Lunch Date

A/N: Sorry for taking so long to update, college has been hectic. Where I am is getting heavy snow so I've gotten a few snow days so hopefully will be able to update again before the weekend as I'm stuck inside.
As always, enjoy.

Nick got out of the car and tried to shake the worry that he felt about the sweatshirt. He was hoping that Scott didn't know who it had happened with and he could chalk it up to rushing and grabbing the wrong artel of clothing. He could see his brother through the window, his tall, wide build the complete opposite to his own. He had the same hair and eye shade but that was where the similarities ended.

He waved and gave a small smile as he walked into the bistro and sat down, smiling at the waitress as he did.

"Hey" Scott was looking him up and down and Nick knew that the oversized sweatshirt would be dwarfing him and making him look smaller then he was.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" His brother looked back down at the menu and it hurt Nick that he didn't get so much as a smile from the older man. He hadn't expected much but something would have been encouraging.

"Better. I went for breakfast with some friends this morning and that's helped. I'm not going back to classes until Tuesday though" Scott nodded and they both fell silent until the waitress arrived. Nick decided to order some tea and a small dessert to calm his stomach, if he got a meal he would be expected to eat it, at least he could pick at the dessert and sip his tea.

Once the waitress left his brother looked him up and down again before speaking.

"Look Nick, you're 16, what you get up to in your dorm really isn't any of business…" He trailed off slightly and hushed his voice as he continued "but it becomes my business when I'm getting calls at all hours of the morning saying that you've gone postal and that I'm going to need to come down here to check on you"

Scott gave the waitress his dazzling Duval smile and she giggled slightly as she put there food down.

"You know I don't care who you want to have in your bed. Would it be easier if it were chicks? Yeah, but it's not and that isn't any of my concern but could you not keep it in your pants until your done school? Just until it's not my problem anymore? Or at least wear a condom. Dad went crazy when that nurse called and told him you had an STD check. Well actually I'm guessing he didn't wear a condom since I can't imagine you being the man, especially not with Jeff, he's the poster boy for all american teen. No doubt he wouldn't dream of submitting like that"

Nicks cheeks were flamed, so they did know who it was, or at least Scott did, although that might have been through deduction and not actually being told. He was praying his dad didn't know. Jeff was the younger son that he wanted, especially with Nick being named after him, he wanted a strong, football playing, manly son who would pass on the name Nicholas Duval to another strong, football playing, manly son. Not him.

He hated that bottoming was seen as bad thing, that it was seen as 'submitting' to someone and that he was less of a man for it. He had always pictured himself as a bottom since learning about sex and realising he was gay and it hurt him that it seemed like everybody else saw that as him being weak.

"Just promise me you'll tell him to wear a condom next time? I don't need a niece or nephew anytime soon and you don't need a disease. The rumours are bad enough and if people were to find out you were on your knees for a Sterling the family would never live it down. I like Jeff but they're nouve-riche Nick. Couldn't you spread your legs for a family that was a little more refined?Or a guy who there might be some chance of you fucking him and not being fucked? What would people say if they found out that you let someone do that to you Nick? You're as good as a girl as far as people are concerned and you know that a girl who doesn't wait for marriage in the circles Dad runs in are always talked about, that's what there going to say about you too. Just make sure you think of the family before begging to be fucked again okay?"

Nick was completely taken aback. He never would have expected Scott to be so forward, or degrading, in his speech.

"I didn't 'beg to be fucked' and I didn't know me having sex was anybodies business or that it would somehow bring shame to the family. I was only doing what you did at my age and I'm not apologising for that. I'll use protection in the future but only because its the right choice for me and not the family" Nick decided that the other parts of the argument weren't worth fighting over, Scott was right, his father ran with conservative republicans, to them he was a girl to be married off and look pretty, just like Jeff saw him. He wasn't going to be 'the man' in the relationship.

The rest of lunch went by uneventfully and Nick hadn't realised they had been sitting there for over 2 hours until Scott asked for the bill. He rolled his eyes as his brother flirted with the waitress and bitterly thought to himself that he'd probably get laid tonight and forget about her tomorrow because he was allowed do that as a 'man'

They walked out together and Scott left him with some parting words.

"I'll tell Mom and Dad everything is fine and not to bother coming down, and I'll tell the school I visited and you were fine, they weren't happy with me not coming in for a meeting but I don't have the time to miss a day of work tomorrow because you got scared that Mom and Dad knew you spread them for Sterling."

With that he got into his car and drove off with a slight wave, leaving Nick standing outside the bistro feeling cold and alone. It always hurt to be reminded how his family felt about him, especially when it was coming from his brother who he had looked up to when he was younger.

He got into his car and sent Lucas his food order for that evening, and asked if he wanted anything in the store. There was no point in heading back to Dalton straight away, he had over an hour and a half before he met up with Lucas and the less time he had to spend with Jeff in their dorm the better. Lucas replied soon after and interrupted his thinking.

Can you pick up some red vines and some soda? Whatever soda you prefer x - Lucas

Nick pulled out of the parking lot and drove to the nearest grocery store, he had been here a couple of time before and knew it wasn't somewhere to dwell if you were gay. It was too far from Dalton to be a regular hang out for the students but was close enough to Kurt's old school that their lettermen jackets were seen frequently here.

He grabbed what he needed and was queuing when he heard someone behind him.

"Hey isn't that one of this fags from Dalton that come to see that fairy from glee club?"

"I think you might be right dude." Nick tried his hardest not to shrink into himself too much and as he approached the teller she game him a sympathetic look.

"Yo fag? You know Kurt Hummel?" He continued to ignore them and took his stuff and left. he heard sniggering behind him and just as he reached his car and turned to get into the front a hard, cold wall him him in the face. He gasped and blinked wildly for a second to the sound of laughing

"Give that to him from us"

All he could hear was tyres screeching as he used the sleeves of the sweatshirt to wipe his eyes. He sighed and looked in his wing mirror, wincing at the red colour staining his skin. He sighed again as he climbed into the car, taking his wallet, keys and phone from his pocket so they wouldn't get wet. He drove back to Dalton, glad that he hadn't wasted any time in the store and would have time to shower quickly before meeting Lucas. He felt butterflies in his stomach but squished them down, it wouldn't do well to dwell on his feelings for Lucas, whatever they were.

He walked through the dorms as silently as possible, it wasn't unusual for people to still be asleep into Sunday afternoon and he didn't want to be rude. He walked past the Common room for his floor and heard a gasp.

"Nicholas Duval you stop right there!" Nick turned to look into the room and saw most of the Warblers sitting there. Why did it always seem like they were together lately? He felt like he couldn't catch a break to slink away.

"Oh hey…" He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck and avoided eye contact.

"What on earth happened to you?" Trent was standing, hand on hips, looking him directly in the eyes.

"I ran into some old classmates of Kurt's at the store. Seems they had a little message they wanted me to pass on. It's just a slushy" Kurt looked down at his lap and nick felt immense guilt for bringing up Kurt's old bullies.

"Jeff is going to be so furious when he finds out" Nicks head snapped up from where he had been examining the stain on the sweatshirt to look at Trent.

"Why would Jeff be furious? He's not the one who got a slushy facial" Trent looked around nervously, as if he hadn't meant to say that.

"Well just he was saying how you were going to meet your brother and then Lucas and that he was worried your brother would upset you or that maybe its not a good idea for you to go alone, or to be with Lucas alone and we were talking about it an-" Nick cut him off, his anger flaring. He was seeing red, and not just from the slushie.

"Wait a second, so you were talking about who I can spend my time with? So whats your expert opinion then? Since you all seem to think I can't make decisions about who I'm friends with, or you know if I should be alone with my brother. How many times has Kurt been slushied? hundreds? And nobodies saying he can't see his brother or go to a study session" Nick thought his outburst would relieve some anger but it didn't it only fuelled the fire.

He looked around the room, most of his friends at least had the decency to look sheepish, although some, mainly Hunter and Sebastian were still staring defiantly at him. He figured Hunter probably felt that way because of the altercation this morning. Nick hadn't realised quite how much the older boy must have hated Lucas. He left then and it wasn't until he had closed his dorm door that he realised Jeff wasn't there. He prayed that he could clean himself up and high tail it before the other boy returned.