I just recently saw this show (10 weeks ago) and I liked it, so I decided to write a fanfic about it.

I do not own blue exorcist.

Rin looked up at the sky. Dark, ominous clouds threatened to pour down rain any second. He sighed and walked back to the dorm. He went up to his room and fell down on his bed.

"Someone seems tired." Yukio said. Rin looked over at him. He was sitting at his desk, reading a book.

"Are you studying?" Rin asked. Yukio shook his head. "What are you doing then?"

"I'm reading." He replied. Rin rolled his eyes and laid down on his bed. Yukio put his book down and turned to face his brother. "How did the mission go?" He asked.

"It was a piece of cake." Rin said.

"Then why are you so tired?" Yukio asked.

"The demon had us running around in circles for hours." He replied. Yukio turned around and went back to reading his book. Rin closed his eyes for a bit and tried to fall asleep. He laid there with his eyes closed for five minutes before he got up. He looked out the window to see it pouring outside. He sighed and walked to the kitchen. He began to cook dinner with Ukobach. He put his and Yukio's dinner on the table and began to eat his. Yukio came down right after Rin finished his. Yukio sat down and began to eat his and Rin went back up to his room. He laid down on his bed and fell fast asleep. The next morning he woke up and went to cram school like always.

"Good morning, Rin." Shiemi said.

"Good morning." He said, blushing a little.

"Good morning, Izumo." She said, running over to her. Rin watched the two girls walk off to class. After a moment, he went to class as well. He got in the class and took his seat next to Shiemi. Not long into class and he was fast asleep. She looked over at him and giggled a little. The rest of the day continued like that. He slept through all his classes, except P.E. of course. After school was over, he headed home.

"Wait up, Rin." Shiemi yelled after him.

"What is it, Shiemi?" He asked.

"Yuki-chan invited me over today so I thought I would walk there with you." She said. Damn him. Rin thought. He nodded and they walked back to the dorm. They walked into his room. Rin sat on his chair and she sat on his bed. The two sat there in awkward silence. He looked over at her and saw her staring at him.

"S-so why did Yukio invite you over here?" He asked.

"I don't know. He didn't say." She responded. They sat there for an hour in complete silence. "U-umm." Rin said, breaking the silence.

"What?" Shiemi asked.

"Hey do you want…" Rin was cut off by a loud crash of thunder.

"Do I want to what?" She asked.

"Never mind." He said. His stomach growled and she looked at him. "You hungry?" He asked. She nodded and they went to the dining room. "Wait here." He told her and went into the kitchen. He cooked them dinner and brought it out. They ate their dinner in silence.

"Didn't you make any for Yuki-chan?" She asked.

"If he is going to show up late, then he can make his own dinner." He said, finishing his food. After they cleaned up, they went back up to his room and sat down on his bed. After a while, Rin felt something hit his shoulder. He looked over and saw Shiemi asleep, using his shoulder as a pillow. He blushed and turned away. He could feel his heart racing. He sat there, hoping Yukio wouldn't come back that night. He jumped a little when another crash of thunder came down, waking Shiemi.

"Sorry about that." He said. She looked at him sleepily. She laid back down, but put her head in his lap this time.

"You're so warm." She said, surprising him a little. She sat back up and laid down on his pillow. "Do you mind?" She asked.

"Of course not." He said. She smiled at him. After a while he laid down next to her. He looked at her sleeping face and smiled. He was happy that she was sleeping right next to him. He was about to fall asleep when he felt her put her arms around him.

"It's so cold, Rin." She said. Both of them blushed when they realized how close their faces were. They stared at each other for a while. Thunder crashed, making Shiemi squeeze Rin. "S-sorry." She said, loosening her grip. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest. They moved closer to each other. He could feel her breasts crushed against his chest. They looked at each other and smiled. Without thinking, he pulled her in and pressed his lips against hers. Her eyes widened when she felt his warm lips on hers. She slowly closed her eyes and started kissing back. After a few moments, they broke apart.

"I-I'm sorry." Rin said, turning around.

"For what?" She asked. He looked at her. Her face was red and she had a shy smile on her face. They pulled closer together and fell asleep in each others arms.

The next morning the two woke up and went to the dining room for breakfast. After breakfast, they went to school.

"See you later, Rin." Shiemi said, running toward Izumo. The two girls walked off to class, Rin following not far behind. After school, Yukio pulled Rin, Shiemi, Bon, and Izumo together in the classroom.

"I have a mission for the four of you." He said. "There is a demon in a forest not far from here causing trouble. I need you all to take care of it at once." The four nodded and went out.

"I had to get stuck with you." Bon said, looking at Rin.

"What was that?" Rin said angrily.

"Enough you two." Izumo said. They walked out and headed toward their destination. They saw a large cabin in the middle of the forest. "This looks like it." She said and the group walked to the door and knocked.

"Hello." A young man came and answered the door. He about 21 with black hair and had one of his arms in a cast. "You guys must be here about the demon." He said, inviting them in. "My name is Tony." He said with a smile. The group introduced themselves. "As you already know, a demon has been causing trouble around here."

"What's it been doing?" Bon asked.

"It's been killing my guests here at the hotel." He said.

"Oh, so this place is a hotel." Rin said.

"Indeed." Tony said. "I tried to stop it once but you can see how that turned out." He looked at his cast. "Oh and be careful, there might be more than one." He warned.

"So how do we know when the demon is here?" Izumo asked.

"He won't appear until night time and when he gets here, there is this really weird howl or something, and then the power goes out." Tony explained.

"So, guess we have to stay here the night." Shiemi said.

"Yes. Here I'll show you all to your rooms." He said. He took them up two floors and walked down a hallway. "The gentlemen will be on the right and the ladies will be right across the hall here." He said. "If you need anything, just call me." He walked back down stairs. Rin went into the room and laid down on the bed.

"Get up Okumura." Bon said.

"Why should I listen to you?" Rin asked.

"We need to make a plan." Izumo said. Rin nodded and got up. They sat around a table in the guy's room and began to think up ideas.

"Rin. You, Shiemi, and Bon wait here for a while and make some plans. I'm going to ask Tony to tell us everything he knows about the demon." Izumo said. The three nodded and Izumo walked off.

"Hey, Tony." She said.

"Yes?" he answered.

"So, tell me more about the demon." She said.

"What should we do?" Shiemi asked the two guys.

"I can just cut him in half." Rin said.

"Sure. That will work." Bon said, rolling his eyes.

"What did you say?" Rin shot back.

"If that is true, then why didn't you call for help sooner?" Izumo asked.

"I did." Tony said. "The last few people who came here were killed by it."

"Is it that powerful?" She asked. Tony nodded. "Well thanks." She said and went back upstairs. She told everyone the info she got and used it to form a plan. "Everyone got it?" She asked. They all nodded. "Good. Now all we need to do is wait till night." The girls went to their rooms and Rin got back on his bed. Bon looked at him then got in his bed. Everyone waited in their rooms till night time. When the sun went down, they all gathered in the hall.

"Everybody ready?" She asked. They all nodded and went down stairs to the foyer and waited. They sat for a long time in silence. After a few hours, there was a low growl. They looked at the door and saw a dog.

"Sorry about that." Tony said, coming in. "He is just nervous. Can't really blame him though." Shiemi and Rin gave a sign of relief. Tony took his dog and went back to his room. Moments after he left, there was this weird sound. It was like a siren and a low moan mixed with a howl. They all stood up and got ready. The light went off and everything went pitch black. A crash was heard from upstairs and the group went to see what caused it. They got to their rooms and saw something had torn them apart. Rin walked a little further down the hallway just as he was about to go through one of the other doors, something crashed through, almost hitting him.

"What the hell was that?" Bon yelled.

"There!" Izumo pointed behind Rin.

"What the…" Rin said looking behind him. It was at least 7 feet tall, most likely taller since it was slouched. Its feet were almost like a bunch of long fingers holding it up. It arms were the length of its body; its hands had huge claws. Its body was a man almost and it had a man's head. It had no eyes and drool seemed to be coming out of its mouth. Rin took a good look at it and backed away slowly. The moment he moved, the beast lunged at him, making him jump back. He drew his sword and swung at it. He hit its left arm and it let out a ear piercing scream. It looked at him and then ran away.

"It's getting away!" Izumo yelled. They went outside after it but it was nowhere to be seen.

"Where did it go?" Bon said, looking around. There was no trace of it anywhere. They went back inside and sat in the foyer.

"It looks like it got away." Izumo said.

"Maybe it will come back." Shiemi said.

"Don't forget, Tony said there might be more than one of those things." Bon said. "So if it comes back, it might bring friends."

"We should get some rest." Izumo said. "We'll take turns keeping watch just in case it comes back." Everyone nodded and headed back upstairs.

"Our rooms are trashed." Rin complained. "What will we do now?"

"I guess we will have to get new rooms." Bon said. Rin sighed and went back down stairs. A few minutes later he came back with Tony and he assigned them new rooms.

"Thanks." Shiemi said.

"No problem." Tony said, going back down stairs.

"I'll take the first watch. The rest of you, get some sleep." Izumo said. They nodded and went into their rooms, leaving her in the hallway.


So here is the first chapter. Tell me if it was good or bad.

Review Please