost now covers the side walks and nearby buildings.

I hold my tired brunette tightly to my naked body and breathe in the intoxicating scent of our sex. I have no idea how this all happened, but I'm glad it did. My body has a couple bruises and aches in a few places, but other than that, I've never felt better. This has been the most spontaneous things I've ever done in my life and I certainly have never fucked someone for so long and so hard until today.

Suddenly I'm overcome with worry, my arms flex around her waist as I softly ask,"I didn't hurt you, did I?" I'd never been that rough during sex before and I immediately found myself feeling nervous. No matter the front I put on everyday I could never intentionally harm someone, save for self-defense.

As I feel her warm skin stick perfectly to my chest and listen to the steady thumping beats of her healthy heart, I come to realize I won't ever be able to tolerate the guilty if I hurt this goddess-like beauty in any way.

My worries are long forgotten as she giggles, pressing her gentle lips to one of my pecs before she draws an absentminded spiral across my collarbone and whispers, "No. I'm a little sore but..." she trails off to lift her head up and look at me. The sunlight makes her brown hair sparkle with auburn highlights as her hazel eyes that are filled with so much life and passion, melt like liquid honey as they gaze at me and she confessed, "You were amazing Comrade and it was definitely the best sex I've had in quite sometime."

As much as I'd like to stay like this and continuing talking to her, I know I'm risking a lot by being this exposed. We're lucky no one's caught us yet and I'm not too keen on going back to juvie anytime soon. So for both our sakes, I chuckle at her odd nickname for me and tighten my hold around her waist before I begin to unhook our bodies and search for my clothes...


It took us longer to get dressed than necessary mainly because we kept stopping to kiss but eventually we sat fully dressed in the front seats of her car as my fuck mate tried to start her comatose sedan one last time before I agreed we'd just part ways and I'd go deal with the aftermath of my bike.

I guess you could call it luck, fate, destiny, karma or whatever else cheesy shit you can come up with, but after four cranks from the ignition, the Civic's engine roared to life. We both exchanged shocked facial expressions before she awkwardly offered me a lift if I still wanted her to drop me off somewhere.

As weird as this whole experience was, I nodded my head at her and she drove me over to the convenience store I had mentioned last night. After that, we were silent.

I've never really had all that much practice when it came to the morning after sex or whatever the hell this is right now, but I decided it was best if I didn't ask for her name or number and she agreed vice versa. I had too much shit going on in my life and getting a fuck buddy or pursuing a relationship right now wasn't my top priority.

Still though, I felt a pang of sadness hit me when I got out of her car later and walked over to her lowered driver-side window. During the ride, I committed all of my hazel-eyed bombshell's details to my memory. The way her bottom lip would curl when she cummed, the feel of her skin pressed against mine, the way she tasted in my mouth, the smell and feel of her endless curly hair, and saving the best for last, I held onto the mental image of her stunning light brown eyes and how they lit up like molten gold when she smiled.

Regretfully, I pulled on my all too familiar emotionless mask and hunched down to her level inside the Civic. I made no move to touch her as I blurted out, "Well um, thanks. I had a good time." God, I sound so lame...

I noticed a small flick of sadness loomed in her wide eyes before she hid it away behind her own guarded mask and purred, "Don't mention it." before casting me a sassy wink.

Against my better judgement I hastily asked, "Can I at least know your name?"

"It's Rose." she slyly grins as her foot touched the timid Honda's throttle and before I know it, she races away.

I stand in the middle of the street and stare at the goddess that just unexpectedly turned my world upside down. As I stuff my hands in my front jean pockets and begin walking in the opposite direction, my mind can't help but to hope I see her again someday...

Next up? - a RPOV

Review if you want more.
