Whatever It Takes

Chapter Forty Seven

Itachi whole heartedly laughed at Sasuke's reaction to the news of his pregnancy.

Sasuke glared at him slightly, telling Itachi to stop laughing. Rolling his eyes at his brother, he immediately touched his still flat belly, confused about everything, but easily remembering what Itachi had said.

His eyes switched to their red color and he concentrated, doing his best to calm his fast beating heart, and excited nerves at the thought. Itachi silently watched him, as Sasuke frowned and furrowed his eyes, concentrating hard. He curiously watched as Sasuke seemed to struggle with connecting with the child growing inside him.

It took a few minutes, a bit of frustration, but soon Sasuke's eyes widened, surprise taking over his scowl. Itachi smiled softly when he saw Sasuke smile as well.

"Our child," Sasuke whispered, feeling the healthy beat of a living being growing deep inside of him. This feeling was almost lost to words. Saying it felt warm and almost as if it was happy…safe, and sound were just words compare to how amazing it all truly was. Sasuke melted into that comfortable feeling before he froze with a scared look on his face when a sudden realization hit him, "Niisan…we could have lost our little one…." He whispered with dread.

Itachi sat up, burying his face into the crook of Sasuke's neck, his hand settling atop his. He had not known that Sasuke hadn't been aware of their child. He knew that they had failed to properly communicate and It could have been a lot worse than it was, "It scared me at the moment too. I couldn't live with myself if I lost both of you. Neji had to die for that reason." Itachi whispered, his hand tightening around Sasuke's hand. This right here—Sasuke and his child, were the most precious persons to him, the ones he wanted to protect the most.

Sasuke leaned into Itachi's warm touch, understanding now what thoughts had been running through his brother's mind when he had seen the Hyuuga over him like that. How Hyuuga had that blasted gun so close to him. How he could have not only hurt him, but the child sleeping inside of him. Whatever that sleeping serum was, could it have harmed—killed- their child…

Fuck…come to think of it, that Hyuuga had been running around manipulating a lot of the things going on in the palace. Sasuke had no doubt that the bastard might have a hand in messing with his food and drinks even before he was kicked out. Suddenly, it felt like he couldn't trust anyone other than Itachi. How close had their child been threatened with death even before that fight…

Sasuke turned into Itachi, burying his face into his chest. No negative thoughts, he needed to get that out of his head. None of that had happened, they were all safe. They just now had to get through the trials his uncle was going to be holding. But above that, he can only hope that Itachi was feeling better. Itachi blushed as Sasuke started to nuzzle in between his pecs. "How are you feeling?" Sasuke asked.

"Good…better than when I first woke up," Itachi answered truthfully.

Sasuke smiled, "Good," he yawned. "Can we sleep?"

Itachi worried now, "Are you getting proper rest here Sasuke? We can go back to our bedroom," he pulled Sasuke closer to him.

Sasuke groaned, not really wanting to get up. "It's okay, so long as you get better I can deal with it. I don't want to be apart from you."

Itachi sighed, looking around he spotted his shoes. He didn't really see a shirt for himself, but what did it mattered. He frowned when he didn't see any shoes for Sasuke. Standing up, he placed his own shoes on, and then reached to pick Sasuke up, bridal style. Sasuke gasped, moving to wrap his arms around Itachi's neck as his eyes snapped open. He looked up at Itachi with slight panic.

"Itachi, no…"

"It's alright Sasuke, I think the two of us will be much more comfortable in our bedroom. If we need anything we will send for Tsunade, okay?" He gently said, making it really sound like it was okay to leave the medical room. Sasuke hesitated for a moment, but then nodded, relaxing in Itachi's arms. Right, if they needed anything Tsunade wouldn't be that far away.

With that, they made their way back to their bedroom.

Itachi was glad that their return to their bedroom had been unadventurous. In fact, everything in the palace seemed oddly calm and silent with almost no one around. Once in their bedroom, Itachi locked the door and set Sasuke down on their bed. It seemed odd, how the bed looked like it hadn't been used by either of them in a long time. Really, he was sure it was just a few days.

Sasuke immediately rolled into their nest of blankets and pillows, stretching out before turning to reach for him. Itachi smiled, crawling right behind Sasuke, and allowing himself to be used as a pillow for his beloved.

Both of them sighed at the comfort and familiarity of the bed that was theirs and allowed sleep to take over.

"I can't believe you two!" Tsunade snapped as two freshly showered and changed ravens were called into her medical office. She had called for them when she saw that they were missing the night before, but Suigetsu and Juugo both denied her access to them. She had then complained to Minato about it, but he had said it was best to let them rest as they pleased and to check on them tomorrow.

So it wasn't until early morning that she was able to run a proper blood test and a physical for Itachi. Tsunade was glad to clear Itachi and found no traces of anything that could potentially continue to harm him. All results Sasuke was highly pleased with.

"We got tired of being in the medical room," Sasuke defended when the woman kept glaring at them over their departure.

Tsunade rolled her eyes and walked away from them, muttering something about how idiotic young people could be.

Both Itachi and Sasuke let her go. They had other problems to tackle.

One of them being that Itachi had to find out from Naruto that Sasuke had not been eating properly for the past few days. Sasuke had snapped at him that he didn't trust the food here, especially not now with what he had found out about himself. So, Itachi found himself going back to preparing meals for the both of them seeing as Sasuke refused to allow Itachi to eat otherwise as well.

It was like pulling teeth, but Itachi finally got Sasuke to confess the reason for his sudden distrust of the food that was prepared for the royal family. To say that Itachi was livid was an understatement. For Sasuke to fear that he couldn't trust that they might still have traitors, for Sasuke to feel unsafe… for Sasuke to say that he thought the Hyuuga might have actually used a sleeping serum on him when he had been here. It made Itachi want to revive the Hyuuga just so he could kill him again and again. How dare he… damn it Itachi just couldn't stand the idea that that man had ever been so close to his family.

Needless to say, Juugo and Suigetsu were charged with staying close to Sasuke. They gladly guarded Sasuke, and reported anything suspicious to Itachi. The only times they didn't stick around was when Itachi returned back to Sasuke.

Besides Sasuke finding it annoying, he was glad that everything was going back to normal, or as normal as things could be. Sasuke found that his uncle was once again being insistent about his marriage to Itachi. It wasn't so much that he minded, he couldn't wait to marry Itachi. In fact, he though the whole ceremony thing wasn't necessary, when it came down to it, he didn't care about decorations or celebrations so long as by the end of it Itachi would be his husband.

In fact, he was sure all of this was just to distract him and keep him busy.

Which only served to piss him off even more.

If anything, right now he wanted to know what was going to happen with the trials in regards to Neji and his followers. He had heard that Tenten was being interrogated, and Orochimaru had finally been found. The snake like man had come in refusing to speak, claiming that the king had no right to arrest him and bring him in. The man had been so loud and screaming that oddly he didn't seem like himself in the slightest. Sasuke had been amazed how his uncle didn't bat an eyelash and had Orochimaru locked away in extra heavy chains.

No one even dared move to question the king, nor stood up for Orochimaru. It had made him looked so betrayed by the knights he had thought had been his friends. Sasuke figured that it wasn't that anyone wouldn't stand up for him so much as it was the punishment his uncle had declared that everyone would be facing. Minato couldn't allow for people he counted as guards to be going behind his back and had set up a new training for them.

Anyone not happy with it was allowed to leave to serven another home.

Itachi was in the middle of it and not speaking about it to him. It made Sasuke feel like he was a child and being kept in the dark. He wanted to know what was going on and he wanted to be a part of the trials. He wanted to make sure that they were all punished! He wanted Itachi to treat him like an equal and let him stand at his side. He hated that he didn't know anything that was going on behind the closed doors.

It reminded him once again that he and Itachi had a miscommunication problem. One Sasuke wanted to address and quick, before they got married. That was the plan he had set up for when Itachi came to their room that night.

Earlier that day he had sat with Naruto and heard him whine about how sometimes Kyuubi didn't come to bed until very late, when the night was waning into morning already. Naruto had mentioned that it was tough because he'd gotten used to having Kyuubi beside him while he slept, but that the two of them understood and discussed how they could minimize avoiding bed time together.

But right now as they prepared for the trials, it seemed like Minato wanted Kyuubi's input as they went through all the legal jargon and set up for who would be the judge. As much as you'd want things to go by fast, this took time and patience.

Sasuke feared that would follow his relationship with Itachi. He had come to expect his fiancée to return back to him at nightfall a few hours after dinner. Dinner that right now he wasn't sharing with Itachi because even if he was feeding him, he was not sitting down to have his own dinner. Sasuke could only assume that Itachi did that so that he wouldn't return back to bed late.

Tonight they would talk about it.

He already decided he was going to be tough on Itachi, and not let him get away with distracting him. He wanted to make sure that the two of them communicated properly and that Itachi would not leave him out in the dark. Because the way he was seeing it, Kyuubi did the same with Naruto, the only difference was that if Naruto decided to ask about it, Kyuubi would explain it all.

But not Itachi, ever since the very beginning Sasuke knew the man could keep a secret and was phenomenal at getting his way.

That was why Itachi found himself facing an angry Sasuke the very moment that he entered their bedroom. The raven haired prince was standing by the bathroom door, arms crossed, and a glare on his adorable face. He seemed to only be wearing a white baggy shirt that Itachi was sure was his, and one side of that shirt was tucked into black short shorts.

The sight of his fiancée was both tempting and terrifying all in one.

Itachi moved carefully as he fully came into the room, locking the door behind him. There was something about Sasuke that made Itachi hesitate, even more so when Sasuke spoke to him in a very stern and icy tone.

"Itachi, we need to talk," Sasuke immediately said, gesturing towards the bathroom. Itachi raised an eyebrow and made his way over. "Go shower first," Sasuke commanded, his nose scrunching up cutely almost seeming like he didn't care for whom Itachi had been around with. All he wanted was for Itachi to be clean before coming around him.

Itachi paused in front of Sasuke, slowly reaching for him. Sasuke took a step back, narrowing his eyes. No, he couldn't let Itachi touch him right now. It would just make him crumble and fall into his arms like usual. Sasuke had to remind himself to be strong on this. That was why he had already showered, brushed his teeth, and ready for bed.

No temptation!

"You won't join me?" Itachi whispered, and Sasuke flushed shaking his head, damn Itachi was trying to tempt him. Itachi watched as Sasuke stepped farther away from him. "What's wrong Sasuke?"

"Just go shower first, we will talk about it when you get out," Sasuke said, dodging his fiancée and leaving to go settle into the bed. Itachi watched him for a moment, concerned with the way Sasuke was acting, before heading into the bathroom to go shower and brush his teeth. He didn't take too long, and came back out quickly only wearing baggy sweat pants as he made his way over to the bed, eager to find out what was running through Sasuke's head.

Sasuke finally smiled at him, patting the space beside him and Itachi didn't hesitate to crawl in beside him.

When he leaned in to try and kiss Sasuke's cheek, his hand covered his mouth. Sasuke smirked at him, shaking his head. "Not yet," he whispered.

Itachi quirked an eyebrow, "Okay, what did you want to talk about?" he asked just as softly. Sasuke sighed, keeping his hand on Itachi's cheek just in case he tried to move in and kiss him again. He held back another smile when he felt Itachi lean into his hand, nuzzling his palm.

"Remember when you asked me to go ahead and trust you?" Sasuke asked. Itachi nodded, he could remember just about everything he had ever told Sasuke. "Well, how can I trust you when you hide things from me? You won't even let me come close to the trials. You never tell me what you are thinking. I don't want to be kept in the dark from your thoughts and feelings." Sasuke sighed with frustration. "I want to be equal to you, to stand at your side! I don't want to get married if we don't have that. We will have to work it out. You're to be my husband Itachi! I want to be the one you trust most, the one you come to for anything…" Sasuke trailed off, eyes shut as he tried to control himself from being too emotional.

Itachi silently watched Sasuke, shocked slightly by his words. He could see right now how he might have been alienating Sasuke from everything that was going on. He had rationalized it that it was better if Sasuke had less stress placed on himself because of his pregnancy, but it seems like he had burdened his little brother more than he had ever expected by not telling him what was going on. He could clearly see how all of this was bothering him, and the last thing he wanted was for Sasuke to doubt their relationship. "I think we can do that, if you too were to keep being this honest with me," Itachi said.

Sasuke gasped, turning to look at Itachi with shock. "Itachi…I"

"You hid from me your feelings and thoughts, you confided that on Suigetsu because I guess the two of you are close, but the problem was between you and me. This had to do with our child and because we couldn't communicate that, the danger placed on our child could have been a lot worse than how things went…" Itachi reached for Sasuke's hand, intertwining their fingers. "Thank you for telling me that I am at fault of doing this too, and I'm sure if we both try we can become more open with each other."

Sasuke lowered his head. If he thought about it, he had done the same as Itachi. The two of them had a wall between them that the two had not acknowledged ever since they had been reunited. "I'm sorry, I was scared. I was so excited that we could be having a kid, and when I took the test and it came back negative I thought it was not possible. I thought that I was going crazy and I didn't want to tell you because my heart was breaking and I didn't want you to feel that as well…"

Itachi tightened his hold just slightly as he listened to his lover. "I understand Sasuke, I am not blaming you for hiding that from me. You didn't fully hide it from me, you did rely your thoughts to me before that, but you wouldn't have hurt me. If anything, finding comfort in each other is the reason we share our hardships." Itachi used Sasuke's hand on his cheek to pull him closer. "I want to be able to comfort you if you are ever feeling hurt, and I want to try and make it better."

Sasuke nodded his head, "Okay, I'll tell you everything from now on." The two took a moment to find solace in each other. It was hard right now to admit both of them had not been fully honest with the other. But they were willing to change that.

"You know, I'm so used to looking at things objectively and keeping my thoughts to myself. You'll have to keep calling me out on that I'm afraid, but I will make an effort to include you more in my thoughts if that is what you want." Itachi said.

Sasuke nodded his head, "I want us to get closer," Sasuke murmured, leaning his head on Itachi's shoulder. Itachi sighed, and smiled at Sasuke. He could recall when Sasuke wouldn't hesitate to say some of his most personal thoughts. Age always made you become a bit more conscious about how you expressed yourself, but right here this moment was where they could tare down that wall standing in between them.

With time and patience for each other.

"Okay," Itachi agreed. He already knew that despite everything that they had gone through and even sharing their bodies, that wasn't enough to make them close. It had been a while since they had last been able to just be together, and with that thought came an idea. "How about you and I go out on a date," Itachi offered, "Get away from all of this for a while,"

Sasuke looked up at Itachi in slight awe, "A date, where?" he asked.

Itachi shrugged, "Let's go out to the village, like we did before." Sasuke smiled, and nodded his head. He could remember a lot of the moments he had shared with Itachi in the past, and found himself wanting to do so again.

"Okay, it's a date." Sasuke grinned, he then smirked, "now tell me about the case," The boy eagerly turned to him, eyes shining. Itachi groaned, dropping back into their pillows. Sasuke followed after, getting half on top of him and giving him an expectant look. "I know you said that I might have to remind you to open up, but I don't want to always have to be asking you about things Itachi. I want you to make an effort into telling me things too!"

Itachi smirked at that, flipping them over so that he was the one on top. "Are you sure you can handle everything I would ever want to tell you Sasuke?" Itachi asked with a mischievous look on his face. It made Sasuke shiver with anticipation, because that look promised pleasure.

"Yes!" Sasuke threw his arms around Itachi, pulling him down completely on him. "Please, I want your everything,"

Itachi chuckled, flipping them again so they were laying side by side, his arms hugging Sasuke close to him. He pulled Sasuke leg to rest over his hip, pressing his arousal against Sasuke's. The boy moaned, squirming against him. Itachi locked his eyes with Sasuke, watching how they hazed over with pleasure, his face flushed completely and the expressions he made of raw passion were driving him over the edge of his sanity.

Itachi halted his movements, allowing Sasuke to continue and set the pace for the both of them. Sasuke growled as realization suddenly hit him.

"You better not be trying to distract me,"

"I'm not," Itachi whispered, carefully watching the way Sasuke sighed and writhed against him, "Could it be you're worried about the outcome to the trials?" he softly asked.

"You know I am, we killed that bastard," Sasuke halted all movement. He really didn't want to think of that man while he was feeling pleasure. His hands moved to grip Itachi's biceps, "Please tell me I can attend,"

Itachi sighed, running his fingers through Sasuke's hair, "Yes you can, I'll make sure you are by my side when the trials run. They will be next week. Your uncle is expecting the Hyuuga to arrive by then. Orochimaru was also very vocal about his involvement. Your uncle is furious with what he's heard from both him and Tenten," Itachi chuckled evilly making Sasuke look at him in awe.

"I love that expression on you, so evil," Sasuke smirked.

"Hm, does it make me look like a villain?" Itachi asked playfully.

"Yes, a very twisted evil villain," Sasuke chuckled, nuzzling their noses together. "So what did they say that got my uncle's panties in a twist?"

"Well when your uncle told Tenten that Neji was nowhere to be found and I guess she realized that he wasn't going to be coming back for her. She readily confessed that Neji manipulated Orochimaru with Kabuto's death. It turns out Neji seduced Kidomaru and convinced him to kill Kabuto," Itachi made a face. Sasuke scowled.

"So that bastard was also manipulating guards in the palace?" Sasuke asked angrily. Itachi nodded his head.

"We have gathered up all that would benefit from this, and they have acted like they regret following Neji, but other than that it seemed the only one who was really under Neji's loyalty had been Kidomaru. That was why he had pretended to be crazy in order to face a lighter sentence. Either way, your uncle has locked away those guards now and they are also waiting to face trial." Itachi shrugged, knowing that there was only so much that could be done right now.

"If that is so why was Kidomaru killed?" Sasuke asked, confused.

"When Tenten released Kidomaru he had hoped he could return to Neji, causing her to kill him." Itachi said.

"Neji was planning to kidnap me, and if Kidomaru was on his side it makes no sense why she would kill him…" Sasuke muttered, not yet placing the pieces together.

"Well you see, when Neji told Orochimaru that he knew who had killed his beloved Kabuto, he said he would tell him who it was, if he handed the key to the cells and gate to Tenten. She used those keys to lure Kidomaru out because Neji had wanted that. It was in their agreement, but she was jealous," Itachi explained, enough for it to click in Sasuke's mind.

"Don't tell me she is in love with Neji," Sasuke deadpanned. There was no mistake as Itachi nodded in the affirmative. "Oh man, this is all so twisted," Sasuke muttered, sighing heavily.

"If you ask me, I'd say Neji knew he had some charisma and was able to make just about anyone fall in love with him. And then he met you, someone who wouldn't fall for his charms no matter how hard he tried and well, he got a thrill of it," Itachi speculated, even though he wasn't sure if that was true or not. Still it made sense with the way that the Hyuuga had come so hard time and again when it came to Sasuke.

Sasuke traced his fingers over Itachi's chest, "So, don't tell me, because Neji was so wrapped up in his ideals he couldn't see her love for him and in her own rage, she killed Kidomaru out of jealousy when Kidomaru confessed to be having a love affair with Neji." Sasuke said it like it was fact. Itachi nodded his head confirming his thoughts.

"Yes, but despite that set back, she was loyal to him even to the end. She was to use the gate keys to let Neji and his guards in once everyone was asleep, which was why Lee was needed to sneak in the sleeping serum,"

"But she had to know that Neji was here to kidnap me," Sasuke glared, "If she was so in love with him why would she allow that to happen? Why not target and try to kill me herself?"

Itachi caressed Sasuke's cheek, thinking his little brother was so silly. He didn't like him talking about how someone should hurt him, but he understood where Sasuke was coming from. "Because love doesn't follow a straight path of logic, Sasuke. She made her decision that if she couldn't have him, then she would give him that which he wanted the most—you. She said no one else would do."

"I don't get it," Sasuke scoffed. "Why not try to tell him her feelings and get him to fall for her instead?"

"She realized that he would never love her, so she pretended to be happy and strong just for him. The love she was reaching for was impossible and would never come true, so she crushed everything inside herself," Itachi simply said what she had said, because there was nothing else really he could say towards her actions. When she had said it, he had understood what she meant because back then he would have stepped aside to let Sasuke be happy with whom he wanted.

"That's so stupid!" Sasuke interjected, "If you never confess how is that person ever supposed to know what you feel! How can you ever hope to move on if you don't at least face rejection?"

"Sometimes burdening a person with your feelings is the last thing you want to do, especially when that person already said they loved someone else. You try to wish them happiness and see them live in that happiness." Itachi softly explained. Feelings and reasons why people did things sometimes didn't make sense and that's just how the world turned.

Sasuke was frustrated with that response. It made no sense to him, mainly because when it came to his feelings for Itachi he couldn't help but be open about them. Well, that is once he accepted his feelings, he did in his endeavor to make Itachi his. He felt that because he had tried he had earned Itachi's feelings in return…but then he had to consider what he knew. He knew Suigetsu was facing a similar situation, and for Suigetsu things had not worked out. "How painful," he whispered, pressing closer to Itachi.

Itachi kissed his forehead, his nose, and then his lips. "Love isn't always easy," he whispered, caressing Sasuke's cheek, relishing the soft skin under his thumb. Sasuke leaned into the touch, seeking Itachi's warmth and comfort.

No, love wasn't always easy, but it sure as hell made Sasuke thankful that he had Itachi and was able to share his love with him and vice versa. Even with small troubles, Itachi was patient enough to take the time to listen to him. Sasuke found that he was ready to put in equal work to make sure that the two of them worked out together.

Sasuke smiled, he was lucky. Itachi's love was so full and warm that he could feel it with every look and touch. He could hear it in all his words, his brother was truly amazing and he felt like a starved man latching onto that love.

It made him wonder how Itachi thought about his love… and so he asked him.

"All consuming," Itachi whispered, like an evil confession, making Sasuke's heart skip and left him breathless. "It feels like you'll swallow all of me, because you're like the black hole of my universe," Sasuke swallowed hard, taking in Itachi's words.

Itachi's stare was so intense, Sasuke shivered with arousal as he got lost in that gaze. A smirk came over his lips as he teasingly said, "Is that you trying to seduce me niisan…" Sasuke rolled his hips against Itachi to show him how turned on he was, "Because I know of another hole that is all consuming and is begging to swallow all of you,"

"Fuck," Itachi cursed, amazed at how Sasuke had twisted his innocent words. His hands moved over Sasuke's hips, trying to keep his eager Otouto steady before he drove him completely to the brink of no return. Sasuke on the other hand shivered at the sound of his aniki cursing. "Who taught you to flirt like that?" he asked. This is what they weren't coming to terms yet. Sasuke was definitely a lot more knowledgeable now then when he had first left.

Someone had corrupted the innocence from him. Sasuke was no longer a boy really, he was now a man and Itachi found himself fusing both his past Sasuke and his present Sasuke into who he was now.

"Deidara has come in handy in getting certain information," Sasuke chuckled, moving his hips over Itachi's once more, fighting against those hands that were squeezing him. Both gasped as their dicks brushed against each other.

"Damn him," Itachi cursed again.

"Stop thinking about him, only think of me while doing this!" Sasuke hissed into Itachi's ear, breathy and so sexy. Itachi closed his eyes, moving with his brother as the two of them desperately dried humped each other into completion.

Sasuke arched so deliciously against him as he spilled into his shorts making Itachi clench his hands around his ass, pulling him closer as the sight of his baby brother coming undone had him reaching completion as well.

Itachi groaned as he felt himself spill into his pants.

The two of them panted hard, trying to catch their breath, but also knowing that they were not where near done with each other.

Itachi's fingers flexed into the thin material of Sasuke's shorts, tugging at them desperately. Sasuke moaned, twisting so that he could help him push the damn shorts down his legs. They both cursed when they got caught on Sasuke's thighs, making Itachi turn them so Sasuke was under him, flipping him so that his back was facing him, his fingers finding themselves between Sasuke's legs, spreading him. Sasuke pushed his ass up in the air, eagerly seeking that touch, purring when they pressed into his perineum.

Deft fingers then circled his puckered hole while Itachi sucked on the skin of his neck, and shoulder, whispering to him everything that he wanted to do to him. His face was burning, his heart beating fast as he could feel Itachi's fingers searching, massaging his walls until they found his sweet spot. Sasuke gasped, finding himself becoming even more desperate with every word that dropped from Itachi's lips.

"Itachi, I need you," Sasuke whimpered.

"You're almost ready, just a bit more," Itachi kissed his ear.

Sasuke pushed back against the intruding fingers as his hole was stretched with a third finger, and prepared for what was to come. Groaning, Sasuke reached his hand back to Itachi, turning slightly, and forcing Itachi to remove his fingers from inside him. "I want to look at you while you fuck me," he breathlessly moaned, hooking a finger into his shorts he pushed them past his thighs. Itachi let him turn around, growling when Sasuke finally kicked off his short, and shamelessly spread his legs allowing him to sink himself against him closely.

Itachi reached for Sasuke's shirt when it fell over his straining cock, and pushed it up, slowly and teasing. He smirked when Sasuke impatiently sat up, dragging the rest of the shirt over his head and tossing it somewhere behind them. He ignored the glare shot his way, dipping his head in time to capture a pert nipple, suckling on the tender flesh.

Sasuke threw his head back, enjoying the wet warmth of Itachi's mouth on him. The pleasure he felt as Itachi's fingers moved to play with his other nipple was like an electric current and it all went down to his dick. Itachi guided him to lay back down over their pillows, his hands grasping his hips closer to him. Kissing up Sasuke's chest, he finally locked his lips with his.

Itachi reached for the hem of his sweatpants, allowing them to slide down past his hips, releasing his hard cock and allowed it to caress against Sasuke's. Sasuke shivered, arching his back, his legs moving to wrap over Itachi's hips.

Itachi struggled to align himself with Sasuke's waiting hole.

It was tough, seeing as the two of them were so tangled in each other, and so unwilling to let the other get to far away. Somehow, Itachi managed it, entering Sasuke languidly and smoothly. Sasuke threw his head back, breaking the kiss and releasing a soft gasp as he was filled to the brim. "Deeper," he murmured, not satisfied until Itachi was fully seated inside of him.

Itachi struggled with himself, as always Sasuke was tight around him. Suffocating, squeezing him deliciously, wrapped around him lovingly. Fuck, he felt like a damn pervert because now a days doing this with Sasuke was at the top priority of his thoughts. Getting to feel all of Sasuke wrapped so warmly around him was definitely his new addiction.

He could never go back to never being this connected with Sasuke.

He carefully watched Sasuke's face, committing all his expressions to memory. Sasuke still easily expressed himself even if now he was a bit more careful when in public. They had been separated for two years, and the two of them had faced new changes that had come with that separation. They were getting to know each other, maybe moving a bit fast with the circumstances they were currently wrapped in right now, but there were no regrets about it on either side.

Sasuke gasping for him to move, his body so open under him, so responsive and willing- no there were no regrets at all. "Sasuke," he whispered, pulling out slightly, before pushing back inside. Long, deliberate, to the hilt, and filling Sasuke deeply. Sasuke pushed back eagerly to meet him all the way, crying out every time he hit his special spot.

"Itachi, Itachi, Itachi" Itachi buried his face into the crook of Sasuke's neck, relishing the way his name fell from Sasuke's lips like a prayer.

"Otouto, you're so tight. It's suffocating me, you feel so wonderful." Itachi breathed into Sasuke's ear, causing Sasuke to turn tomato red. Sasuke shivered, opening his eyes as he turned to try and face Itachi. His voice, so low and husky, whispered into his ear was getting him even more turned on than he thought he could ever be. His arms came to hug Itachi around his neck, closing his eyes once more when Itachi picked up the speed. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, and his toes curled.

"Itachi!" he cried. "Niisan you fill me up so good, don't ever stop!" he gasped right into Itachi's ear.

Itachi turned to capture his little brother's mouth in a soul searing kiss.

The two of them continued to move against each other, their movements fast and frantic as they chased their release. The way Sasuke moved his hips to meet Itachi's thrusts made the elder feel so delirious. Both of them refused to break the kiss, as Itachi moved to hook his arm under the bend of Sasuke's knee, pushing it towards Sasuke's chest. It allowed him to go in deeper, hitting Sasuke to his breaking point. His other hand moved to stroke Sasuke's hard cock in time with his thrusts, his hand gentle yet firm as he jerked Sasuke off.

"I'm cumming!" Sasuke suddenly screamed. It was too much! Breaking away from their wet kiss and clinging harshly onto Itachi, Sasuke exploded, spilling his hot cum over both their bellies. Itachi cried as Sasuke's walls clamped down on him so hard his own release was milked out of him.

"Sasuke," he managed as he spilled hard, coming deep inside of Sasuke.

Itachi had to catch his breath, barely holding himself over Sasuke so he wouldn't crush him. His body remained tense, the sparks of his release still running through him like aftershocks. Taking a few deep breaths, he finally collapsed beside Sasuke in the bed, pulling Sasuke with him as his little brother was still clinging to him tight. Itachi sighed in disappointment as he slipped out of Sasuke's tight hole.

Sasuke whimpered, trembling as pleasure ran rampant through his body. He didn't want to lose contact with Itachi, his soft dick immediately found itself squished against Itachi's own spent cock. Sasuke's face nuzzled into Itachi's neck, murmuring all his love for him while planting soft kisses of his own. Itachi groaned, his hand moving over Sasuke's back to help his lover calm down from his high, whispering his own words of love in return.

It wasn't enough.

Itachi soon captured Sasuke's loving mouth with his, flipping them over once more. Sasuke eagerly kissed back, pulling Itachi as close as possible.

Before too long, the two of them were at it again, making love throughout the night.

Um yes guys you will get to meet ItaSasu baby patience :) we got some stuff to get through first XD

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if you'd like drop me a review.