I could not face the world anymore. I had turned too paranoid! Too Nervous! Too... Scared...!

I was not used to life without the raven-haired arrancar. Perhaps I depended too much on him. But why? Why did he have to go? Why did he have to... die...?

I had to admit though, when I first met him I was terrified of him. I thought he was a cold, cruel monster. However, as time passed, I realised that he was not as I thought he was. Deep down, Ulquiorra was just lonely. But despite that, he was nice in a way and was a very loyal arrancar.

I started to feel things for him. The feeling slowly grew and grew, until I felt as if he was my entire life. So now without him, I feel so lonely. So... Scared...

Ulquiorra... I need you... Why did you leave...?

Ulquiorra... I love you...