A/N: Audrey talks to a psychologist post season 6. She tells about her memories with Jack. Reviews are always a plus.

Chapter 1

Like usual, the room was silent. Two women sat in a room filled with a silence that the older woman always tried to break. The older woman, Dr. Harris, stared at her patient who was looking out the window the same way she did every day. Dr. Harris had no idea why her patient did this. Dr. Harris would try and get her patient to speak with simple questions just to gain some trust out of the younger woman. The doctor knew this wouldn't be easy. The patient had post traumatic stress disorder. Today the patient seemed less distant than usual.

"Audrey, I want to help you. But I know you're reluctant to talk to me. You've been coming to my office for almost a month, yet I've never heard you speak. So, my question today is why. Why do you keep coming here? You obviously have no desire to talk to me or anyone else for that matter." Dr. Harris paused to see if Audrey would respond. To her surprise, she did.

"My dad thinks you can help." Audrey said.

"Do you think I can help?"

"I don't need help. Despite what everybody thinks, I'm fine. I don't need help."

"Okay. Well, then how about we talk about something. Anything. That way I can say that we talked and I can tell your father that you're fine."

"Okay." Audrey agreed with some hesitance.

"So, what do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know."

"Okay. How about we talk about the people in your life. Your friends and family."

"I don't have friends."

"I find that hard to believe."

"It's true. After-" Audrey paused. "After everything that's happened, I kind of lost touch with all my friends. They never understood why I'd give up my life for J-"

Audrey stopped. She couldn't bring herself to say his name. After saying his name for so long in China, she couldn't say it anymore. She couldn't believe Jack left her. After everything they'd been through. She felt like he had taken out almost her entire heart leaving her only enough of it to live. She was suffering. She needed him. He was the only person who knew and understood what she had been through. She loved him even after all these years.

"Jack?" Dr. Harris asked innocently. She could see tears starting to form in Audrey's eyes. She knew she had hit a nerve. "We should talk about him."

"No!" Audrey said desperately. "I can't. I don't even know why he left."

"Okay then let's not talk about now. Let's talk about before things became complicated."

"Uh, maybe tomorrow Dr. Harris. Our time's up."

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow. And, if you want you can call me Kelly."

Audrey left the office feeling broken. She liked thinking about her relationship with Jack was before anything with the Chinese happened. But, those were her memories. She wasn't sure if she could share them with a stranger. But, she was starting to trust Kelly despite her best efforts to distance herself from the doctor.

Audrey got back to her father's house where she had been staying. Her father always asked how the appointments went after Audrey got home. Today was no different. However, instead of getting the usual answer of "Fine." Audrey said, "Good." She smiled slightly at her father seeing his surprised expression.

Sorry it's short. It just seemed like a good place to pause. Review please :)