Boy has it been a long time since I took a crack at this story. What is this, version 3.0 now? Well, now that the original Naruto series is officially over, I'm going to be looking back over this and fixing it up to be canon compliant and hopefully keep adding more chapters soon!


"Normal speaking"

"Demonic speech"

Demonic thought

Inner thoughts


Brisé: A classical ballet term meaning "broken" or "breaking." A brisé is when a dancer takes off from one or two feet, jumps and beat their legs and ends on one or two feet.


The world ended in a single moment.

Blood - rich, iron-filled, life-giving blood - coated the earth, the seas ran red and chaos reigned. Agony and heartbreak were the most reliable companions, every new missive listing the dead a stab to an already broken heart.

But still, Uzumaki Takara persisted. Death had snatched many precious people from her hands, but she refused to let someone tarnish their name, their life, their sacrifice. When Hyuga Neji perished, he did so that she and Hinata might live on. When Yamanaka Inoichi and Nara Shikaku sacrificed their lives to draw the wrath of the Jubi, they did so that the allied forces may still have a chance. Still more met the cold clutches of Death far before their time.

Inuzuka Kiba. Kato Shizune. Hyuga Hinata. Aburame Shino. Haruno Sakura. Thousands more she did not know, and yet mourned all the same.

And then there was Sasuke.

Beautiful, haunted, determined Sasuke. From the day Takara met him, she knew their connection was far beyond any she'd ever known before, and perhaps even after.

Strangers. Rivals. Comrades. Friends. Lovers.

The two could never really keep from returning to each other. Despite the many times Sasuke ran and sought and hunted power, Takara was there, calm words and soothing touches ready to bring him back home.

Home became an transient thought, an idea rather than a place. It was, first and foremost, the people Takara cared for most deeply. She fought for their life, their love, for the fact that they placed their trust in her.

A terrible idea really, with her half-formed battle strategies and insane combat techniques that only worked because it was her. Though one could suppose it was her tendency for perseverance in the fact of insurmountable odds that gave them some form of hope to fight for.

But her home and her people was what she fought for, and slowly but surely she convinced Sasuke of the same. There were times when she almost faltered, almost didn't believe in herself and the ability to redeem the man she had come to love more than her own life. But the "Takara effect" prevailed, and one day she showed up at the gates of the army's current settlement, stubborn Uchiha in tow.

They'd had two blissful days of ignorance, of blind hope that reunited, they finally stood a chance against the terror that was Uchiha Obito. That was before he resurrected the founding Uchiha of Konoha, the very man Obito had masqueraded as for many years.

Uchiha Madara.

For all the strife that his clan had caused her, Takara would never regret loving Uchiha Sasuke. He was fire and smoke and destruction, a bright flare of righteous anger and fierce protection that he tried to hide behind a mask of calm indifference. But Takara could read him, understand the messages between his words and within his actions.

I love you. I'm sorry. Forgive me.

Despite the loss of their third compatriot, Sasuke and Takara pressed on. Sakura's sacrifice would not, would never be, in vain. It seemed, too, like things could be made well. The battle was progressing, making slow tracks across the sweeping lands of the elemental countries. The first four Hokage, brought back by a piece of Orochimaru released from Anko's curse seal, assisted in the battle, turning the tide in the shinobi forces' favor. Yet, their victory was not for long.

With Madara re-animated, they had to renew their fight that much more. Shinobi already on the brink of death, pushed to the limit by fighting and running and surviving, began to fall in droves. Takara could no longer handle reading the fatality records. Still, she fought for her country, for the people who put their hope in her, for the future they could still have.

At least, she did, until Uchiha Sasuke died in front of her.

Takara supposed she should be distraught, the hole in her chest that had been growing steadily now a gaping wound with his death. But she could not bring herself to feel more than a muted despair. It took a lot to break an Uzumaki spirit, but the death of someone whose life had been so entwined with hers was too much.

Takara fought and raged and wanted - more than anything - to bring this murderous, death-filled atrocity to an end. But it was all too easy for Otsutsuki Kaguya to revive, to take control of a world bathed in blood and misery.

It had, after all, been her intention since before the beginning of time. Infinite Tsukiyomi is something that takes preparation, to say the least.

As the light faded away, Uzumaki Takara slipped into her mental plane, intent on spending the last of her time with the only being who had always known her. The weary form the of Kyuubi no Kitsune lay curled in the corner, a long chain attached to the cage bars which formerly held him. The two had grown closer over the years, the demon begrudgingly admitting she was the closest thing he'd ever had to a companion, maybe even a friend. Takara herself began trusting the centuries old soul, bit by bit allowing him more freedom. She modified the seal slightly so he was still contained, but had more space to maneuver. Instead of a huge cage with the seal on the doors, he wore a collar inscribed with the sealing array.

With a heavy sigh, Takara moved to undo the collar holding Kurama.

Kit, what're you doing?

Releasing you. I no longer have any wish to stay in this world, and if we're both going to die anyways, you should be free. In these past years, you have become an older brother that I never had, Kurama-nii-san. Thank you for that.

No, Takara, I have enough strength to complete one final jutsu. It is a jutsu only known to the king of the bijuu. It requires a great price, for it sends people back in time.

That's not possible.

That's what people said about most of the things you've done in your life. Plus, we're trapped in the Infinite Tsukiyomi created by my somewhat-mother from another planet. I don't think you're in the position to say what's impossible at this moment.

Takara snorted. That was true. If anyone had told her that the world's downfall would be an alien woman who called herself a goddess, she would've laughed in their face.

Then why haven't you used this before now?

That price I mentioned? It requires life force and significant amount of chakra. I may have the power to turn back time, but in doing so, I must exchange my life. Not exactly something I wanted to do unless it was a dire situation.

That admission stilled her. She couldn't stand the thought of her last companion dying. She'd already lost enough, seen enough death and heartbreak for multiple lifetimes. Though, it was unlikely she'd last much longer past that, as Kaguya's plans of taking back chakra weren't made with the survival of the human race in mind.'ll die from it? I thought it was impossible for you to die.

In a sense, no. you will be going back to before I 'died' so I will still be alive. You must merely use a jutsu to transfer my memories.

Kurama's claw extended towards her, one of the tips resting on the center of her forehead. Hand signs and theory flashing through her thoughts at blinding speed. He then stooped to Takara's level, crimson eyes peering into her own as he began to speak again.

I am going to send you to a different time stream. One where you should not exist, but by me activating this jutsu, you will. In this dimension, the Yondaime has a son named Naruto whom he seals me into when I attacked Konoha. I will send you back to be born a few years early, making you his older sister. I am not entirely sure how that will change things, but hopefully it will give you a push in the right direction. The only reason you were forced to be the jinchuriki so young in this timeline is because Obito stole me from your mother. Had he not interfered, she would likely have remained the jinchuriki until close to her death as Mito did.

How am I supposed to get to you then?

That, unfortunately, I will not be able to assist you with. I may be the king of demons, but I cannot see the timelines and possibilities as the Fates can. All I can do is equip you with future memories so that you can change things on your own.

I see. But, you cannot just create a human being, after all you're not the Kami. I have to have an 'empty', so to speak, body to inhabit. Am I going to have to force another soul out, essentially killing it?

Something in her didn't agree with the thought of killing an untainted young soul.

No, no, no, you will do no such thing Takara. In the timeline I will be sending you to, your parents' first child, you, was a miscarriage. I will be putting you in the place of that lost child, therefore not killing anyone in the process.

That I can do.

Since you do not have any other objections, I will begin the process of drawing out the seal for this jutsu.

Kurama morphed into his human form, a young adult male who had bright orange-red hair, not unlike hers, and red, slitted eyes. He raked a claw across his forearm, blood pooling on the surface. A brush appeared in his hand and he began writing an extremely complex sealing array.

Takara was quite interested to see how this jutsu was formed. The power to command time was thought to be a myth, a domain reserved for the gods. True, only the king of demons could use it and it would cost him his life, but the opportunity was there. Then there was the fact that it seemed to be fuinjutsu-based. That had become her specialty later in life. Uzumaki sealing prowess was well known in earlier times, and it was for that power that their homeland had been massacred. What knowledge Takara did learn came from Jiraiya during their world travelling, as well as anything she could find that her parents had left behind. Takara spent most of her free time after Pein's invasion of Konoha refining those skills, enough to start applying fuinjutsu in battle. Because most didn't know how to counter a seal master's fighting style, it did give her an upper hand. Unfortunately, that was not enough, because everything had gone to hell in a handbasket.

After about an hour (although it could've been more, time isn't very reliable in one's mindscape) of drawing the array, Kurama stood, allowing his natural healing to seal up the wound on his arm.

We're all set kit.

His eyes held a mix of melancholy and hope. There was no doubt that their relationship would never be the same. Many years of sharing a mindspace and working together tended to create quite the strong partnership.

I will make things better, I swear it to you. The world will not end in flames and blood this time.

Takara reached forward to pull him into a hug. Kurama had never really been the hugging type, and he stiffened as she drew him in, but that wasn't about to stop her. He stepped back, and began forming a few hand signs. After the last was completed, wisps of light began to escape from his forehead, coalescing into a beaming orb full of multiple colors.

These are my memories. I am giving them to you so that they can be transferred to my alternate self. By binding them to your soul, they will remain with you, though they are not yours. I would not necessarily suggest looking at them, because they are very potent and potentially dangerous. But if you keep them contained in this shell, the transfer will not harm you.

Takara took the orb into her hands, staring at it for a moment. The colors were mesmerizing, and if she looked close enough, blurry images started to peek through. Heeding Kurama's instructions, she cleared her head and placed the orb in front of her chest. Slowly, it began to sink into Takara's skin, leaving a warm buzz in its wake.

That is all I can do to prepare you. I will share one last thought, however. Be careful not to change too many things, as you never know what will create ripples and change the course of time forever.

I have to try and save people, though. Some who died never deserved such a fate. I'll be careful, I swear it. I will do what I can to keep the future from its current darkness.

A rumble and a crash sounded around them.

You must hurry kit, Kaguya has begun the process of draining us! If she takes to much, I will not be able to complete this!

Kurama forced her into the middle of the sealing array. His hands flew into a blur as he begun the jutsu. Hundreds of hand signs were formed with the perfection only a demon could deliver. A large spike of chakra, nearly everything Kurama had, was pushed into the jutsu. It spiraled out through the marks, twisting and curling and consuming. The light started at a dim glow, near blinding by the time the array was fully activated.

A flash enveloped her, accompanied by a loud crash. Takara shut her eyes, arms flying in front of her face to protect it.

Kurama had been writhing, trying desperately to be free of the seal. His pathetic jailer was in the midst of bearing a spawn, which should have afforded him a bigger chance of escape. At least, if it wasn't for that idiotic lover of hers. Seventeen years old and already so devoted to another. It was pathetic, really. The fact that they were having a child together was both his salvation and the bane of his existence at the same time. While it gave him the chance to try and escape, it also meant that his insufferable jailer was overwhelmed with that disgusting emotion love. He'd be glad when he was free of it.

The Uzumaki woman shuddered and cried out in pain, which Kurama decided he quite liked. It was what she deserved after all, for keeping him locked in here like this. Finally, the miniscule human was born, and Kurama's senses picked up something peculiar. He reached for what little he could sense of the world outside his cage. Sure enough, the small one had a barely perceptible feel of demon chakra entwined with hers. Then there was the extremely concentrated - albeit small - shard of despair and hopelessness ensconced in this human child. It wasn't even a minute old, how could it have obtained such negative emotion. Had he actually been able to influence the fetus as it developed?

Interesting. The seal should have kept me from reaching the child at all. So where did my essence and this negative energy come from…

Kurama did not like mysteries. He resolved himself to watch the disgusting thing as it grew, and if it was truly affected by him, perhaps he could leverage his way out of the seal…

A large, predatory grin spread across his face.

Uchiha Madara scowled as he listened to the report from Zetsu. It seemed that the Namikaze child had been born without issue, and while he had expected it, there was always a chance for something to go wrong. He did not have all of the pieces in place to tear the bijuu from it's host yet, so he could only bide his time until the jinchuriki procreated again. He turned to his shadowy companion.

"Zetsu, I am not ready yet, but in several years I will need Uzumaki Kushina to undergo another pregnancy. Can you assure me that will happen?"

A dark smile crossed the form's face.

"Of course, Madara-sama."

Somehow Madara did not believe that Zetsu fully respected him, but as long as the beast remained loyal, he could overlook slight insubordination.

"Very well. Savor your time, Uzumaki Kushina. You will not have long…"

Takara remained stunned and confused for a moment, before she began to realize that something was different. When she opened her eyes again, Takara was looking straight into the face of one Namikaze Minato.

"She looks like your clone Kushina…What are we going to name her?" Minato asked. A weak voice replied from the bed,

"I always...did like the name...Takara…Minato…"

"Takara Namikaze, welcome to the world…"


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