Alexis blinked and then rubbed her eyes. She looked at her clock. 1:17 A.M. She had fallen asleep on her bedroom floor. She tried to remember what had happened.

"Let's see…," she started thinking, "I came home, Kat was with me. Mom started questioning me about the look on my face; Kat made up an excuse and dragged me to my room. I ranted for a while then started crying, Kat tried to cheer me up, but I said I wanted to be alone… then what?"

She stood up and looked out her window. It was a clear night with the stars shining brightly. She thought about Anna giving Pete that invitation. Kat was probably right, it was probably just another trick to mess with me. But what if Pete did go to the party? She shook her head in doubt. He would never betray her like that.

She looked over to Pete's house. She noticed the light on in his bedroom window. She squinted to try to get a better look. He was on the phone with someone. He picked up the invitation and read it out loud, then shook his head and threw it away. That made her feel better.

She turned around and landed face first on her bead. The lights had been on the entire time, but she didn't mind. Not bothering with the lights, she threw the covers over her head and went to sleep.

Pete glanced up. Alexis was gone. He rolled his chair back to his window and looked out at her house. She was in her bed now, fast asleep already, but the lights were still on. "Well, she didn't do anything that would make you think she was threatened," he said into the phone. Kats voice came out of the receiver.

"Well I wasn't expecting much really. I mean, what would you do if you woke up on the floor at one in the morning?"

"Just go to bed I guess, but that still doesn't change what I'm thinking Kat."

"I know, but you have to give the girl her space. Trust me I've known her a lot longer than you have."

"That's what worries me the most. She wants too much space. She thinks she can handle everything alone when it's obvious she can't!"

"Yea, she's a stubborn one alright. But be patient. She'll realize she needs help soon enough. But for now, keep quiet and try to keep her out of trouble as best as you can. Without getting too obvious."

Pete sighed. He wished that Alexis would just let him help so he wouldn't have to keep it a secret like this. He glanced over at the invitation in his garbage, and then shrugged. "Why do you think they invited me to that party anyway?" he asked for the third time that day,

"Alexis thinks of you as a really close friend Pete," she replied, leaving out the part about the crush, "If you went to that party, she would feel completely betrayed. Who knows what she would do, and I think that's what Anna was getting at."

Pete thought about it again. I guess if it would've been Alexis who had gotten invited, he would feel betrayed too, more worried than betrayed though. That's when he had an idea.

"Kat, I think I'm actually going to go to that party," he said excitedly.


"No Kat, I heard you. But I have a plan. First, we have to make sure that Alexis doesn't find out I'm going."

With that, he continued to explain the rest of his plan to Kat.