Random Plot Bunny Story Time! Yay! This is weird. I have weird thoughts, which I figured out tonight as I took a shower. I'm so weird…but read anyway. You know, if you want to and stuff.

"Hey, look at me." I pushed his face with my whip so that his head faced mine. "I know you can't resist it. I'm cute, right? You can't deny that." I looked up for a moment with a thoughtful look, as if I was actually thinking of something. "Well, you could, but…" A sly, cocky grin slowly spread across my face. "I've heard that lying is a sin." America said nothing, but instead spat in my direction. With a disgusted face, I ordered someone to take him away. "As mean as always…" I murmured, rolling my eyes.

I wasn't always like this. Not that I mind, but one's journey in life always has decisions, and I chose this one over any other.

If you want to know my beginning, it was much different than you would expect. I used to be a wimp. A crybaby. A useless idiot. I decided, on a day where I was actually thinking straight, that going through my life at the mercy of others, clinging to other idiots who were stronger than I, and being bullied wasn't the right way.

And so I set out to change myself.

It took time, but soon my army was among the best in the world. I wasn't, as Japan would say, "hetare" anymore. I could hold my own. So the time came to test out my new strength. I took tips from the great Russia, whom I'd grown to admire. A force to be reckoned with, that was for sure. He had so many nations that stood by him, no matter what. I had come to the conclusion that I wanted that, also. If I became like him, everyone could be my friend and I wouldn't have to be afraid anymore. I would force them to be my friend, just like Russia had done.

First, I invaded France. I laughed as his shock led to one of the easiest invasions in history. I took him; he belonged to me, and me alone.

Spain was also lax. I fought him head-on, and as his tears came down, I slashed at his skin. Another easy victory. Was this all that it took? A few simple reforms, and everything could be mine? I could have had it all and then some. I was such an idiot.

I ticked off the countries as I added them to my new empire.




Bosnia and Herzegovina.











The list goes on, really. It covered almost three pages by now. I'd conquered all of the Balkans, the Nordics, Western Europe…tons more. Really, all I had left of Europe was Poland, the Baltics, the rest of Eastern Europe, and…him.

Come to think of it, I hadn't thought much about him since I changed. He'd been pushed to the back of my mind, as I was unsure of how he'd think of me now. Strong, serious, harsh—everything that he once was. The only countries on my mind—the only ones that mattered—were my own and my brother.

Ah, my brother. Always the spiteful one of us. He always seemed to be protecting me—at the least indirectly—but now I kept him sheltered and trained him until we set out for another war. He didn't reject to my behaviors, but his eyes were different now. Instead of looking at me with overprotective eyes that he masked with his usual malice, when he cast a glance my way, I saw only fear and sorrow, as if he was saddened by the way I was. But that couldn't be it. He was fine with the way I was. He told me himself.

He looked at me with those very eyes at the moment. We were eating dinner. I had made it, of course. Nothing could ever change my love of all things culinary. I slurped up the noodles with a happy smile on my face as I eyed my brother. He seemed to be reminiscing. Of what, I didn't know. His big, brown eyes stared intently as I peacefully scooped up the pasta and shoveled it into my mouth. He opened his mouth slightly, as if to speak; he closed it when I cocked my head to the side. Afraid to ask? He couldn't be! This was my brother! He was never afraid to shout whatever he felt at the moment. But he was unnaturally quiet whenever I was around. Maybe he just didn't have much to say.

I called for the plates to be taken away when we were finished, and England rushed out to grab them, bowing as I eyed him with my happy gaze. My eyes were open. They always were. He yelped slightly when I kept my eyes trained on him, and he rushed out of the room. "Dessert?" I asked my brother, and he nodded slightly in response. I snapped loudly and a brief bustling could be heard from the kitchen behind me. France soon walked out, pushing a small cart. I grabbed a small plate of pizzelles and began nibbling on them as France hurried over to my brother to give him his choice. He chose the gelato. I glanced at France and smiled, but for some reason, he, too, yelped and ran out of the room as fast as he could. Maybe he and England had watched a scary movie last night?

I finished my cookies and stood up. This time, Spain was the one to rush in. No longer did he have that cheerful air that always surrounded him; it was as if his life had been sucked out of him. He hurriedly took my plate and cleaned the crumbs from the table and my seat—I'll admit that I was still quite a messy eater. He then did the same for my brother, although he didn't have to clean up any crumbs, before going back into the kitchen to clean our dishes. Not once had he made eye contact with either of us. That was odd. I remembered when Spain would stare at the two of us all the time, muttering about how "cute" we were. He must have been tired.

The day was over. It was time to retire to my bed. After telling Austria that he didn't have to play anymore music for us, I headed up the stairs, my brother right behind me, and toward my room. I found a pleasant surprise waiting for me. Hungary was there, holding out my pajamas for me, which I took gratefully. I smiled a "thank you" and she laughed…nervously? Was she nervous? She quickly rushed out of my room to go assist my brother, leaving me behind to change. I finished preparing for bed and closed my eyes, ready for wonderful dreams about all of my wonderful friends, but I remembered that I'd left the light on. I rang the bell on my bedside table and immediately heard the sound of pounding boots running toward my room. Switzerland opened my door and, with a strange, scared look that looked ridiculously out of place on his face, asked me what I wanted. I chuckled and muttered, "You're face looks funny…" before motioning in the general direction of the light switch, which he quickly flipped off and rushed out of the room without any further noise.

All of my friends were so nice to me. So helpful and eager to please. I was glad that I decided to change. It was for the better. Now I had so many friends and allies that I'm never alone. And even my brother is being nicer to me!

As I drifted off to sleep, I briefly wondered which country was on my list for tomorrow. I couldn't remember if it was Poland or Russia. Maybe I'd start forcing my way into Asia? Either way, I knew I'd win. With an army of nations, I was unstoppable.

Yay! I'm completely messed up! And apparently, so is my lovable Italy! Who, by the way, is the narrator. I hope it was obvious enough. I didn't want to come out and say it, nor did I want to make it so blindingly obvious by saying Romano's name. I wanted it to be easily inferred, but not too easy. Make sense? No? Good.

Anyway, I don't know why in the world I wrote it, but review anyway! Don't know if how far I'll continue it. I guess we'll see! (That's what I get for having random plot bunnies in the shower…)