OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH! Another multi-chap!

Okay, I had major, and I mean MAJOR writers block with LOST( any ideas? PLEASE! I'm in desperate need for help with that story!) !, so this popped out of my head when I attempted to cure it. So, it's another multi chap. PLEASE TELL ME IF IT'S CRAP! REMEMBER, I HAD WRITERS BLOCK SO THIS IS MOST LIKELY TERRIBLE!

Also, HARYY POTTER 7, out on Friday! Yay! Luna's my favorite, followed closely by Ginny, then Neville is up there too.

So, heeeeeerrrrreeee weeeeee gooooo!

Oh, and one more thing… when I write, in, let's say, Finn's POV, I say stuff like "I'm gonna…." Instead of "going to" Or, instead of "Amanda and I met at the frozen marble", I'd say "me and Amanda met at the frozen marble." These grammatical errors ARE intentional. Mainly because I write like I talk, or how I think Finn would talk. And honestly, how many teenagers do you know that are grammatically correct when speaking? Exactly.

Finn's POV…

"Well, no Overtakers in a while. Good sign, I guess." I mumbled.

"Or, they're planning something." Maybeck mumbled. "Which is bad."

"Whatever. I say we ignore it and hit the rides! Come on, there's been no trouble in forever, and we deserve a reward for defending the parks!" Jess said, always the outgoing one.

Charlene immediately agreed. "Yeah, really. We'll stay together, and go on the best rides! It'll be fun!"

"Uhhh…" I thought about it. Honestly, what harm could be done? The OT's haven't been here for weeks, maybe months! What would make them come back today? "Sure." I finally concluded. Philby sighed, and Amanda looked at me.

"Finn!" She yelled. Apparently, Amanda didn't want to go on the rides… oops. I grabbed her hand.

"Well, you can stay here, but I'm going." Jess said, and started to walk away. We all (Including Amanda, although reluctantly) jogged after her.

The first ride we went on was, of course, Big Thunder Railroad. We went around five times before Philby was able to figure out how to open the seatbelts before the next ride started.

Next? Space Mountain. It's creepy after hours. It almost feels haunted- it feels like…. Like you're being watched. So we only rode it twice.

We had hit almost every ride in the park. Now, we were laying in front of the castle, gazing at the stars. Amanda's head was on my chest, and I was stroking her hair. Jess, Charlie, and Willa were playing some violent game, and Philby and Maybeck were arguing.

"Jess! JESS! Get off of me! That hurts! You're sitting on me!"

"Admit it, Willa! I'm better than you at everything!" Jess was joking.

"I…I get it, but that's no reason to sit on me! You're crushing my rib cage! Can't… breathe! Charlie, help me!"

Charlie was laughing too hard to do anything about it.

"You're better than me!" Willa finally choked out.

"At what?"

"Everything! You're better than me at everything!"

"Jess! Stop picking on her! And Willa, get up!"

Jess smiled, and got up. Willa followed.

I glanced at Philby.

"Stop! Seriously! MY NAME IS PHILBY! Not Philbo, not fire-head, and definitely not nerd-face! That's not even a good insult!"

"Whatever, Phildweeb." Maybeck smirked.


Willa walked over and sat next to me and Amanda.


"Sup." I said.

"Hey, Willa." Amanda muttered.

"I think your sister broke my ribcage."

Amanda laughed. "What were they doing, anyway?"

"They pick on me, cause I'm 'the baby of the group'." She sighed.

"Oh, yeah. You're still fourteen, huh? Forgot about that." I said.


Philby walked over to us.

"I am done with him! He can't just say Philby!"

"Ah, don't worry. Maydork's an idiot, anyway." Amanda chuckled.

"Maydork! That's it! I'll call him Maydork!" Philby mumbled, and walked away.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Two A.m." Willa answered.

"Well, I don't have anywhere to go tomorrow." I mumbled, and Amanda chuckled.

"I like the parks at night, when there's nothing trying to kill us. Well, seeya." Willa said. Then, she got up and jogged towards Jess and Charlie.

"That concerns me, a little." Amanda said randomly.

"What?" I asked.

"That we haven't seen OT's here in so long… They wouldn't just go away without reason, you know? I'm worried."

"Yeah, I know. Hey, you don't… I mean…. Do you…"

"Do I what?"

"The past few hours, did you feel like, I dunno, you were being watched?"

She sat up. "You felt it too?"

"Yeah. You don't think… they're back?" I said slowly.

She swallowed and shrugged nervously.

"Maybe… but-"

Suddenly, there was a loud BOOM!, and something flew over our heads. Everyone ran back towards us.

"What was that!" Charlene asked, terrified.

"I… I don't know… Everyone, stay close to each other." I instructed. They did as told.

Then, I heard a somewhat… familiar voice.

"Kids! Don't worry! No need to fear, we, uh, come in peace!" the source of the voice stepped out of the bushes.

Of course!, I thought. That's why the voice is so familiar!

There was no mistaking the person who had just come out of the bush; it was Dr. Brown, the scientist from Back to the Future. But what was he doing here? He wasn't a Disney character! But his white, shaggy hair and lab coat definitely told me it was him.

"Yes, we don't mean any harm. We need your help, actually." Said a much younger voice. This one, I recognized immediately, as Jimmy Neutron stepped out of the bushes. He was much taller, however, than he was on the show, he looked a lot older. He looked like a human, too, not animation. And his hair wasn't nearly as ridiculous, it was short with a small swirl sticking up in the front.

"Our… help?" Philby was the first of us to speak.

"Yeah, Dell." Jimmy said. "We do. We know all about you, all of you. And we know how many times you have successfully defended this kingdom."

"Well, I prefer being called Philby. But yeah…"

"Anyways, our help with what?" I asked.

This time, it was Brown who spoke.

"You haven't seen the villains here in a while, have you?" We shook our heads. "No. Of course not. That, my friends, is because they have been trying to take our studio."

That's when it connected. Dr. Brown and Jimmy Neutron both have or had a ride in Universal Studios! They need help defending Universal!

"They teamed up with the worst of the villains at our home, and the result was not pretty. We were able to defend them, but they recruited… him, and now we've all decided we need more help. So, our parks may be rivals, but they have sent us here to beg of you, and a few other characters, to help us. My enemy's enemy is my friend." Jimmy explained.

"Who's him?" Maybeck asked immediately.

"We don't really know his name… Bat wings, Horns, red eyes, and-"

"Chernabog!" Philby exclaimed.

"Turn a what?" Brown replied.

"No, Chernabog. He's the bat-dude." Maybeck corrected.

"Oh. Well, nevertheless, we need your help."

"Give us a second." I said, motioning for the group to join me over by the hat shop.

"I want to help them Especially since our bad guys are over there. Anyone object?" I said quickly.

"But… the villains they have, Finn. Think. Dinosaurs. Man-eating sharks. Mummies. Voldemort." Charlene pointed out.

"So you don't want to help them? You're just going to abandon them!" Willa practically yelled.

"No, no… alright, we've faced worse… we can do this. I'm in." Charlene slowly changed her mind.

"I'm in." Philby and Willa said at the same time. They looked at each other, blushed, and quickly looked away.

"You bet." Jess smirked.

"Be careful… but yeah." Amanda said cautiously.

"I'm all for kicking some OT butt!" Maybeck smiled.

We trotted back to the two awaiting scientists.

"Let's do this." I said.

Jimmy and Dr. Brown smiled.

Sooo? You like it? I know, the first half is COMPLETELY pointless, but whatever.

So do I keep writing, or stop cuz its crap? You decide, vote in the reviews

Boring chapter, but the next one'll be better! Promise!

Like I said, I need help with LOST, so I'm taking suggestions. So, PM me, or put it in the reviews for LOST! (DON'T put it in the reviews for this story, please) i honestly have serious writer's block, but LOST will be continued (eventually…)

Sorry for any errors in the story to come, I haven't been to universal since I was like 5…