Hi, this is Wolflovers6. You have never heard of us. lol. But this is our first shot at an actual fan-fic. But warning, we created this story for our own personal amusement, so if you don't like it, we don't care. I, Brandi, the one half of our accounts, have two other accounts where people like my stories. So, i feel I am a good writer. Kirin, the other half, is also a good writer. So we don't care what you guys may think of us.

Plot line- After Rukia is rescued and before the Arrancar Arc.

Disclaimer: We do not own Bleach. Tite Kubo does.

"Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it! I say. Whatever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows."


The center of Spiritual Energy, you would think, would be at a temple, or a graveyard. But, here, it isn't the case. The center of Spiritual Energy in this realm, is Karakura Town.

Within this average sized city, is a normal house. And in that house, is a normal family. Two girls, names are Kori Shinwa and Shizuka Ongaku, have just moved to this Spiritual center-ground. Today, their lives will be changed together, forever.


Third POV-Shizuka

"Dammit! Shizuka, wake the hell up! We have to go to school today." A girl with golden brown hair and gold eyes, growled. She kept shaking the dark brown haired girl, that was in her bed. "I swear to god, Shizuka. It's only been two weeks since we've started at Karakura High, you can't start going all emo on me-!" She was interuppted by a pillow being thrown at her face.

"Kori, stop worrying yourself so much. I'm up." Shizuka blinked her blue eyes sleepily. Not that you wouldn't let me live it down if I did miss school. She thought to herself, "'Sides, Kori, I thought that you hated school yourself?" Shizuka streched and threw the covers off of her before getting up.

"I do, but you get straight A's. If you didn't do your homework, we'd both fail." Kori scoffed and turned away. She was wearing the standard Karakura High School girls uniform. Which consisted of a white shirt with a red bow, a grey jacket, and a grey skirt.

Shizuka started to get dressed into her uniform when she paused. I keep feeling this high energy lately? She looked over at Kori, She complained about this yesterday, too. I wonder what's going on? Shizuka shrugged and put her jacket on. "Give me two more minutes and I should be ready, Kori." Shizuka sighed as she brushed out her long hair.

Kori, as usual, said nothing. She looked over at her roomate and nodded before leaving the room.

"I knew it, Kori's pissed." Shizuka laughed to her reflection in the mirror. Shizuka clipped back one side of her long hair and smiled in the mirror before putting on her socks and shoes. She grabbed her bag and ran out of the room, only to run into her friend, knocking them both to the ground. "Ahh." Shizuka rubbed her head, then she glared at Kori, "What the hell? You were standing in the middle of the hallway? Really?" She snapped.

Kori just shrugged and helped Shizuka off of the ground. "Just come on." Kori murmured and walked away.


"The lovely ladies, Kori and Shizuka, have arrived!" A boy, Kiego, cried out in joy before meeting up with them.

"No." Shizuka sighed before walking away and to her desk.

"Don't worry, maybe Kiego will give up, eventually." Another, a girl named Orihime Inoue, said quietly.

Shizuka looked at her, "I can always hope for that, Orihime." She sat down in her chair only to see someone in front of her that she's never seen before. She saw that he had unusually bright orange hair, and was keeping to himself. Is he new?

"Ichigo, say hi to Shizuka. You haven't been here for the entire time that she and her friend, Kori, have joined us." Orihime smiled.

Ichigo turned to meet Shizuka's gaze, he had a perpetually angry expression on his face, his eyebrows seemed to be stuck as they were, in a permanent scowl. "Oh, hi. I'm Ichigo Kurosaki." His voice was surprisingly kind for someone who looked like they were in a bad mood all of the time.

"Shizuka Ongaku. It's nice to meet you finally." Shizuka smiled.

"Finally?" Ichigo blinked.

"Orihime and your other friends talk a lot about you." She shrugged, Yeah, I could barely get a conversation in, when people bring you up, Ichigo Kurosaki. Shizuka thought.

"Really? Anything bad?" Ichigo sounded a little bored.

"Well, you know. Just your perpetually interesting life and expressions." Shizuka said in an offhand tone. She smirked at the boy, who just frowned. "Wasn't me, go talk to Kiego."

"I thought as much." Ichigo got up and went to talk to the boy.

"Wow, you're not scared of him, Shizuka?" A girl leaned over to talk to the brown haired girl.

Shizuka blinked, "Should I be?" But then she shrugged, "I deal with people who are in bad moods twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, and fifty-two weeks in a year. One guy who looks like he's angry isn't gonna bother me."

"Why's that?" Kori snorted, "My getting angry bothers you."

Shizuka scoffed and pushed her away, "'Cause I have to live with you."

"Alright class, to your seats." Our teacher walked in to the room. A slight commotion followed but within five minutes, everyone was sitting where they were supposed to.

Shizuka looked at Ichigo with slight interest, Why would Ichigo be absent for two weeks? Is he sick? I wonder...


The bell rang and all of the students packed up and left as fast as they could, with the exception with Shizuka. She took her time in putting her things in her bag and getting up from her seat. Something's wrong. This unbelievable pressure is giving me a pounding headache. I need to find the source of it. Shizuka pushed her brown hair out of her face and picked up her bag. "Wait, where's Kori?" Shizuka glanced around. Then someone tackles her from behind.

"Surprise!" Kori laughed and got up off of her friend.

"Why, you!" Shizuka snarled and started to chase Kori through the halls and outside. She stopped and looked around. The place is deserted, school only let out about ten, maybe fifteen minutes ago. Where is everyone?

"This is creepy. Where is everyone?" Kori voiced Shizuka's thoughts.

"We need to get out of here." Shizuka's eyes narrowed, but then something crunched her leg and she fell to the ground. she blinked several times to clear the image that was right before her. A giant disorted wolf shaped monster. It was the color of bone and looked like a giant skeleton. A black hole was in it's torso and from it's jaws, dripped blood.

Shizuka looked down and saw a chunk of her leg was missing, blood was pouring out of her body and onto the pavement. She could see Kori running to her aid, but her vision was darkening.

"Shizuka!" Kori sounded far away.

Shizuka reached out to Kori, but before Kori could even help her, she passed out from lack of bloodflow.

-Kori Third person POV

Kori stood just outside of the classroom as everyone rushed past her. Heh, let's see how freaked I can make Shizuka. Kori giggled to herself. When Shizuka got up and looked around, making her turn completely from Kori. She jumped into the classroom and tackled her to the ground.

"Surprise!" Kori laughed and she saw how murderous Shizuka looked so she got off of her.

"Why, you!" Shizuka snarled. She got up and started to sprint after Kori, but they stopped right outside.

This enormous pressure, seems like people had the right idea to get out of here. But this is the strongest I have ever felt it so close. It's almost like it's on top of us. Kori looked at Shizuka, who had a perplexed expression on her face, "This is creepy. Where is everyone?" Kori asked.

"We need to get out of here." Shizuka's blue eyes narrowed.

No duh, really? Kori snorted, just in time to see Shizuka's leg explode and she fell to the pavement. Blood poured out of her leg. Kori finally saw what was responsible for her friend's injury. What the hell is that? Kori took in the monster's appearance and rushed to Shizuka's aid. Kori could see how weak Shizuka was and she almost reached her, but she fell to the ground. "Shizuka!" Kori yelled.

The monster loomed over Kori, and licked it's teeth. Kori knew that she couldn't outrun this beast. She knew that she couldn't abandon Shizuka. She knew that they were going to die.

The Monster took a bite out of Kori's shoulder and blood spurted everywhere.

If it's not the actual bloodflow that kills me, it'll be this pain. Kori fell to her knees. She supported her body with her uninjured shoulder and arm. Kori looked up in time to see the monstrous hand of the monster slam Kori down and killed her.


"For death begins with life's first breath And life begins at touch of death"


Stay tuned for our next installment.