Just in case you wanted to know, there shall be some Snarry action in this chapter.

~Hogwarts Infirmary~

Harry's scream caught the attention of many people, one of them being Severus. The poor boy had shot up in the bed, startled. Unfortunately for both Harry and Severus the action caused both of their foreheads to collide rather painfully with each other.



The two boys rubbed their heads gently. Tears accumulated in the corners of Harry's eyes. That freaking hurt! Severus appeared to be handling the pain easier than Harry. Unlike the other boy, Severus's eyes were not clenched shut, merely half lidded. He seemed more annoyed than in pain.

After the stinging sensation in Severus's head dulled, he sent a pointed glare at Harry. "Potter, get off my bed."

Peaking an eye open, Harry looked at Severus. "You get off mine." Severus seemed to get more irritated at him for that. He growled and sat up straighter. "I'm serious Potter."

"Fine, fine." Harry huffed. "I'm going." He pivoted his body so his legs were dangling off of the side of the bed, muttering about stubborn, lazy Slytherins the entire time. He stood, after purposely pausing to stretch his body, much to the annoyance of Severus, and managed to take two steps away from the bed before his legs decided to rebel against him. They turned around, walking right back into the direction he had just come from.

"What the hell?" He asked out loud.

Severus looked like he could punch him. "Potter I said. Go. AWAY."

"Hey, do you think that I'm doing this on purpose?" Harry yelled, sending a look of loathing at the Slytherin.

His body crawled back onto the bed and sit as close to Severus as physically possible. This meaning that he was in Severus's lap, chest to chest with the other boy. Of course, Severus was not pleased about this at all. He raised his arms and placed them on Harry's shoulders. They shook like there were fifty pound weights tied to them. Harry couldn't understand that. That is, until Severus gave a good shove and sent Harry flying off of the bed.

"MR. SNAPE!" Madame Pomfrey yelled as she started running over to the duo.

"Ow, fuck Snape, that hurt!"


Harry smiled sheepishly at the woman. Sitting up, he sent a small wave her way, and then something caught his attention. He brought his hand up to his face and examined the ghost-like ring wrapped around his finger. A strange mix of shock, anger, and dread bubbled in his stomach. What the hell was going on?

"Language Harry." His mum said lightly. He winced, had he said that out loud? Wait…his Mum was there?

Looking up, he saw his mother standing not too far from him looking like she was about to break down and cry. That in itself was odd because he had only seen his mother cry a handful of times before. She was one of the strongest people he had ever known, yet she was standing there, pale green eyes glassy and raven hair frazzled, like she was someone else.

"Mum?" He called softly. That seemed to be the breaking point for Dorea. She shot forward and pulled her son to her, crying softly.

"I'm so, so sorry Harry. My baby." She cried. This turned into a chant that she kept repeating. After hearing it a third time, he tried asking her what was wrong. Instead of an answer like he wanted, his mother just held onto him tighter and cried louder. Harry looked up, hoping to see his father, and blushed when he saw that he had a small audience. He fought to keep his blush down, and when he figured that he had had it under control, he looked to Charlus for help.

"Dad, what's going on?"

Charlus didn't reply right away, opting to pry Harry out of his wife's grasp and place him on the bed again. If the sharp kick that connected to his thigh was any proof, Harry figured that Severus wasn't happy with that at all.

"You…you had an accident Harry. And there have been some, irreversible consequences." Charlus rubbed the back of his neck, a nervous habit of his, and quickly averted his hazel eyes from Harry. "Perhaps Professor Dumbledore can elaborate further?"

Before the old wizard could speak though, Severus had addressed his own mother.

"What brings you to Hogwarts, Mother?"

Eileen Snape gave her son a look that could be described as cold, uncaring. She said no words, just inclined her head slightly, but Severus could see the emotions hidden behind it. Compassion, worry, sadness. Something inside of Severus seemed to freeze. Whatever his mother was here for, it wasn't going to be good.

Dumbledore cleared his throat. It was an awkward, stressed sound. "Erm, right. Well, I think that it's time that we get down to business." All attention went to the old wizard who sat stiffly in his chair. "It seems that your brother and his friends were attempting to pull one of their pranks on young Severus here." Snape and his mother scowled darkly at the mention of the Marauders and their pranks. Harry and his parents frowned disapprovingly. Already this story wasn't turning out to be a good one. "Their prank was meant to be harmless." Dumbledore pointedly ignored the snort that came from the bed. "There were, however, some complications that led to…unforeseen consequences."

Harry's dark brows furrowed. "Complications, sir?"

"Yes." Pausing and readjusting himself in the chair, Dumbledore tried to think of a way to explain their situation without causing too much of a ruckus. Unfortunately, he couldn't think of a way to do that. "It seems that the potion they intended to use got mixed up with the potion that they did use. Their intended potion was meant to alter the consumer's appearance every time a dosage is added. Really rather brilliant, glazing the dinnerware with a layer of the potion…err, right." The heated glares that were being sent his way caused the headmaster to backtrack a bit. "Well, that potion was accidentally passed in to Professor Slughorn in your potions class today, Severus. The potion that was used for their…prank was Mr. Pettigrew's failed attempt at his potion assignment. Do you know what the potion was, if made correctly, intended to do?"

Harry and Severus nodded slowly, still not completely understanding what was going on. "Well," Dumbledore continued "Mr. Pettigrew added many ingredients more commonly found in bonding potions. When ingested, you should have died instantly. However, pixie wings were added to the potion."

"Pixie wings?" Harry asked quietly. He knew that pixie wings possessed magical qualities, but enough to render a poison worthless?

Dumbledore smiled at the young Potter. "Yes, the magical properties of the wings acted as a bonding agent between the two potions, making them blend into one potion."

Harry's brow furrowed in thought. "So, you're saying that Snape is now bonded to his soul mate?" The headmaster gave him a slow nod. That didn't make sense. If Severus was bonded to his soul mate then why was he glued to Harry's side?



No-no-no! There was no way that this could be true! This was some elaborate joke being played on the two of them. Harry looked at the headmaster with big, pleading eyes, silently pleading with him to tell him that he was kidding. All he received was a pitying look. He turned to his parents. His mother had buried her face into his father's shoulder as she cried softly. His father's eyes had a wetness to them, making the hazel brighter and the sclera tinged red.

NO! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! This wasn't happening!

The stiffening of Severus's body next to his made Harry realize that the Snape had come to the same conclusion that he had.

"Reverse it." Severus said; voice devoid of emotion. For a brief moment, Harry felt a twinge of pain that his soul mate didn't want him. He pushed the thought away and found himself agreeing with the Slytherin. He did not want to be stuck in a loveless marriage, with his soul mate no less.

To his horror, Dumbledore shook his head. "Severus, my boy, you know that bonding potions are permanent. There is nothing we can do to reverse this situation." Both Severus and Harry felt like their worlds were crumbling down on them. "You both will need as much physical contact as possible until the bond has time to settle."

"How long will that be Albus?" Dorea asked tearfully.

Dumbledore shook his head. "That, my dear, I do not know. The shortest recorded period for the bond to settle was a year. The longest was twenty. But that means nothing. It could take longer for Severus and Harry, or not. It truly depends on how soon the two of them truly accept their bond."

'So that will be never.' Harry thought sardonically. There was no way that he and Severus would ever be able to accept the bond that they had. Well, perhaps one day Harry would, but he knew for certain that Severus would forever let his petty rivalry with James cloud his judgment about Harry.

Severus's thoughts were near the same as Harry's. He, however, was lamenting that he was forever bound to James Potter's carbon-copy-twin. The rest of his life would be hell.

"Now, usually, bonded couples spend hours with each other, simply touching to satisfy the bond. These 'charge' the bond for a short period of time so the soul mates cannot be far from the other." Dumbledore explained.

Harry stopped his depressing train of thought and focused back in on the headmaster. "So you're saying that the more contact we have, the more time we can spend apart?" He wasn't sure it was worth it. Why on earth would he want to spend time with Severus, touching him, only to be free of him for a few hours?

"Yes, my boy. However, I think I have come up with a solution that will allow the two of you to be separated for longer periods of time." At this both boys looked up hopefully at the old wizard. "As you know, intercourse is a powerful bond. For soul mates, it is the most powerful way to 'charge' the bond. Now, later today, your magic will pull the two of you together and lead you into consummating your bond. (Dumbledore pointedly ignored the screams of outrage from the bed.) Your bond won't be charged enough for you two to be separated for too long, but should you repeat the action a few more times…well, suffice to say it would be more than likely that the two of you could be in classes as soon as tomorrow. After you consummate your bond, each time you have intercourse the bond will be charged for a minimum of a few days. Add to the fact that the two of you will be sharing a bed and personal quarters for now on, well, your bond should be charged for a week."

Harry's mind was reeling. "So not only will we be forced to have sex, but you think we should in fact have multiple rounds of sex. We aren't allowed to be in the dorms with our friends anymore, and we have to have sex once a week." Harry clenched his eyes shut and rubbed his temples. "Did I miss anything Professor?"

Severus snorted. "You mean besides the fact that we are bonded to each other for the rest of our lives?" He asked snidely.

Harry forced himself to hold back some rather nasty comments. "Yes, besides that." He glared at his…at Severus. He spared a look at his parents. They looked so heartbroken. Harry wanted to be mad at them, he wanted to yell and scream at them for not fighting for his freedom, for his life. But one look at his mother's tearstained face made him change his mind. They didn't want this for him, but there was just nothing that they could do.

Severus was angry, he was seething. However, this anger wasn't focused on his mother or even Other Potter. No, he was furious at Dumbledore and those dumb shits known as the Marauders. They had tried to prank him again; and in a bout of stupidity brought the potion that they were going to use on him to Potions class. They should have known that Pettigrew would somehow muck it up. Hell, they should have had enough intelligence to check the fucking potion before using it!

He leveled the headmaster with a dark glare. "You are going to punish them, aren't you headmaster?" He asked.

"Who, my boy?"

"Potter and his little rag-tag group of miscreants! Who else?" The boy roared.

Dumbledore took a calming breath, understanding that the boy was upset. "Now Severus, I don't believe they deserve to be punished; it was, after all, an accident."

Wrong choice of words.

Severus growled and let go of his Slytherin persona. "Are you fucking KIDDING ME? An ACCIDENT? You know that they were targeting me! They've been doing it for YEARS! This is the final straw Dumbledore!"

"Severus!" Eileen hissed.

"No, Mother! He has let this go on for far too long! Every time something happened he would let Potter and his friends get off with a slap on the wrist! Now they deserve punishment!"

"I agree, there needs to be some sort of punishment." Severus stopped ranting and gave Harry an incredulous look. He thought that Harry would be on Dumbledore's side for this. Apparently, the other adults were thinking along the same lines as their looks mirrored his own. Harry rolled his eyes. Honestly, people were so thick sometimes! "Oh come on, they can't get away with everything all of the time. And let's be honest. Mum, Dad, Headmaster you all have been far too lenient to James and his friends. Yes there are times where they pull some innocent pranks, but their pranks also border malicious and could seriously injure someone. Not only that, but they target Severus and the Slytherins all of the time. There is no need for that.

"Let's not forget that without the pixie wings Severus would be dead because they didn't stop to double check their potion. So not only is this harassment, but an attempt at murder. However, since they did not know that the potion could have killed him, I would say let it slide, this time." He glared at Severus when he interrupted. Severus thought that the only reason that Harry was saying all of this was to get the Marauders out of trouble. That was not the truth at all, in fact, quite the opposite. If Harry had his way, then all four of them would be suspended for three months with detention with Filch for the rest of the year. The truth of the matter was that it was an attempt at murder, no matter how you looked at it. Now had the Marauders bothered to check the potion, that would be a different matter altogether. If the Aurors and the Ministry got involved things would get real dirty real fast. Harry wasn't sure if the Marauders would be able to get through that. Especially Remus, he was very skittish when it came to getting in trouble, almost like he was afraid that if he did anything wrong he'd be expelled (which was rather odd since he was in the most notorious groups in Hogwarts History). "Honestly Sna-Severus, you are alive and as well as you are going to get. If you want to get James back for this have professor Dumbledore punish him for five years of harassment. I say that they four of them should have two and a half months of detention with Filch and neither James nor Sirius should be allowed to play Quidditch in a Gryffindor vs. Slytherin game. If not, well I'm sure that Mr. Malfoy would absolutely love to hear that the headmaster isn't taking the proper disciplinary measures when it comes to his students."

Silence reigned throughout the Infirmary. Charlus and Dorea had never heard their son sound so…Slytherin before. Deep, deep down Dorea felt pride in her boy, he was a true Black. However the two of them were shocked at his attitude towards James's prank. They had not thought that he would take such drastic measures to ensure that his brother and his friends were punished, and they had no doubt that he would follow through with his threat. After all, he was a Black.

Eileen looked appraisingly at her new son-in-law(?). She had been trying to her son's tormentors punished for years and yet not once had she thought to contact Abraxas Malfoy for help. This boy, no matter what house he was in, was definitely Slytherin worthy and she was rather glad that he was her Severus's soul mate. Translation: She found the boy utterly adorable and she could not wait to see more of his Slytherin side.

Severus was seething; which was honestly very foolish. But he wanted to see Potter and his lackeys thrown into Azkaban for everything that they had done to him. Yet this boy (no, Severus refused to acknowledge that they were now bonded) had undermined him and only suggested a mild punishment. If Severus had his way, those idiots would have been out of the school years ago. What infuriated him more was the fact the Potter had worded his threat (for there was no way that it was anything but) so perfectly that the Headmaster just had to obey. How on earth was Potter able to accomplish less than ten minutes something that he had spent the past few years trying to do?

Albus Dumbledore was stuck. He honestly did not think that James and his friends deserved such a harsh punishment for one act, but as he thought it over, Harry was right. He had let the Gryffindor boys get away with far too much without punishment. Now that they thought that they could get away with anything, their little pranks were bordering malicious and derogatory. He felt ashamed that because of this leniency that he had allowed, a child almost died. There was nothing that he could do accept agree.

He gave a long, weary sigh. "Yes, Mister Potter. I am afraid that you are right. I shall take your advice to heart." He and harry shared a small smile while the other occupants were too shocked to do anything (well, Severus was stuck trying to choose between screaming or pouting). It was several moments before Dumbledore began speaking again. "Well boys, under normal circumstances I would leave you in the very capable hands of Madam Pomfrey. However, you do not apply to those. We need to move you two to your new quarters as soon as possible. Your magic is going to begin to pull you two together soon. I don't think either of you will want to be caught doing…your personal business in a public place."

Harry's face flamed. Never again did he want Albus Dumbledore to discuss his sex-life, EVER. Severus merely scowled at his display.

Their new quarters were comfortable. There was enough space for the two of them that they wouldn't have to always be in each other's presence. Harry counted six rooms: the common room, the bedroom, a study, a potions lab, a bathroom, and a kitchen with a small dining nook. The only concern harry had about the rooms was that it wasn't decorated and there was a severe lack of furniture. Dumbledore had informed him that the Hogwarts elves would have it finished by the morning.

Their parents bide them farewell after a while, not wanting to hold off the inevitable for longer than necessary. On all accounts it was a tearful good-bye. The parents did not want to leave their children and the children did not want to face the other yet. Eventually, though, it was just Harry, Severus and Albus. Albus smiled at the two boys before leaving himself. He had said that he needed to talk to a few Gryffindors.

Harry and Severus looked everywhere else but the other. Harry seemed to find the fireplace very interesting. It was all stone-y and pretty. Wow, that sounded so pathetic.

Severus, tired of the silence, turned on his heels and walked to the bedroom. Harry's legs acted on their own and followed.

"Stop it, Potter!" Severus snarled.

Glaring, Harry hiss right back. "You know that I can't Severus."

Severus's hand hovered over the doorknob to their bedroom (every time that thought passed through Harry's mind, Harry wanted to scream). When he heard the use of his first name, Severus froze. His head snapped into Harry's direction at an alarming speed. He pinned the smaller boy with a glare that would have sent many people heading for the hills.

"Don't you dare use my first name, Potter. We aren't friends, we aren't lovers, hell, we aren't even acquaintances. So you do not have the right to use my first name."

Harry was not deterred. Instead, Harry took a step forward and stretched his arm out. He was not touching Severus, no not touching (his hand would have probably been bitten off by now), but he was as close as he could get without contact. "Yes, that may be, but we are also bonded Severus, for life. I don't know about you, but I refuse to be called by my last name for the rest of my life by my husband." Apparently, Harry had the winning argument. Severus growled and stormed into the bedroom. Harry followed.

Oh the bedroom! It was large, but not overly so, with beautiful bay windows giving the couple a gorgeous view of the grounds. The walls were a deep blue, complementing the dark wood of the floor and the bed. The only furniture in the room was the king sized bed. There was a fluffy blue and silver patterned comforter and about a dozen matching patterned pillows adorning it. The spectacular part of the bedroom though was the ceiling. It was charmed like the Great Hall to show the weather outside. It was drizzling, but none of the drops falling from the indoor clouds made it far before they disappeared.

Severus stormed over to the bed and jumped (more like fell on his face), knocking off several of the smaller pillows. Harry, who was only half a step behind, awkwardly sat down next to his husband. When a muffled scream came from the mattress, Harry sighed and tentavily pressed his hand to Severus's back.

"Don't touch me Potter!"

Oh for the love of Merlin! Harry resisted the urge to punch something, preferably Severus. "Knock it off Severus, you aren't the only one whose life has been fucked up. If you're getting pissed off at me for trying to-Merlin forbid-make you feel better then…" He paused to take a deep breath. When he calmed he smiled sadly at his husband. "I know you're not happy, but don't make things any harder than they need to be, okay?" He received no answer, not that he was honestly expecting one. "Alright, get up, we better get started." Severus made no move to get up. Actually, he didn't move at all. Harry decided that he needed to take the initiative if anything was going to happen.

Slowly the Ravenclaw laid himself down next to Severus. When he was sure that he wasn't going to be screamed at or hexed he continued on. Uncurling Severus's arm Harry wiggled into an empty embrace. Severus froze. He waited for Harry to move again, but when nothing happened he realized that Harry was waiting for him to take the lead.

Damn Potter! With a growl he flipped the two of them around so he had Harry pinned beneath him. "Before any of this" he said 'this' with so much disdain that one would think that he was talking about a criminal act instead of sex. "Continues…Harry, let's get one thing straight. I. Do. Not. Bottom. Understood?" He waited for Harry to nod before continuing.

Harry wasn't sure if he was as comfortable with this as he was before. After a moment of thinking Harry reluctantly nodded.

Things went downhill from there.

Severus made quick work of their clothing, tearing them off of their bodies so carelessly that Harry was sure that they'd have to be repaired with several charms later. The skin to skin contact was irritating. Severus's skin was kind of dry and cool compared to Harry's softer, warm skin. It would have been better if Severus wasn't trying to have them touch as little as possible.

There was no kissing. No, the brutal assault on Harry's lips could hardly be considered a kiss. It was all teeth and very little tongue. Severus tugged on Harry's lower lip and, much to Harry's annoyance, bit down hard enough to draw blood. When Harry didn't respond, Severus moved his lips from Harry's to the other boy's neck. He nipped down until he found the spot that made Harry gasp and squirm beneath him. In a far part of his mind, Severus stored that information away…not that he cared of course.

Pausing his ministrations, Severus sat up, intending to use his wand to prepare Harry when he saw a bottle of lube lying on the bed near Harry's head. 'Disgusting' He thought as he picked up the bottle. With one long, dark look at the lube he squeezed a generous amount onto his hands.

"You better appreciate this Potter."

Harry glared up at him. "It's Harry, Sever-OW! What the hell!" He stared wide-eyed at the finger that was knuckle deep in his ass. It burned slightly and Harry's initial reaction was to force the intruding finger out of his body.


"Knock it off Pot-Harry! It's going to hurt a hell of a lot more if you don't relax." Harry tried, he tried to make himself relax but nothing happened. It was too damn uncomfortable. "Or don't, see if I care."

Severus continued. He added a second finger and scissored them about fifteen times before adding his third finger. Harry tried to pull away several times, saying that he just wanted to use his wand, but each time Severus told him to sit still and stop complaining. There were tears gathering in Harry's eyes at this point, he just wanted this torture to be over with! Finally-finally- those evil fingers were removed and Harry breathed a sigh of relief.

Slick hands coated a slowly hardening cock. Severus was internally growling. Never before would he have gotten hard at seeing Potter, so the fact that he was getting hard now was infuriating. When his dick was covered completely with lube, Severus lined himself up at Harry's entrance.

"You better be relaxed Potter, because this is going to hurt like hell." He said carelessly. Without another thought he pushed himself part way into Harry, hands clutching the other boy's hips to keep him steady. The scream that echoed through the room made Severus wince. Well, Harry had been warned.

Harry thought that the fingers were bad, but this was much, much worse. He felt full, too full, like he was being ripped in half. Tears spilled down his cheeks. He wanted to yell at Severus, tell him to get the fuck away from him, but he couldn't. So instead, he screamed.

Severus waited for the screaming to die down. He felt bad, sort of. He knew that it hurt like hell your first time, but Potter was an idiot and didn't listen when Severus warned him. Severus didn't want to seem weak or like he cared, but the screaming reminded him of painful memories. If he didn't do something soon there was a high chance that he would have a memory lapse. No good would come from that. The problem was, he had no idea what would comfort Potter. Severus, guided by his magic, gently stroked Harry's hips, caressed his face, and even went back to kissing his neck. Nothing seemed to work. Reluctantly, as if the mere idea was enough to make him vomit, Severus pulled Harry into an awkward embrace. Stupid magic! Stupid bond!

Eventually Harry settled. The magic surrounding him was comforting, distracting him from the pain he felt. He panted heavily and locked eyes with Severus. "Just move Severus." He said softly. In truth, he didn't want Severus to continue, but their magic was having none of that.

Severus complied. He pushed himself all the way in, then pulled back and forced himself back in. This repeated several times, creating an annoying slapping sound that reverberated through the empty room. Sweat accumulated on their skin making Severus's hands slip more than once. Severus didn't look at Harry and Harry didn't look at Severus. Yet, despite this the two couldn't conjure an image of someone that they'd rather be with. Not that they didn't want to, they just couldn't. Their magic wasn't allowing it. So as Severus emotionlessly thrust into Harry, Harry stroked his own cock with very little interest.

Eventually, after what felt like a lifetime, they reached their peaks. Severus came first, ejaculating hard into Harry. Harry followed shortly after.

They separated as if burned.

"Ten minutes." Severus panted. Harry nodded, staring blankly at the ceiling.

After ten minutes they started again. It was just as infuriating and awkward as the first time. They had sex two times after that, leaving the two both disgusted and sated.

Harry tried to get up to rush to the shower, but every movement sent the lower half of his body on fire. He wanted to scream or cry, but instead he curled into himself slightly and cried silently until he fell asleep.

Severus watched his husband-no! Potter damn it!- with a tiny amount of pity. It was squashed down quickly when Severus remembered just who he was feeling pity for. He rolled over so he and Harry were back to back and fell into a restless sleep.

In an unused part of the castle two boys were currently standing close to each other as they looked out the large window, not really seeing anything.

"I'm scared Padfoot. We could be sent to Azkaban!" Remus said in that soft voice of his.

"No we won't, Dumbledore won't allow it." Sirius replied. Stealthily he reached out and grasped his friend's hand to comfort him.

Remus gave a weary sigh then turned and smiled at the dog animagus. "You know our luck will run out eventually right? Yeah this was an accident, but if, Merlin forbid, Snape and Harry die the ministry will play it out as premeditated murder."

"No they won't." Sirius said…seriously. "If they even attempted to accuse the Potter and Black heirs of murder they would all more than likely lose their jobs. The ministry is run by idiots, but they aren't stupid enough to risk their jobs. Besides, the fact that we haven't heard anything yet could be a good thing. Harry and Snivellus could be fine. So for now, we're safe."

Remus chuckled darkly. Sirius decided that he did not like that sound coming from his Remus. "You mean you are safe." He corrected. "You, James and even Peter are safe. Me? If anything happens at all the Ministry will be all over me because I'm…" Remus trailed off uncomfortably.

Sirius continued when Remus didn't continue. "Because you're what? The most shy, chocolate addicted book loving brainiac prankster that I've ever met?" Remus blushed a bit and tried to pull away from Sirius. The other boy, however, refused to let his mate get away. "Or…could it be because you are the most wonderful, amazing, sexy person in the whole wide world?"

Shocked, Remus gazed at Sirius who had the most sincere look on his face. "H-how?"

Sirius smiled and brought the slightly taller boy closer to his body in a tight embrace. "How could I fall for you? It was very easy you know. I think I started falling for you when you gave us that big smile when we asked you to be our friend." Remus's eyes widened. That was all the way back in first year! "Yeah, I know. But you never showed any interest in guys…or anyone for that matter so I thought I had no chance and started dating as many people as possible, you know, to get you jealous-don't give me that look I know it was a stupid plan. It never went too far though. I kept comparing each to you. So, imagine my delight when in potion class I found out my soul mate was the person who I've been in love with for years." At this, he looked pointedly at Remus who had a guilty blush on his face.

"Sirius I…I didn't want you to feel pressured to be with me."

"Idiot." With that Sirius angled their heads and pressed their lips together in their first of many glorious kisses.

It was short and relatively innocent, but when they broke apart they were red faced and smiling. Remus peppered Sirius's lips, cheeks and neck with short kisses. He had only dreamt of doing this before, so each little kiss was like a dream come true. Sirius ran his hands through his mate's hair, delighted that he had finally worked up the courage to confront Remus.

Eventually they pulled away from each other before they lost control of themselves. That could wait for another time. The window that they were standing near had steamed up. For some reason it amused Sirius. Childishly, he reached out and wrote SB + RL, in the center. Remus chuckled at him.

"Sirius, you're so corny."

Sirius beamed. "Yes, but you love me."

Remus couldn't deny that.


Oh Severus, why are you so angry?

I'm clarifying this now, Severus was not raped, if that's what some of his comments make you think.

Oh well, I hoped you liked it!