Authors Note: Hello everyone! Thank you for stopping by (:
This story has actually been on my mind for quite some time now, and I just recently got my lazy ass up and began to piece this together. So, let's get some warnings out of the way first.
Warning! This story contains mature sexual content, SLASH Carlisle/Edward Carlisle/Esme
Prostitution, non-consensual sex, underage sex, minimal violence.
Now..I'm hoping for the ones who get easily offended, you are thinking to yourself "Hmm..judging from the warning, there is something about this story I know that I will not like. So since I have common sense, I'm just going to leave now and not leave a hateful, unnecessary review. "
Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight in any way shape or form. All characters belong to Stephenie Meyer. No money is being made off of this story.

And a HUGE thanks to my Beta Hopelina for picking out my errors when I seem to rush through and not catch them all.

Mommy was very upset…

Edward knelt beside the large fireplace that enveloped most of the space in the living room and just waited. He had seen his mother through many of her temper tantrums, but they were nothing compared to how she was acting at the moment.
Various objects went flying through the air, and Edward covered his head with his arms to protect himself from any injuries his mother might blindly inflict upon him. Salty tears of hurt and pure rage made their way down her cheeks, creating tiny wet spots on her blouse. Her eyes a bloodshot red, her small frame began to shake violently as loud sobs tore their way out of her throat.
When she ceased throwing things around their small home, she broke down onto the middle of the floor. Her face buried in the black, plush carpet with her arse in the air and knees quivering slightly on the ground.

Edward waited a few minutes and stared, with a quite puzzled but calm look across his face. He proceeded to crawl over to his mother and put a hand on her back. She flinched away from his touch and scooted over to the far side of the living room. She brought her knees to her chest and continued to cry. Edward gave her another few minutes and then went to sit beside her. He rested his small hand on her knee. A few moments passed and she finally looked up at her son with blank, dark eyes and immediately began to break down into hysteria. She stood up and began to pace back and forth, her head so clouded with the turmoil of the day's events.

Edward eyed his mother quietly and stayed very still, waiting for her to actually form words beyond choked cries and small groans.
The clock ticked away and finally his mother stood still and glanced at him through half lidded eyes.
Making direct eye contact with her, all Edward could see in those eyes was utter distraught. Carefully running his words over and over again in his mind, all he could muster up was a whispered "Mom…?"

She shook her head and her long Auburn colored hair fell in her face as she hung her head.
Edward had started to become slightly impatient with the lack of response he was receiving from her. He abruptly stood up and came to stand in front of his mother. He held onto her pale wrist and spoke again, "Mom…?"

She lifted her head slightly then through her arms around her son, sobbing quietly into his shoulder. They remained like this for another five minutes or so and eventually she took a few steps back and wiped her face clean with her blouse. She proceeded to take several deep breaths and then finally spoke, "Edward, sweetheart, I'm sorry for acting the way I did…"
Silence rang throughout the room until his mother began to quietly sob with her face in her hands.

"It's your father, dear…" she explained softly.

Edward's breath caught in his throat. The only thought that plagued his mind was the most obvious. He had tried with all of his might to not think of that possibility.

His mother walks inside of the house in a full hysteria, flinging things around the house, throwing herself on the floor and crying…She just kept crying…
The fact that it had something to do with his father, he knew something must have happened to him.
No! He was a strong man!

Edward's father works in the field on construction. Chicago, Illinois was really starting to boom and due to the high demand of more houses and office buildings, his father and his crew were working overtime, all the time.

He had been in a few accidents here and there, he gave his family quite a scare when he had slipped and fallen from a 2-story window of an incomplete house. But he always came out alright, a few bruises and scratches but nothing he couldn't handle.
But…something was wrong…

Edward urged his mother to tell him what had happened, but she couldn't seem to quite get it out. Getting more frustrated as time went by, he dropped the matter completely though his mind was screaming for an answer.

Hours painfully went by as he lay on his bed in his room, paranoia taking hold of him and gripping for dear life.
Edward played out many different scenarios in his head of what could have happened to his father. He pressed his lips into a tight line and held his breath.
He was angry.

Blowing out a heavy sigh, he heaved himself from his resting position and started to mimic the frantic pacing his mother had done earlier in the day, thoughts running a million miles an hour.

Why wouldn't she tell him? It wasn't like he was a baby and couldn't comprehend. Edward had always been quite advanced emotionally and mentally, which explained why he didn't have any friends. Most 14 year old boys want to run outside and play, with not a care in the wind. But no, Edward would much rather spend his time reading a book of any type or playing on his Grand Piano. Oh, how he adored the silky sounds the emitted from that magical instrument... He had taught himself to play at a very young age and hasn't stopped since. He played whenever his mother had breakdown, because he knew it soothed her nerves. He was always agitated at something, all of the time…

Edward didn't need friends. As long as he had his two passions with him, his piano and assortment of books, he didn't need anybody.
Edward came to a halt and exhaled sharply. He was going to find out what happened to his father one way or another. Then, a sense of annoyance came across him.

What did he care? It wasn't as if he and his father had anything in common. They rarely spoke to each other, and neither of them seemed to care too much.
Edward thought that maybe it wasn't the fact that he was worried or concerned for his father, but the fact that there was some sort of information that was being withheld from him. Yes, that was it he soon decided. He hated not knowing something, or not having his facts straight.
Edward pushed the door to his bedroom open slightly and laid his eyes over his mother passed out with her head on the table and a large bottle of Vodka on the floor beside her feet. He squinted his eyes and saw that there was a newspaper clutched in her right hand.
Edward tip-toed his way over to his mother, and slowly but surely pried the paper away from her. His eyes scanned over the first page quickly and his face paled at what he saw in large print.


A lump formed in Edward's throat as he scanned over twelve names of men that were killed.

And his father had been the first name on that list.

Authors note: Soooo here goes chapter one! :DDD
This honestly took me forever to write and I feel like I didn't really get anywhere with it .
Oh well…
Reviews are much appreciated! Fuels my want to write! :D
