I sat there staring down at the page in my lap and I tried to think of something to write. I was working on a paper that was due the beginning of the coming week. I had not come up with a single idea that would work. I sighed and readjusted so that I could look around. My mom had told me that I should get to writing it since it was due soon. I had writer's block from the pressure of a due date. I wrote all the time for fun, but I could not under any sort of pressure.

I looked around me to see what everyone was doing. My eyes caught my sister and brother run across the room with Bumblebee following close behind. Ironhide was sitting on the far side of the room, looking in the nearby room. Every once in a while, he would laugh. I could see from where I was that Ironhide was talking to Ratchet who was repairing Optimus after an attack from the Decepticons. I saw then my mom and dad sitting together talking. They weren't laughing but from what I could see, my mom was smiling.

I got up from the tall chair I had climbed on and slipped down the side of the chair. I started over to the laughing Autobot. He was definitely talking to Ratchet. When he saw me nearby, he started talking in Cybertronian. I was raised around the Autobots so I knew how to talk in it. It was not the same as English but, it is like being raised around a language to the point it almost became second nature to talk in it. I knew two different languages that I had talked all my life. So, I knew what they were saying.

"Oh, Ratchet. You ol' rust bucket. I think ya need your optics checked. That ain't the right tool. Oh, come on. I ain't a medic and I could see that!" Ironhide laughed. I looked in to see the fuming medic staring holes into Ironhide who was cracking up. I bite back a laugh as I began to look at his patient.

Optimus was off-line. He hated anything medical to be done, so Ratchet almost always had him off-line, unless it was dangerous to do so. Optimus looked so peaceful. He was fully stretched out on the berth. His form seemed completely relaxed. I wanted closer. I knew that Ratchet would be furious. I wanted to comfort the Autobot who was laying there. I knew he hated to be in medic's care since he was like many humans. He didn't like the idea, he just wanted to be okay and out of there. He was almost afraid.

I looked up at Ironhide just in time to see him look at me. He gave me an Autobot version of a wink and looked back at Ratchet. He nearly toppled over with laughter.

"Ironhide, would you mind taking me in there?" I asked in Cybertronian. He looked down in response, and put out his hand for me to climb onto. He walked in still talking to Ratchet and put me down on the berth Optimus was on. Ironhide just laughed at the look on Ratchet's face. It was price-less. He looked completely shocked, and angry in the same second. It was hilarious.

"So, what'cha say? You'll do it?" I knew then that Ironhide was pushing Ratchet past where he wanted to be. I had missed the beginning of the conversation but in that minute, as a precaution, I climbed Optimus' hand, and sat on the other side.

"GET OUT YOU OLD BUCKET OF BOLTS!" Ratchet threw any nearby tool that he could get his hands on. Ironhide laughed as he dodged each one. Something distracted him for a mere second, and one tool, something that looked like an advanced screw driver, was thrown and landed so it was stuck in his right optic. Ratchet stood in utter suprise for a second, and then a smug smile came across his mouth plates. Ironhide was grinning from one audio to the other. Ironhide did slowly walk out of there, watching where he stepped, so he wouldn't crush any tool, and went out of the room laughing. Ratchet was laughing and mumbling something at the same time.

"Okay, that was funny", I couldn't help but say. Ratchet gave me a death stare. "Oh, come on Ratch. You have to agree! That was funny! Never mind. How close are you to finishing his repairs?"

"Close enough. If you can keep the over-sized rust bucket out of here, then I will be done sooner. He will be awake when I have finished everything that I can while he is off-line", Ratchet replied picking up a tool he had thrown at Ironhide. He gave me a lift to the floor via his hand. "If you keep Ironhide busy, I may finish Optimus' repairs within the hour."

"Alright. I'll keep them away. Have fun!" I giggled as I heard Ratchet say something about repairs not being fun in the first place. All I could do was laugh.

I looked around and found my siblings finally sitting beside my parents. Not far from them sat Ironhide with Bumblebee trying to find a way to get the tool out of his eye without breaking the tool or hurting Ironhide. I walked over as I heard the conversation.

"How did you even get that in there?" A puzzled Bumblebee asked.

"Easy. Got Ratchet mad. That mech just needs a spear and he will be perfect for long-distance battles. Too bad that a sound distracted me so Ratchet managed to throw it so it landed in my optic."

"Ya know Ironhide, I missed the talking before hand, but you did seem ta tick the guy off", I added. He laughed as Bumblebee positioned himself to pull the tool out. He had one foot on Ironhide's chest and both hands wrapped around the tool. Ironhide was sitting up, but it looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there.

"I'm gonna pull Ironhide. Hold still!" Bumblebee pulled on it as hard as he could. Ironhide groaned. Loud. There were cracking sounds. Most of which were sickening crunchs. "Got it!" Bumblebee pulled it free, but he fell backwards doing so. The optic hung from it's socket. Ironhide in response pulled the optic out completely. I couldn't even look. It was nasty.

"So, from what I have heard, you played with Ratchet's temper and got a tool to the optic for it?" I turned at the voice, and saw Optimus standing beside the medic bot. Ironhide also turned and Ratchet began to laugh. Optimus just smiled and shook his head. "I guess you really did. You can't go around with one optic. Now, you will be at the mercy of the mad medic". Ratchet laughed evilly to prove Optimus' point. I was nearly in tears from laughter. Optimus sat down with Ironhide, Ratchet, and Bumblebee.

These four Autobots had purchased a warehouse outside of the town, though it was still a fair distance from our actual home. The Autobots said that they needed some time to be able to be alone, and having that many Autobots in one space was difficult. Soldiers didn't stay with these Autobots, which was kind of nice. This place was deserted, and the trees in the front of it was growing so high that the Autobots could stand in the grass nearby without being seen. They had cleaned everything, and made it more comfortable for humans to live there. Every once in a while, we would stay for a day, but normally we would just go back to the hotel just inside of the town.

"Optimus? Could you tell a story about fighting the Decepticons?" I asked. He would tell us a story if we were good, and he could think of one. Ironhide told the stories more often about the Decepticons, but we liked Optimus' tales better. We just didn't tell Ironhide that!

"Well... I could if you would like. What story would you like to hear?"

"What about your first battle with Egatron?" Desiree, my little sister asked. She didn't pronounce the first part of their names. Ratchet was Chet, Ironhide was Hide, Bumblebee was Bee, Megatron was Egatron, and Optimus was Mus. Those were the ones she said the most.

"Alright. It all started when Egatron...", Optimus told us the story and my brother and sister fell asleep in my mom's lap while I curled up in Optimus'. I had always done this, since I was a little girl. I fell asleep just before the end of the story.

"She's cute. Mostly when she lays in your lap Optimus Prime", Bumblebee spoke softly trying not to wake me up. This made Optimus smile and gently start stroking my back.

"Yes. I agree. The funny part is that I can't get her to do that to me!" Sam, my dad added, "How'd you do it?"

"I didn't. She chose to lay there. I just didn't stop her."

"She curls up against my foot!" Ironhide stated.

"She lays against my leg", Ratchet mumbled.

"And she sleeps against my side", Bumblebee said.

"She never sleeps touching the rest of us. Only you four Autobots. Maybe she just likes the feel of the metal. I have taught her how to repair vehicles. She wanted to do that, and she even helps me when someone brings a car in", Mikaela, my mom mentioned.

Bumblebee brought us, the Witwicky family, to the hotel for the night, and the next morning we arrived around mid-day. I looked around, and I could see Ratchet working on a datapad, and I could see Ironhide talking to someone, but I couldn't see who. As I got closer, I coud see who Ironhide was talking to.

"Afternoon Optimus, Ironhide, Ratchet. Are we going to be here all day?"

"No, I was going to go for a drive today. Would you like to come along?" Optimus asked.

"Sure. That would be fun!" I started to jump. Optimus and Ironhide chuckled as Optimus transformed and I climbed in.

"We should be back soon Ironhide. Naomi, you should ask your parents to come with me." Optimus said. I groaned since I forgot to ask. He pulled up beside them as I asked them. When he was satisfied that I had asked, he started to drive away. I snuggled into his seat.

"Optimus Prime, how come you wanted to go for a drive? I thought you liked the warehouse", I tried to figure out why he would chose to leave the warehouse instead of being with his friends.

"Sometimes, I need to get away. I just need some time to not worry and to relax without the others." I could tell there was a smile behind his voice.

"Oh. That makes sense. Why did you bring me then? I thought you wanted-", I was cut off due to an explosion that made Optimus swerve out of the way.

"Optimus to Autobots. We are under attack. This is our location...", there was a list of numbers that I completely missed. "When I stop, you run. Hide as quickly as you can. Now!" He came to a sudden stop and I jumped up as soon as I unbuckled and I ran. When I turned in my hiding spot to look, Optimus was fighting Barricade. He had both blades out as Barricade tackled him to the ground. Optimus got up and gave Barricade a taste of his blade. Barricades arm began to leak energon as Optimus put away his blades to hit with both hands.

Barricade bent Optimus' arm in a way that looked very painful. Optimus gave him a right hook and sent Barricade crashing down. Ironhide, and Bumblebee arrived as soon as Barricade hit the ground. Ironhide came up a minute later and jumped at Barricade. From where I was standing, I could see the mistake.