A/N I apologize to everyone for being late with this next chapter. I have been living at work. I hope you all like the way it unfolds. My wife has informed me that I don't grasp tenses when I write. So she said she is done correcting them for me. I hope my writing remains bearable.

this ones for you Tara...

As Edward and Bella woke up the next morning, the moaning was a tenth of its volume the night before. Bella was the first one up. She nudged Edward.

"Wake up. We have to get out and see whats going on."

"Okay I'm up," he said, rolling over snoring. She gave him one sharp elbow to the ribs and he jumped out of bed. "What the fuck was that for?"

"You wouldn't wake up."

"What time is it?"

"Around nine."

"Shit! We gotta get out and take the house back!"

Edward grabbed a tomahawk and went to the vault door, handing Bella a hand gun on his way by.

"I'm gonna peek out and if it gets hairy, hand me the rifle. What ever you do, don't freeze up on me or were both dead."

Edward slowly cracked the door just enough to peek one eye out. He closed the door and turned to Bella.

"There are at least five creeps out there. I don't know how they could have gotten in, but I have to get out there and take care of them. I want you to stay here and don't open this door for anyone but me."

Bella's heart sunk as Edward opened the door. As he moved through the opening, she started to hear one moan at a time. Just as suddenly, the door closed and the bolts latched from the outside.

As Edward walked from the vault, he saw one really ugly monster looking right at him but just as it opened its mouth, before it could make a sound, Edward buried his hatchet between the thing's eyes and straight into its brain. As it dropped, he was already eying his next target. He came up behind it and kicked it in the back of the knee. It stumbled to catch its balance, and he used the point on the opposite end of the tomahawk to puncture its skull. As he offed it, one of the four remaining turns and let out a moan, sniffing the air for life. Edward reached for his hand gun, drew his weapon, pulls back the hammer with his thumb and pops the rest once in the base of the skull with the exception of the last one. The last one lay squirming on the floor, its cataract eyes staring up at him. Edward spit on its face and stomped its skull with his boot.

Now with the immediate threat fixed, he went to the door. As it laid wide open, he realized the latch had been bent under the weight of a dozen zombies. He quickly hammered it back into shape and dragged the bodies outside. After stacking the corpses down wind, he retreated to the vault.

Edward banged on the vault door and Bella him and quickly opened it for him. He rushed in.

"I just dragged the bastards out. Your coming to the roof with me. We're gonna have some target practice."

"Really? On corpses?" she asked, excited.

"Oh no," he said with a smirk. "Just wait and see."

When Bella reached the roof, following behind Edward, she realized what he meant. There has got to be a hundred of them out here. We're gonna fucking die, she thought to herself as Edward sets up a makeshift shooting bench.

"Can you haul over the milk crates by the air conditioner?" Edward asked.

"Yeah, whats in them?"

"Home made napalm. The spooks don't like fire. I would have used it the other night if they weren't so close."

He opened the first bottle and stuffed in a rag. "Which group do you wanna take out first?"

Bella pointed to a zombie horde and Edward lit the rag. After he tossed it and it sailed through the air, Edward got his rifle. The bottle smashed, showering the creeps with kerosene laden soap.

The whole lot of them screamed and stammered around, trying to find an escape from the flames, too brain dead to realize their on fire.

Edward sat down and started to pick off individuals with head shots, the whole time looking for any real humans. Bella took a bottle, uncorked it, stuffed in a rag, lit it and tossed it at a group heading toward the bank. As they burst into flames, a grin grows on her face and Edward noticed and smiled at her.

"Your getting hotter by the minute," he said. looking her up and down.

"Your not too bad yourself—for a man," she said laughing.

As they shot and lit the cocktails, it crept up on mid day. After killing about sixty creepers and the rest having fled, they decided to have some lunch and prepared to go out scavenging.

Once they finished eating, Edward and Bella got ready to go out into the world. Edward grabbed two days worth of food and clothes and enough guns and ammo to fight a small third world country. Bella looked around for something to wear that wasn't men's clothing. Before they walked out the door, Edward made sure to put out fresh food and water for Jacob.

"What ever you do, always be stealthy and ready to run. Have a plan in your head as to where you can go if the shit hits the fan."

"I know, I know. You are like a broken record. Seriously!" she replied.

"I don't want you to wind up like my mother, half chewed up and still screaming."

Bella's heart dropped to her stomach. "I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"It's fine. Lets just go we have to hurry."

As they moved block to block, there were undead scattered around but nothing to be worried about. They slowly rounded a corner and heard human noises off in the distance. Bella started to yell but Edward put his hand over her mouth and whispers in her ear, "We still need to be quiet. Even if they're alive, we don't know what their thinking."

She looked at him and nodded, remaining silent. Edward led the way through the rubble to a string of stores on the street. They got what they needed, and Bella grabbed some women's clothing. It's mid afternoon as they packed up, and they decided to check out the noises they heard earlier.

They rounded the corner but didn't hear anything.

"We should just go because we don't want to be stuck out here after dark," Edward explained.

"But what if it was a kid or someone who needs our help."

"Chances are it wasn't. Now lets get out of here," he urged.

"But..."she said, her brows furrowing with frustration.

Edward pulled a crayon and a piece of paper from his pant pocket and began to write. He wrapped the paper around a brick and put it down.

"That's our address. Are you happy now?"

Bella scowled at him as they continued to walk. Edward ignored it. As they went along their way, they heard the same noises from before and they were getting closer to whatever is making them. They got to the intersection where they first heard them on the way in and now they both looked at each other because they realized the sounds are coming from around the next corner. They neared the corner and Edward put his arm out to keep Bella back, knowing full well that what was on the other side could kill them both. As he rounded the corner with his head, he raised his rifle because of what he saw. Bella took a peek and gasped.

"Are they really fucking that?" she asked.

Edward watched what they stumbled on in astonishment. He realized what he was seeing was two guys. One was holding the arms and the other was bare assed, holding the legs of a dead woman probably in her early twenties. They had her propped up on a busted washing machine and she was thrashing and moaning. Not because this guy was hung like a Swede, but because she was a zombie, cold, dead, and more than likely contagious. As the zombie pounding continued, there was suddenly a sound from behind. Edward turned just in time to see a two by four coming at his head and everything went white. With his ears ringing and stunned, he tried to turn but someone had him from behind. He looked to his right as Bella screamed. Someone had her, too.

"Look what we have here, Tyler. I think Eric will love this one."

"Hey, Mike!" Tyler yelled. "Look what we got. Living pink pussy!"

Tyler whispered in Edward's ear, "We're gonna fuck her in every hole, and your gonna watch before we split your head open."

"I think we should keep this one around to dump loads in. What do you think?" James asked Tyler. "She smells so fucking good."

"Hell yeah but I get her first. Last time, I got screwed with sloppy seconds."

"Fuck you, Tyler. You're such a fag. Let's just hope this one lasts longer than the last three."

The two dragged Edward and Bella around the the corner just as Eric blew a load in the zombie. After he zipped up hit pants, he bashed the chick's brains in with a bat and they both turned to their new prisoners.

"I swear your all fucking dead," Edward said, bleeding from the side of his head.

"Shut the fuck up," James spat.

"Look what the fucking cat dragged in. No killing this one for a while," Mike said as all four started to laugh.

As Tyler held Edward, they started pushing Bella around. Edward fought back but he had his hand twisted behind his back so far up it almost dislocated. Just then, Mike punched Bella in the face.

"Hey, Eric! What do you tell a chick with two black eyes? Nothing you always told her twice." He laughs manically.

"Your all fucking dead," Edward screamed.

They continued to laugh at him and dragged Bella over to him. Her eye was bloodshot and a bruise started to come to the surface. As two of them held her arms, James walked up with a knife and cut her shirt up the front, ripping it the rest of the way, exposing her perky tits. They jiggled as the tension of the last remaining threads let go.

"Now those are some nice titties!" Tyler yells with excitement right in Edwards left ear. "Let's get those pants off."

As Eric started unbuttoning her pants Edward fumbled for his pocket knife. He finally got a hold of it and Bella let out a scream. Edward jammed his knife into Tyler's thigh, twisting it and wringing it around in the wound. Tyler let out a cry and the rest of the group turned around just in time to see Edward draw his hand gun. They all tried to grab whatever weapons they had, but Edward shot each of them, one after the other with the speed and rage of a madman. As he turns to ventilate Tyler, he realized by the pool of blood that he was bleeding out. Edward walked up and in a psychotic burst of anger and hatred, he kicked him in the ribs over and over again until a topless tear filled Bella pulled him away.

"Please, let's get out of here. It's getting dark," she said between sobs.

Edward took off his shirt and hands it to her. "I'm so sorry that happened."

"Its not your fault. They came out of nowhere." She looked down as she put the shirt on.

He walked up, wrapping his arms around her, and whispered in her ear, "I promise I will never let anything like that happen to you."

"Let's get out of here," she repeated, still in shock.

"Okay," he agreed, taking her hand as they walked back to the bank.


When they got back, Edward started a bath and cooked them a dinner of spam and rice. After dinner, when the bath was ready, he got Bella some clothes and and a fresh bar of soap.

"Hey, the bath is ready if you want to take one. I'd like to take a look at that eye if you don't mind."

"Sure, it still hurts like hell," she said as she walked towards him. He gently ran one hand down the side of her face and back behind her ear and started to look her black eye over. As he was checking it out, their eyes met. He smiled softly and they both slowly moved closer until their lips grazed one another. They began to kiss. Their tongues touched gently and he pulled her in close with the hand that was already right where it should be. Bella moved her hands up from his abs to his chest and slowly pushed him away. " I have to take a bath. Did we pick up any razors?" she asks shyly.

"Yeah," he answered, wishing they never stopped. "I'll be in the vault hanging out with Jacob if you need anything."

"Okay, thanks."

As Edward sat in the vault feeding the rat, he could hear the sound of shaving cream and started thinking how absolutely fucking awesome it would be to get to shave her tiny, wet pussy for her. He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. Reaching into his boxers, he grabbed his half stiff cock and started playing with it, thinking of her beautiful tits. With every second that passed, it got harder and harder in his hand. He imagined rubbing the head in between her lips up against her clit and gently down to her opening. He licked his lips, envisioning slowly stuffing the fat head of his swollen cock into her tight, pink pussy. Bella's voice interrupted his daydreaming.

"Edward, can you come here?"

"Yeah, just give me a min." he grumbled, uncomfortably jamming his hard cock back into his pants. As he rounds the corner with an embarrassed grin he asked, "What can I get you?"

"Come over here," she implored.

He walked over to the tub and a smile grew on her face as she noticed the lump in his pants. "Come here," she urged again, grabbing him by his shirt pulling him down for a kiss. "Would you like to get in?"

His face turned red, but he nodded and as he took off his shirt, he noticed her checking him out. He dropped his pants and pulled off his boxers and his stiff cock came springing out. Bella gave a little chuckle. "It's not that small? Is it?" he asked, laughing as he started to get into the tub on the opposite side.

"What are you doing? Get in behind me," she said.

"Okay. I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable."

"You wont. Don't worry."

As he got in behind her, he sat down and she backed right up into his stiff cock, pressing it into her lower back and wrapping his arms around her. He took one hand and moved her hair off her neck and started kissing it. Licking and kissing, he slowly made his way to her ear and she ran one of his hands up from her waist and placed it on her left tit. He squeezed it and played with her nipple. She felt his cock grow harder against her back. I should just do it. Come on grow some balls, Edward thought to himself as he began to run his free hand down her waist to her smooth, recently shaven pussy. As he moved his middle finger between her lips and found the top of her clit, she let out a gasp and lifted her left leg over the edge of the tub to give his hand some working room. He started rubbing her clit up and down, side to side and all over as he pinches her nipple and rolls it between his fingers with her firm perky tit cupped in his other hand, the whole time sucking on her neck just below her ear. He felt her hand come around her side towards his waist, and he makes room as she grabbed a hold of his stiff, throbbing cock and ran her hand down the shaft to his balls. He whispered in her ear as he slipped the tip of his middle finger inside her.

"I want to do dirty things to you."

"I want you to," she moans as she stroked his cock over and over.

"Lets get out of this tub. I wanna lick you for days."

She dried off and Edward watches every second of it with his stiff cock in his hand. She handed a towel to him and he started drying his hair. Before he could get the rest of himself dry, she walked up and grabbed him by his cock and started kissing him. She jerked his cock a few times and slowly dropped to her knees, licking his chest and abs on the way down. When she got there, she looked up at him with her big brown eyes while she ran her tongue up and down his hard throbbing shaft. She lapped his balls and stroked his cock before going back to the head and slowly sucked on it before swallowing it as far as she could.

Edward let out a slight moan and said, "Oh, god! That feels so good. Please don't stop."

He gently grabbed the back of her head and ran his fingers through her hair while she sucked him off harder than before. He reached down and grabbed a tit, and he could feel himself getting close.

"Your gonna make me cum!" he said, but she kept sucking him as deep as she could until finally his toes curled with a massive orgasm while his hot load hit the back of her throat. She finished sucking him off and as she stood up, he picked her up, sweeping her off her feet and carrying her to the bed. He gently threw her down and got on top, pinning her hands with his. She could feel his still hard cock rub against her clit as he started kissing her. He slowly moved down to her neck and when he got to her chest, he grabbed her tits with both hands and started pinching one nipple as he sucked on the other, gently rolling it between his teeth as he lapped the tip of her nipple with his tongue. She grasped the back of his head and pulled him into it as he licked. After paying attention to both of them, he licked her down past her belly button and grabbed the back of her thighs, putting her legs up so they were bent at the knee. Now kneeling on the floor with her ass on the edge of the bed, he licked her inner thigh close to her pussy. He switched to the other thigh, this time gently biting it and sucking on it as his hand placed her foot on his shoulder. He took his now free hand and started rubbing her clit just for a second before he licked her from her inner thigh straight to the bottom center of her pussy. As she grabbed the back of his head and let out a quiet moan, he licked her straight up her pussy to her clit, splitting her pussy with his tongue the whole way up. Once he got to her clit, he started licking it like a madman, her hand pushing him into it. He wrapped his lips around it, sucking on it gently while he attacked it with his tongue and slowly slipped in a finger.

"Oh God, yes!" she screamed as he felt her pussy tighten up around his finger. I cant believe how wet she is getting, he thought to himself as he stuffed her with another finger. Thrusting his fingers in and out, he found her g-spot and still licked while he drilled it with his fingers.

Pushing his head away Bella said, "Please just use your fingers. Make me cum again."

Edward smiled and pushed her up onto the bed, grabbing her right leg and pushing it to her neck and with his left hand, burying his two middle fingers inside her up to her spot. He started rubbing it in and out again with his other hand gently pushing down on her belly to meet his fingers inside her. She reached over and grabs his stiff cock and strokes it as she gets closer and closer to soaking his hand with a massive orgasm. He could feel her pussy start to tighten up around his fingers as his wrist started to get tired, but he doesn't stop.

"God, I want you to cum so bad. I want to fill you with cock and fuck you until you cant walk."

Her back began to arch and she grabbed his cock and the bed sheet hard. She let out a scream and yelled, "Oh, God! Yes! Don't stop."

Edward kept splattering her soaking wet pussy as she came hard for what seemed like an eternity. When he finally stopped, he could feel her pussy twitching tighter around his knuckles every second or so and it turned him on so bad he could feel a bit of pre-cum in between his cock and her now motionless hand.

"I wanna feel you with my dick," he said.

"We should wait. I don't want to rush things."

"I figured you would say that. That's just my luck," he said aggravated as he lays down next to her putting an arm over her and kissing her shoulder.

"I think you have gotten pretty lucky this far."

I had to find the one prude, didn't I?