S: Yay an update! I almost forgot how writing this fic is so much fun! there is alot of mystery going on there~ I hope you enjoy!

Rin's P.O.V

Next morning, I was going to Miku's room to go to school together. Gumi also came with me today.

So we could all walk together to school!But when I knocked at the door.

No one responded, then Gumi tried to knock too but no one responded either.

"Hello! Miku, Len! it's time for us to go!" I said

"Yes, or we'll be late!" Gumi said

"Hmm..I wonder, why no one's getting the door" I said confused

"I'm afraid if something happened again, let's just let ourselves in"

"Okay, here goes.." I said and opened the door

As I got close to Miku's bed, my eyes were glittering with excitement.

Gumi looked at me with a weird looking face.

And I quickly pointed the sight of Miku and Len sleeping together.

"Gumi...don't they look adorable..!" I whispered excitedly

"They really suit each other don't they...?" Gumi whispered in reply

"Hey, I've got an idea. Why don't we take a picture of this wonderful moment! do you have a phone with a camera?" I asked Gumi

"Oh, here..! just becareful you dont-"


"Wake them up.." Gumi finished and sighed

"What was that..?" Len asked as he woke up from sleeping

"Um..nothing nothing!" I said and hid the phone

"Did you took a photo of me and Miku sleeping together just now! ?" Len said a bit angry and annoyed

"Of course not! this is Gumi's phone!"

"Well then, Gumi can I borrow your phone please?" Len asked nicely

"I-I think my battery is going to run out, I'll have to turn it off now. hehe sorry Len" Gumi said and winked at me

"Not you too Gumi..."

I saw Miku got up and rubbed her forehead, she got surprised when we were all there waiting for her.

She rolled her eyes to each of us, while we were staring at her in her pj's

"What are you guys all doing here?" Miku asked confused

"Well we wanted to go to school together with you today" I said

"R-really? wait! let me get changed first!" Miku said and hurried to the wash room

While Miku was in the washing room trying to get dressed for school, we were waiting for her outside.

Gumi suddenly strike a conversation with us...she was looking very serious which made me and Len eager to find out.

"Hey, guys...I've been thinking. Are we a danger to Miku?" Gumi asked

We were shocked at the sudden and unexpected question...but danger?

I looked at Len who had a bit of sweat dripping down his forehead.

Gumi was looking down while folding her hands together, I didn't know what to say...are we?

"What do you mean danger?" I asked

"I mean, we are not humans, and it seems that our problems are always dragging Miku in it...she's just a human isn't she?"

"I get what you mean Gumi, but what else can we do?" Len asked

"We have to protect her!" I said loudly

Both Len and Gumi looked at me surprised, I gave them a convincing look while I bit my lip.

Suddenly they smiled at me and gave me a hug.

"Of course, we would protect her. That's what friends do!" Gumi said

"We already know that, we take care of each other!" Len said and pinched my cheek

"Hehehe...you guys are right!" I said and smiled back at them

We laughed and I stopped and notice something, it just popped into my mind for some reason.

It maybe, something that could be Miku related.

"Sorry, to interrupt this beautiful moment" I said

"What is it that you have to ruin it?" Len asked

I scratched my cheek, and told them if they have heard something about a legend a long time ago

"I was wondering have you guys heard of the legendary human that angels and devils are looking for?" I asked while pointing my finger up

"Oh! I've heard that story! my grandmother told me about it" Gumi said

"What do you remember?" Len asked

"I remember that, a human girl on earth was chosen by a mighty angel from up in heaven to be his bride"

"Wait! his bride! ?" Len asked a bit surprised

"It's like what prince Kaito asked you to do...find a suitable bride for him on earth..right?" I said

"I'm still not convinced though...anything else Gumi?" Len said wanting Gumi to carry on with her story

"It also says that the girl has power that satisfy the devil's desire. So every now and then, the angels and devils fight to have that girl.

Soon enough the girl couldn't take it anymore...so she sacrificed herself for the piece of angels and devils"

"Is there any detail of what the legendary girl looks like?" I asked

"All I know is, that she is really beautiful! but the most important thing about her description is...that she wears a crystal white necklace"

"Hmm...a crystal necklace huh?" I pondered

The door opened, revealing Miku already in her uniform looking at us wondering what we were doing.

Because all of us were so quiet all of the sudden.

"U-um did I take too long...?" Miku asked nervously

"No, say Miku...I was wondering if you maybe have something really special to you"

"Well, I have a necklace from my ancestors...my parents said that I have to take care of it as if it's like my own life.

Isn't that kind of weird? haha...maybe it's because I'm clueless at keeping my things!" Miku said while giving a nervous laugh

We froze at the sentence when she said a necklace, could it be why prince Kaito wanted her to be his bride.

And why she was almost kidnapped by that stranger with black wings yesterday...this is bad, she doesn't know how in danger she is.

"Miku! quick show me the necklace!" Len said hurriedly

"It's with me, I'm wearing it" Miku said and showed her necklace to us

"T-this is..." Gumi said while holding the crystal necklace

"The legendary girl's necklace?" I asked

"Yes, this is definitely it! judging by the crystal and the old chains..."

"W-What is it...? ...about my necklace?" Miku asked a bit confused

"Miku, hear me out. Now I know why people are after you, it's because you're the legendary girl that holds great powers"

"Me? the...legendary girl? but I'm just a human" Miku said with an unconvinced face

"The legendary girl is a human Miku..." I said

"And...what I'm afraid of is someone might take you away to the wrong hands" Len said

"But, I'm still confused...which is the wrong hands? Len you're an angel right? what will the prince do if Miku was given to him?" I asked

"I'm not sure...he hasn't told me about anything like that yet"

"One thing to do before we make any decisions, and that is find out for our self" Gumi said

"I'll help too, because my mom and dad haven't told me the slightest thing about this necklace...I'm getting curious"

"Well, we should go to school now. Maybe something will happen then" Len said

"Okay, let's go everyone" I said

S: Now, I'll make sure to update in my free time now! my test are done! so please review for more updates!