Disclaimer: I own nothing at all! Wish I did though…

Chapter 1

"Well THIS is just bloody brilliant," Hermione Granger murmured to herself as she angrily shoved her library books into empty slots in the bookshelf. She'd spent almost half of her precious Saturday in the Hogwart's library looking for more effective healing charms for her best friends and had come up with absolutely nothing. Meanwhile Harry and Ron were doubtlessly having far too much fun at the Three Broomsticks without her.

"UGGGG!" Hermione groaned. "There is absolutely no reason that Harry and Ron shouldn't be looking up these spells for themselves! I mean I don't even need to use them!" With that the young witch slammed the last of the heavy volumes onto the shelf and walked back to the table that she'd been occupying for the past three hours. Chastising her less responsible friends in her head, Hermione began to shove bundles of parchment and ink back into her worn out red totebag. For years she'd spent almost all of her energy helping those two stay out of trouble and, if she didn't love them so much, she was sure she would have long since stopped spending copious amounts of time helping them. In fact, Hermione reflected, if she didn't love them so much she'd probably agree with Professor Snape in his assertions that Harry and Ron were in fact "dunderheads."

While she was still happily thinking about her two best friends, Hermione pushed her bookbag over her shoulder and began to happily wander through the library knowing that she would eventually find one of the room's large oak doors. She was cheerfully reflecting on the previous summer's adventures at the Burrow when she finally looked up and found herself staring at an unfamiliar book case. Well, scratch that. It wasn't that the bookcase itself looked odd, it was rather the books shelved by the particular book case. Green velvet and red damask fabrics seemed to cover the spines of many of the unusually large volumes on the bookshelf. Yet, one particular volume seemed to especially not belong in the Hogwart's library: a slim bright purple volume with gold stitching covering its sides. Hermione reached for thinking it looked rather like a wizarding children's books. Or at least what she, not having been raised in a wizarding household, imagined a wizarding children's book looked like.

After removing the purple volume from the shelf Hermione rubbed her hands across the cover. Silk. The gold embroidery turned out to actually form changing shapes on the cover of the book. Hermione watched as it went from some sort of eastern pacific character to what she believed was the Sanskrit used to signify "Om."

"What a beautiful book. I don't believe I've ever seen the like…" Hermione thought to herself while absentmindedly stroking the purple cover. "I really should be getting out to Hogsmeade to meet up with the gang. But surely a few minutes won't make that much of a difference. I'll just open this book and take a peek. Maybe it'll even have some of those Beedle the something or rather stories that Ginny and Ron are always shocked I've never read."

Cautiously opening the beautiful book Hermione plopped down in the nearest plush comfy chair and cracked open the volume careful not to crack the spine.