Starting out with Jax in prison he's been in there for 3 weeks and Tara still hasn't come to see him but he's got letters

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Dear my girl Tara,

If you are reading this, it means Stahl and Jimmy are dead and the club will be doing short time. I'm sorry I didn't tell you the whole truth before, but I couldn't. It would have made you an accessory if it had gone wrong. This was a club vote. I'd never turn on my club, or my family. I'm sorry for the things I had to do that hurt you. I had to protect you.

Take care of yourself, take care of the kids for me. Don't be afraid to ask for help. You aren't alone. Take pictures, take video, I hate that I have to miss everything.

Rosen has all the papers for you to take care of able while im gone take good care of yourself don't let anything stand in your way.

I love you, Tara, more than you could ever know.

Always, Jax

I felt the tears start to run down my face it was so hard knowing he wont be there to see his baby been born but I know he will be there at heart

Dear Jax's

Hey baby sorry couldn't come in this week had to work at the hospital I was on my way when I got a page that a preemie baby was born and they needed me so I quickly rushed back I figured it would be okay.

I miss you my nights are no fun without you their if you get you drift. =) Opie's with me as your request apparently I love that he's around its got to catch up with him but he can kind of get on my last nerve it that not good when your pregnant and hormonal the smallest things can set you of. He wouldn't leave me the other night when I wanted to be alone so I went to my room and acted like I got a call from Lyla cause she felt like someone was watching her when she was down the street as soon as I told him that he was gone I quickly text Lyla and told her what I did she rang me laughing and said thanks cause she actually had missed him.

Abel drew a picture for you its on the next page of this letter I let him play with the paint then next thing I know he sticks his hand in his mouth I got a picture for you he has all kinds of paint colors on his face- Oh speak of the little bum he just woke up from his nap he's defiantly his fathers son though I went into check on him earlier and he did this thing where he snorted and through his arm over his face and started to snore again I thought I was looking at you for a minute.

I love you and I will see you soon with some pictures of Abel love you miss you see

"Hey Jackie boy whatcha reading?" Juice asked standing at my cell door

"Just a letter from Tara"

"How's she doing?"

"Good as can be expected apparently Opes driving her up the wall which sounds just like him" We both laughed

"She's a big girl she knows what she's doing she can handle her self any one steps out of line you and I both know who ever that is isn't going to be awake much longer after that" we laughed

"Yeah true. Thanks Juice out of all the guys in here I think you're the nicest" He snorted

"That's right my you think that while I do all the bad things with the computer" he laughed and slapped my back

Month 3 1/2

Jax's point of view

I was sitting in the waiting room to see my 3 favorite people well 1 of them I can't see until another 3 months but this will do.

Im so proud of Tara she had to work so hard to take care of Abel and the club all while being pregnant she's like superwoman just way hotter

I was sitting there waiting for Tara to come thought the door when I hurd the bell go of opening the door I don't know why but I sat up straighter she came over ad gave me a quick and pasha net kiss she pulled back and grabbed my hands and put them on her stomach I felt kicking I looked up at her with so much love in my eyes

"That's my boy does that mean your going to be a kick boxer?" Tara smacked my head

"1st you don't know that it's a boy but I will tomorrow I have the scan and 2nd you will not put my child in danger okay Jackson Teller?" I smiled and kissed her

"Anything for you baby and I know it's a boy," I whispered when she sat down across the table

We sat there for the whole time talking about Abel and when Abel would cry the baby would kick her

I didn't wont her to leave when it the time was p but I new I would talk to her tomorrow and I would see her next week and she would tell me that was right about it being a boy

MONTH 6 and ½

Tara's point of view

"Hey babe missed you I haven't seen you in awhile. How are you? How come I didn't see you today?" Jax asked I had to call him and tell him I was in the hospital

"Im okay ish how's everything going in there?"

"Nah uh. What do you mean ish what's wrong baby"

"Oh ahhh I just went into labor about 6 hours ago" I laughed I hurd him gasp

"What how come im only hearing this now?"

"Cause I told them I would tell you op kept saying 'Come on Tara let me just call him and tell him you wont be there to see him today' We ended up having a fight cause I know him he will cave when it comes to you" we both laughed

"True. So have you had my boy yet?"


"Well what come on spit it out"

"Haha nope you have to wait till I come and see you all I will tell you is the name of our child starts with a E. I love you and I will see you soon Abel wants to say hi hold on" I put the phone down next to Abel's ear

"Da, da, Da da mummy" I gave the phone to and picked up my baby E-

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Hahahah I know so short but I thought it would be funny to make people wait to find out if she had a boy or a girl