Once again, I bring you the wonders of my screwed-up mind. Please enjoy the conclusion to Unstoppable. Or I'll send dark!Italy to eat your soul. I'm not kidding. …Wait. Yes I am! Silly me.

I'm sorry if this ending is terrible. So, so sorry...



North and South America.



They all belonged to me. Every country was mine. Every single one…except for him. I didn't have him. But did I really need him? I already had Japan. And I also had every single other one of my former allies.

Was it necessary?

A hesitant knocking at my door broke me away from my thoughts. "S-sir?" a male voice called. America.

"Come in," I said, reorganizing my desk. "What do you want?"

"I-I brought you some pasta. I thought that you might want some…" America's eyes were wide, and they looked terrified. It had been four months after I'd taken his country. Why was he still so scared of me? Hm.

"Pasta?" I asked, eyeing the bowl. "…Try it." After the first attempt on my life through food, I'd grown paranoid, but that was to be expected. You'd grow weary of food after someone tried to kill you with it, too. But that didn't matter anymore. I'd had Russia take care of that stupid man, England. The funny thing was that he still denies that it was unintentional. Ah, well. Like I've said before, the past is done.

America lifted the spare fork that was now filled with a spoonful of spaghetti to his mouth and ate it. I waited a minute before deciding that it was okay, and I motioned for him to bring it to me. "Thank you, America!" I said happily as I dug into the dish. A shudder ran down the man's spine, and he stepped away from me. "Oh. You may go now." I waved him away, and he bowed deeply before rushing out of the room. As for the pasta, it was superb. I wondered who had made it, but I couldn't decide. I had too many former nations to choose from.

Another knock sounded, and I called them in. Poland and Lithuania inched through the doorway, Poland holding a bundle of something. "Uh, Mister Italy, sir, I got your clothes ready for tonight," Poland announced.

"I, uh, helped," Lithuania added nervously. Over the months, I'd gotten used to my housemates acting scared or nervous around me, and I didn't mind it anymore. I was still put off a little when countries like Russia or Belarus stuttered or yelped, but it was slowly growing on me. It was amazing how easily this became the norm.

"I'm glad!" I beamed, and the two began trembling. "Let me see it."

"O-of course, sir!" Poland said immediately and began unwrapping the bundle. "I, like, found the best tailor I know and had him design it just for you. And then me and Liet matched everything together so that it would look totally perfect on you."

"Thanks," I said as I scrutinized the suit. It was black, an elegant color that matched perfectly the finely-made suit. The shoes that Lithuania held out for me were spotless, and I could see my reflection in them. A daisy was attached to the suit over the left breast area, and I smiled at my national flower.

"D-do you, uh, like it?" Lithuania asked. I nodded.

"Yes. It's perfect!" My smile once again caused them to shiver, but they held their ground and continued smiling.

"You hear that, Liet? We finally got it right on the first try!" They looked absolutely relieved. I could see them performing a mental high-five, and I was happy that I'd made them so happy about their accomplishment.

"Good for you!" I sang. "Just leave the outfit here. I'll put it on later." They did as they were told and left, pushing each other out the door. I loved all of my friends. They were so nice to me. Poland had even scoured my entire nation in order to find a good tailor. I was so proud of him.

Then, I decided that my office was too boring. I wanted to be around my friends, not cooped up in an office I didn't even use anymore. So I left the stuffy room to wander the halls. I passed many former nations as I strolled, and they either stopped abruptly and bowed, or muttered a nervous hello as I walked past them. They were so considerate. At any rate, I soon found myself at the entrance to the kitchen. I loved that place. I pushed open the heavy swinging door and entered, noticing that all activity ceased inside upon my arrival.

"Hi, guys!" I greeted cheerfully. The current kitchen staff—France, America, Canada, Japan, and China—looked at me with startled eyes as they quickly responded appropriately. "Wow, I got kind of hungry coming down here. Make me some food?" Again, the kitchen was bustling again as they hurried to prepare my favorites.

Meanwhile, I walked out into the dining room and sat down at the long table. This, too, was boring. I wanted to talk with someone. I looked around the room, as if he would magically appear before me, before calling, "Romano!" My brother came running into the room, fear evident in his eyes. For some reason.

"Y-yes, Veneziano?" Romano asked, knowing that he was the only one who could call me that.

"Come sit with me. I want to talk." I motioned for him to sit down next to me, and he did so without question. "How are you?"

"I-I'm good," he responded. "And you?"

"I feel wonderful! I'm having so much fun being the ruler of the world! I'm glad you're my second-in-command." I smiled at him, which made his eyes widen more.

"B-but…you're not th-the ruler of the whole world y-yet…" he whispered. It had been really faint. Didn't he want me to hear what he was saying?

"What do you mean? Every single country belongs to me!" I said triumphantly, fighting the urge to stand. "Even Korea is mine, and he doesn't complain about him belonging to me anymore!"

"B-but what about…you know…G—"

"No. Do not speak of him. I've told you already. His name is not welcome in this house, or anywhere else within my empire. Understood?" I glared at him sharply to add to my point, and he nodded weakly. "Good. Now, where's my food?" I turned around in my seat to call out to the kitchen staff, and they came pouring out with trays of food that Romano and I could choose from. I grabbed a slice of pizza while my brother took a plate of spaghetti, making sure that there was tons of tomato sauce on top. "Thank you!" I yelled to them as they ran back into the kitchen as fast as they could.

"So…Veneziano…where are you going tonight?" Romano asked tentatively, hoping he wouldn't be scolded again for asking the question.

"Oh…uh, you're not allowed to know. Don't ask." And Romano was silent. Even though I would have preferred a loud, happy table full of people chatting about their day, the rest of my meal was spent in silence, both of us thinking thoughts unknown to the other.

I was dressed in the suit that night, waiting in my limousine for the chauffer to emerge from my house. I didn't remember whose job that was tonight, so I was eagerly awaiting. I liked surprises. I didn't have to wait long, because soon, Norway stepped out of the house and slid into the driver's seat.

"Where are we going?" he asked me, and I hesitated before slowly repeating the numbers and words on the piece of paper that had the address on it. "…All right." He took off onto the road. Because of the close proximity of my destination, we didn't drive far. Maybe an hour at most. We had arrived at the meeting place where Switzerland used to live. It was a fancy restaurant that didn't fit the Swiss man's persona at all. But not all things made sense, did they?

"You can wait out here," I ordered, walking into the restaurant alone. The man at the pedestal—I don't know what he was called, but his name was Luca—greeted me warmly. "I'm with someone else," I told him.

"Is he the man back there?" he asked as he pointed to a table in the back. "He said he was looking for someone that fit your description."

"Yes! It is! Thank you, Luca!" I skipped over to him and plopped down in the seat across from him.

"Italy," he greeted.

"Germany." I glanced at the floor. It had been so long since I'd even thought his name, and yet it still felt so natural to say it out loud. "Long time, no see." I chuckled awkwardly.

"I know," he responded. "You've changed…a lot."

"Isn't it great?" I asked him, begging for his approval. "I changed so that I wouldn't be a wimp anymore. I wanted to be as strong as you!"

"Well, you're definitely stronger than me," he said. His voice sounded somewhat strained.

"Yeah! You've noticed? Thank you!" I smiled at him, and when I opened my eyes, I saw Germany suppressing a shudder. Him, too? Wait. Maybe it was just really cold for him in here. That had to be it. He wouldn't shudder because of me. He was so composed and serious all the time. He was the perfect nation.

"…Italy…" Germany started. "What's…happened to you?"

"What do you mean, Germany? I've changed. I'm not useless anymore. I'm great. Yours is the only country not under my control. I've become the biggest world power and the greatest empire in history in only a matter of months! Aren't you proud of me?" Again, I found myself begging for his approval. He was the one I looked up to the most, and so it was vital that he thought I was doing good for the world.

"But…your smile…" Germany's eyes fell to the floor and his frown deepened. "I remember when you used to smile genuinely."

"But I am smiling genuinely, Germany!" I smiled as wide as I could. "See?"

"No…you're not." My smile fell off instantly. "You're not you right now. You've changed…but not for the better."

I heard a loud snap in my mind as I heard him speak those words. This whole time…ever since I'd decided to change, I'd been afraid of Germany's opinion of me. And now my worst suspicions had come true. "G-G…Germany…doesn't approve?" I asked myself more than anyone else, desperately hoping that I'd just misunderstood what he'd said. It couldn't be. It…it just couldn't!

"Italy…?" Germany was watching me as I tried to make sense of his words. They had to have some other meaning. Or maybe I'd just imagined them. Maybe someone else near us had said them. They couldn't have come from Germany. Germany was my friend! Germany would never, ever say that to me! Because I was his friend, too! There was no way that had happened!

No way…

Germany was speaking. "Italy, are you okay?"

"Of course!" I said quickly. Germany hadn't said those words. "I just…thought I heard something. That's all."

"Italy," Germany said more forcefully this time. "You're not okay."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Was there something wrong? Did I have a fever?

"You've gotten out of control."

There was that strange snapping sound again.

"You've gotten way too powerful, and…"

I couldn't decide if the sound was coming from my slipping sanity or my breaking heart.


I decided that it was a little of both.

"…I don't like you this way."

A long ripping noise cut through all of my clear thoughts, and I couldn't see anything in front of me except Germany. No sound entered my ears, and my hands went numb. Germany…didn't like me? So it was true? But…but…I thought Germany was my friend! How could he say…?

Germany was saying something, but I couldn't understand it. I couldn't hear anything over the loud silence that filled my ears. I couldn't read lips, either, so I couldn't understand him at all. I just sat there and stared at his ivy blue eyes in silence. My mind refused to process anything. I couldn't believe that my best friend had stabbed me like that so carelessly. I was bleeding. I didn't know why or how, but I was bleeding. That was the only explanation I had for the sharp pain in my chest. Maybe Rome was being invaded? But that would be impossible, because everyone in my empire now shared the same heart…so what was this feeling? I-I didn't understand. I felt like I was dying. What happened to me?

Germany had rejected me.

That was it.

The first friend I'd ever had…rejected me.

"No…" I found myself muttering. "No, no, no…" I stood up on lame legs. "No! No! No!"


"No! Don't call me that! You can't—! You can't—! I can't—!" I don't know when I started crying, but I noticed that I had when the tears began spilling all over my clothes. "I-I…No!" I couldn't contain my feelings. I felt as if a dam had broken in my mind, and the reservoir water was now flooding through my eyes. My brain couldn't form a complete thought. The world was a blur around me, and it began spinning. I knew I had fallen down at some point, because I felt my bottom hit the hard wooden ground. Still, my tears did not quell.

When I felt arms around me, I looked up. Through my blurred vision, I saw Germany cradling me. But wasn't he who I was crying about? Obviously he did something bad if I was crying over it…

"Italy…stop crying…" he cooed. "Please stop…"

"G-Germany?" I tested with my shaky, hoarse voice.

"Shh…We'll fix this. I'll help you…you're still wonderful." Germany called me wonderful?


"Yes. Now, stop crying…"

"Veh…buon giorno, Germany!" I called as I ran up to meet him. Another world meeting. We had these things a lot, didn't we?

"Hello, Italy," he said with a smile.

"You've been so happy lately. What's wrong with you? Not that I don't like it," I said, adding the last bit as an afterthought.

"Have you really forgotten…?" Germany muttered to himself. I had no idea what he was talking about, so I decided to not question it.

"If you're in such a good mood, does this mean that we can play football later?" I asked eagerly.

Germany looked up to the ceiling, as if thinking about his answer. Finally, he said, "Sure," with his smile never wavering.

"Yahoo! Well, let's go! We can't miss the meeting!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the doors that led to the conference room. Pushing open the doors, I announced loudly, "We're here!" Everything was quiet. All paper shuffling, chats, fights, and whatnot had all stopped. They were all looking at me with a fearful look on their faces. "…Why are you all looking at me? Is there something on my face?" I rubbed my hand on my cheek only to find nothing there.

"It's nothing, Italy," Germany said quickly, ushering me to my seat.

"Okay, if you say so," I shrugged. Whatever. I already knew that nations were weird.

Yay! It's done! Crappy ending? Good ending? Weird ending? I don't know because this is the first time I've ever completed a multi-chapter story! Yay! Even if it is only three chapters long, it's still one of my greatest accomplishments. So be happy.

To clear a few things up, just in case:

Italy's smile is really creepy when he's dark and stuff. Think Russia times four or five. Got it? Okay.

Also, Italy just happened to suppress his memory of being the great Italian Empire because he found it to be a horrible memory not worth remembering. So he has no idea why everyone is still afraid of him. But I'll bet that they'll never call him useless again, huh?

Italy's also in a state of insanity throughout this fic. He's kind of aware, but not, of what he's doing. Which is what I was trying to get at throughout the whole thing. He would have moments of obliviousness and wonder why everyone was so afraid of him, but at the same time, he knew. But because he was mentally unstable at this time, he refused to believe it except in certain moments.

The reason that Italy was able to take over so many countries was because of his tactics. He'd invade unexpectedly and attack, leaving the poor victim no time to call in backup. So there was only one nation against all of Italy's "former nations". I mean, I don't know of anything that could help someone out when forty nations are attacking you all at once. I just figured that it would be pretty hard to win.

Another thing that might be confusing: I mentioned that everyone in Italy's empire shared the same heart. Because Italy made Rome the capital of the Italian Empire, that was the capital of all of the now-former nations. And because I, too, believe that the capital is the heart of each country, that meant that everyone had the same heart. So no one would think twice about invading Rome unless they were masochistic and wanted to hurt themselves, which Italy already knows.

This was an attempt to write in first person. I found out that I have a tough time with it, mostly because I'm used to third person omniscient. I like to get into everyone's heads, but this time around, I could only see it through Italy's eyes. When he knew something, you knew it, too, but when he didn't, I had to leave you guessing. That's why no one's actions are really explained, but I'm sure you guys already knew that.

Any more questions? That gives you a great opportunity to leave a review! Isn't that just wonderful? Anyway, I hope you liked it. I don't know if it's any good at all. So tell me. PLEASE. I beg of you.

Bye! Thanks for sticking with me, you wonderful people of awesomeness!