Title: Into the Dark
Disclaimer: I don't own TW and suchness. I have no legal ties to it in any form or way.
Rating: T
Pairings: Jack/Ianto; Jack/Gwen
Summary: He lived because the gun misfired and that's when Jack noticed.

Ianto leaned over the toilet and threw up, his mouth tasting like bile and acid. He wondered how much damage was being done to his teeth. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, trying to quiet his tumultuous stomach. He looked into the toilet and nearly gagged again as the sight of the half-digested chicken taunted him. The handle felt cool next to his clammy hands when he flushed.

He went to the sink and looked at his reflection. His face looked to white and a thin sheen of sweat covered his forehead. Maybe Jack would notice today. Most likely not. Ianto washed his hands and then rinsed his mouth. He couldn't get rid of the taste of bile.

When he got back to their-his flat he'd brush his teeth. The rats clawed at his stomach again. He didn't want to eat anything but Jack had bought him lunch. It had been an effort, something, a gesture that maybe everything hadn't been lost. A sign that Jack still wanted him.

The rats had subsided during the meal and he had even enjoyed most of it until Gwen came into the room. Then Jack's half-interested eyes shifted to her the rest of the meal. Their conversation, filled with semi-flirtatious quips and remarks and banter that felt like an old forgotten friend, dried up quicker than a snowball in hell.

Gwen had entered the conference room to talk to Jack about a case. Jack had finished then ignored Ianto, who picked at his food. When Gwen had something to show Jack, he left with her without so much as a backwards glance. Ianto cleaned up the mess, wiped down the table and caught a glimpse of Jack and Gwen at her station.

They were eating a pastry; Ianto normally liked them. He would be his month's salary Jack had gotten them for him on a whim, like lunch, and forgotten that it had been meant for him. He most likely only bought two as usual.

Gwen was eating his dessert.

The rats that had left him alone crawled back. During the meal they had just been nibbling, now they were ravenous. Ianto had walked into the restroom and thrown up. He went into the Archives, seeking something to calm his nerves.

The filing was almost soothing; he didn't really need to think. He could get lost in the motions. He didn't want to think. He didn't want to think about the fact that Jack didn't want him anymore, that their relationship had crashed and burned a few months ago. That when Jack fucked him he was certain that Jack thought about Gwen and not about him. He didn't want to think about the fact that Jack had called out Gwen's name when Ianto walked in on him masturbating. Jack hadn't noticed him. He didn't want to think about the gun in his back pocket.

He got lost in the motions. He lost track of time. When the last file in the small pile in his inbox had been put away Ianto realized it was late. He looked at the time.

8:00 p.m.

Ianto walked back into the main room of the Hub. Things were quiet. Where were Jack and Gwen? Ianto saw a dim light in Jack's office.

He walked up the steps into the office. A soft noise caught his attention, muffled and his stomach clenched. He continued forward, entering the office and feeling the bottom of his stomach drop. Movement and moans, he walked toward the manhole and stopped.

"Uh, Jack!" Gwen's voice reached him. She moaned her pleasure and Ianto could swear he heard Jack's hips slamming into hers. "Jack! Oh, god!" Movement. Pants and moans. He heard Jack gasp.

"Fuck, Gwen." He breathed out almost in reverence. "Love you."

Ianto froze. He turned around and quietly exited the office. He walked onto the lift and remembered the gun in his back pocket.