All right, it's time. It has been...*checks date* three and a half years. Too long.

So, remember in the previous chapter when I began adding actual story elements to this fic because someone threatened to report my story? And then I never got very far in it? Because this story was not meant to be written that way. And then I went on a complete hiatus and then got horribly sick. So to anyone complaining that it's been way too long since the last update, totally check out my profile because my life kinda went to shit in the past few years. So think about what you've done.

Anyway, that's not what I'm here for. The problem I have with getting back into fanfiction after all of these years is that, these stories are horribly dated. To anyone reading Pokémon Question and Answer Segment or You Paired Me With Who?, you'll know what I'm talking about, because I've been revising those stories to include new characters and pairings.

And this story is definitely one of them to fall victim to this.

So while I struggled to update this story as didn't work. I've had several people review asking me to add Serena and crew, but this story still takes place after Ash got his third badge in Isshu. Isshu. So like.

I dunno what to do.

Ever since You Paired Me With Who? took off, that became my most popular story. But rereading this story actually made me laugh out loud and I'd really like to continue writing this.

But a huge question needs to be asked: what do I do now?

Some people who revise their stories take down all their previous chapters and completely rewrite it from scratch, or update some things little by little. The former is what I am doing with Pokémon Question and Answer Segment and the latter is what I am doing with You Paired Me with Who? But it's not as easy to do any of that with this story.

So how about this? How about you guys decide what I should do. I've put up a poll on my profile with three simple choices. Check it out, let me know what I should do.

I will return to this story. In the meantime, give me some feedback if you wish. Please vote in the poll, I expect at least 20-30 votes before I update anymore. And check out some of my other stories if you so please.

Thanks for your patience.
