A/N: Ok so here it is, my first ever Harry Potter story, the idea has been bugging me since I read my first Snape is Harry's dad fic and I thought it was finally time to write it down. To my faithful Supernatural readers, the next chapter of WCHB is almost done, and FO3 is not to far behind (sorry real life has gotten the better of me

WARNINGS: this story contains self-harm, drug addiction, rape and abuse of a minor READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Oh and in case you didn't already know the letters JKR do no feature in my name, so unfortunately none of this is mine. How depressing.

Chapter 1: A life of lies

Harry stared open mouthed at the mirror in front of him; he didn't recognise the person staring back. It was not possible for someone to change that much overnight, magic or not. He didn't understand it. His once jet black hair was now urban; his skin was paler, his cheekbones more defined and his eyesight completely corrected, all in the space of a night.

It just wasn't right. He had always been told how much he resembled his father, yet now every trait that had once been James Potter's was gone, replaced by something else. Someone else. The only part of him that had remained the same was his eyes. His mother's eyes.

Harry knew that these sudden changes would not go down well with his relatives. His uncle had been harsher than Harry could ever remember, but he found that he didn't care, he knew now not to beg for release when his uncle beat him, or to scream when he raped him. Harry didn't care because Harry knew that he deserved it all.

This pain was his punishment; he was the reason that his parents and Cedric were dead. He was the reason Voldemort had returned to power. It was all his fault, if he hadn't been born, everything would be fine.

It was nearing midnight when out of nowhere a letter fell into his lap, interrupting the delicate slicing Harry was carefully doing along his wrist. He could barely move his hands to open it; the beating he had received that night had been severe, and Harry knew he hadn't helped matters at all when he had decided to do three lines of cocaine, and a session of mutilating his already damaged arm. Harry opened the letter through bloodshot eyes and read:

To my dearest Harry

If you are receiving this letter than it is your fifteenth birthday and unfortunately I have not lived to see it. Never forget that both myself and James love you with all our hearts and have only ever wanted what is best for you.

So It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you of a secret I have kept hidden since the day you were born. James Potter is not your father, Harry I wish I did not have to tell you this but by now the glamour I placed on you at birth will have fallen and your true self revealed.

Your biological father was my childhood best friend; his name was Severus Snape...

Harry couldn't continue reading; Snape was his father. Severus Snape, evil greasy bat of the dungeons, his father. Ever since he could remember Harry had always prayed for a family, for his parents to be alive and now when he finds out that one of them is alive, they happen to hate him and want nothing to do with him. Harry couldn't help but laugh hysterically at the mere thought of it, Snape hated him because he always said he was so much like his father….it has to be a joke, Fred and George setting him up, because there was no way that Severus Snape could possibly be his father.

But in the back of his mind Harry knew that even Fred and George couldn't be that cruel. And there was something, something about his new look that almost screamed Snape, even if Harry would never admit so out loud.

Once again Harry found himself reaching out for razor beside him, this time he intended to do what he should have done a long time ago. His whole life was a lie, and Harry no longer wanted to live in a world where who he thought he was no longer existed. Taking a deep breath Harry cut into his skin for what he hoped would be the last time.

Ok so like it, love it or hate it? Should I continue? Review please.